Jow Forums BTFO!
Jow Forums BTFO!
so buying the red hats, bleach and rope was for training?.......of course.....silly the police thought he staged it..
fuck off.
Even if that were true, explain literally everything else (video buying stuff and in area of incident, in contact before and after the “hate crime”, etc.). You are the flat earther of this situation.
Inb4 100 post thread
The brothers turned on him, does he really think we wont take the word of 2 African men? It would be racist for us to not believe these black gentleman after all, wont want to put 2 more good boys in jail would we? Lets not be racist this one time Jow Forums and lets believe the 2 black men
We will never really know what happened, just like the OJ trial
But they're heterosexuals, quit being homophobic.
I believe the black card beats the fag card
He paid them to fuck him in the ass
What about the black fag card?
What about the card fag black?
Nutrition plan: Eat subway at 2am
OJ’s son did it, OJ took the fall for him. OJ dindu muffins and there was a witness to this story, a PI was sitting in the street and watched the kid go in
He gave them a cheque which they had not yet cashed, they are correct on a technicality
You brits spell check funny
>nutrition advice
lmao that nigger is guilty
>sources connected to
You have to try harder
What aboutt he black fag kike card?
It’s check you wannabe French retard
Who ever said he paid "BROTHER"? The headline doesn't even make sense.
no, you learn to spell ya knob
not even going to link the obvious clickbait/fake and gay article? come on.
That is not what the brothers say. Face it, it was all a plot by auntie Kamala get publicity for her stalled anti-lynching bill.
truth ^
why cant lynching just be legal, leave us alone guberment ;-;
Defeat us in a war and you can decide correct spelling
>clintons team used an app called bleachbit, they did not use a corrosive acid
>BREAKING NEWS: jussie didn't pay 3500$ to fake an attack on him
>it was 4000$
i'd stage a nigger lynching for a 24 hour subway in town
Was a subway sandwich at 2am part of the nutrition plan
Fuck off
It worked for Jarred!
> believing anything else that faggot kike nigger has to say
It's TMZ who reported the story 1st
I don't believe he did not faked the attack but stop the hypocrisy please
>sources say
Then it must be true!
TFW there's 4 days left to add Obama
Somebody at TMZ is in on the hoax.
>Somebody at TMZ is in on the hoax.
What do you mean? It's kinda TMZ fault the faggot got assblasted
What the fuck are you talking about? The guy's a nigger, AND a fag. Plus, he was in a show featuring nothing but jigaboos. Plus, he's a well known commie jizz guzzling Che wannabe. Total waste of oxygen and guilty as shit.
>sources connect to the case said
Thats only a valid source for Jow Forums for propaganda about a China, Venezuela, Iran and whatever country Neo-Cohens currently target
jussie admitted to it you faggot.
i love watching democrat nominees steal the democratic solcialist banner from their precious independent bernie.
Lel, add something about forced subsidization of insurance companies.
It doesn't matter. One of the Nigerians was selling Jussie drugs.
look at how far his mouth protrudes from his face
>gay men doing drugs
>nigerian gym rats selling drugs
No I don't believe it.
Black people hate fags.
Still not going to help with the federal mail fraud anthrax hoax charges.
Lol. Gutfeld was talking about it. Apparently he sold him MDMA.
Black people have the second largest number of LGBT people behind only the Jews.
>gay black man doesn't pay his black actors
>black and unpaid
sounds like slavery to me
>for 5 weeks
So what youre saying is, they did it for free?
>our sources say
so they did it for free?
like real life jannies?
Boy those black Nigerians are soo fucking smart to pull the wool of the eyes of a least a dozen CPD detectives.
molly deal gone bad and the pair set him up with the political b/s. everything the press said is a lie
prove me worng
That bit by Barkley was funnier than any late show of the last three years.
Seriously this mother fucker is next level retarded. Doesn't every single person in this country learn when they're like four that if you fuck with the mail the government rapes your face?
Yea, given all the ancillary evidence, this is a pretty weak defense.
They are merely priming the pump for their lawyer's last-gasp attempt at defense.
This nonsensical story is aimed directly at those who desperately WANT to believe it, and will grasp at straws like a dying man grasps at a life-ring.
>Our Sources
>our sources
"Claim: Actor plays men $3,500 to stage fake attack.
Status: False
Truth: Actor actually paid the men $3,500 each, which equals $7,000, not $3,500."
Imagine justing one's own life so hard for literally no reason.
>Exclusive interview with justies $5000/hour defense lawyer reveals........
this is why they turned on him, nutritionists and trainers get pissed when you don't follow their meal plan
>sources connected to tmz
I thought it was for mdma
In all fairness i don’t think that’s what the brothers said. Check out that video of their lawyer, she was asked about that check being for the mugging or notand she kind of said no to that question. She also said that Smollett needs to come clean with everything but it seems like money was not for the hoax
"sources connected to the case.."
Yea, ok. I'll believe the CPD and the grand jury testimony the brothers gave instead...
>according to some sources
>Jewish mother (Suzanne Shepherd) meets him and asks about his supposed half-Jewish heritage. Good-looking Henry answers: "Just the good half."
I would be interested to know when the Nigerians bought their plane tickets to fly back to Nigeria for two weeks. Hard to provide $600 a week worth of personal training from another continent.
>jussie admitted to it you faggot.
No he didn't.
They testified before a grand jury and specifically stated the payment was for the attack.
Idk about that, the lawyer representing the brothers was asked that specifically and she was like “there was a check but it’s not part of the narrative that’s how there”. I mean the narrative that’s how there is they were paid for the hoax. And it Seemed like she was pointing to NO on that. But she wouldn’t clarify she ended questions after that
This story makes no denial that Smollett staged the attack with them.
Just how many years did it take them to indict R Kelly? That story with CP video was like 15 years ago?
Yes. You know what i really really hope is that they get him on the federal charges for sending that fake letter. He is SO fucked if the Feds can prove that against him. Fuck the hoax it self and the check that he may or may not have written for the “attack”. He’s a celebrity and with a slick lawyer i guarantee he only does like a year or 2 for that. But those fed charges guarantee a nice long stay at a federal pound me in the ass prison.
Anytime niggers come in and buy masks, the police should be instantly called
"Our sources say...."
>didn’t pay for attack
He paid them to go away after the attack.
>(((Our sources)))
You type like a baboon.
Fake news