The fractional reserve, fiat currency, debt based money system is the ROOT cause of all the worlds problems.

Give links or images or stats I can use to redpill normal fags and boomers.

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Leviticus 25:36-37
Do not take interest or any profit from them, but fear your God, so that they may continue to live among you. You must not lend them money at interest or sell them food at a profit.

The Hidden Secrets Of Money









Part 9:

Part 10:

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Gold has been valuable to societies all over the earth for 1000s of years. This reason alone makes gold valuable - because it has 1000s of years of reliability. There were no iPhones or tech in medieval times yet gold was valuable. As long as the aristocracy values gold - its valuable.

Money HAS TO BE:
>Intrinsically valuable

time and time again people try to replace real money with something else and it fails every time, and what are those people forced to revert back to? GOLD
Gold is the ONLY substance (along with silver) that has ALL the properties needed and meets all the requirements to be defined as money.

It is these properties that gives gold INTRINSIC value.

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Before the creation of the Fed Reserve the US had 8 depressions. Since its creation the US has had 16 depressions including the worst in history

>This reason alone makes gold valuable
Not how it works. Shells were valuable for a long time too.
>Money HAS TO BE:
Gold fails several of those.

The only way to escape from the bonds of the Jewish owned and led banking cartels is to live as the early Christians did in the Bible. They lived in communes together, selling all that they owned and sharing that wealth among each other, all looking out for one another. Where do you think the word communism was derived?
Of course, the Jews corrupted communism to make it appear as an atheistic scam that steals everything from the poor, making an enemy out of the US, who were pushed even further into the depths of materialism and capitalism, and firmly within the clutches of this debt based system, built upon the back of usury.
No modern communists wish to live like the early Christians because they're atheist, and no modern Christians want to live like that because it's communism, which kills people.
As it is, most people in the Western world will have no choice but to comply when they demand that people take the Mark. They have set up the western world to worship money over God, and they will lose their forgiveness.
I think I'm gonna start praying again, mates.


Crypto is unironically the future. It may not be bitcoin but for the first time in human history, we have free competition in money that is transferable instantaneously without the need of a middle man.

> this kills the central bank

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This. Anyone on this board who engages in kike usury is a hypocrite. Student loan, mortgages, car loans

You can't get rid of the system. Every aspect of humanity from the biggest corporation, to the lowest nigger in the african desert is tied in. The only free people are those cannibal tribes who kill anyone who gets too close. If you abandon the system, you're dead to society. You're a bum. People ignore you, some kill you, police harass/arrest you, business won't hire you, and if you dare speak word about how fucked this monetary system is, you're just that crazy guy down the block who'll probably freeze to death when winter comes, or drink yourself to death.


>Gold is the ONLY
you can't be this dense.

it also seems to kill kikes and boomers who have bought alot of gold

baloney maloney is based

Imagine that Bob lends Harry $100, Harry lends Fred $100, and Fred lends Bob $100. They each spend the money on beer, and charge 10% interest in the form of a deferred fee. The contracts attempt to entitle each of them to an additional $10 – for a total of $30. This $30 worth of new financial entitlements on the books is not connected to anything ontologically real. The 2008 financial crisis was the result of a usurious network of real estate loans and ultimately circular insurance-like schemes which created this kind of ‘fake’ wealth. All usurious lending involves the creation of fake wealth.

Usury involves treating people (subjects) as things (objects), because it involves purchasing “Bob owes me principal and interest” as opposed to purchasing shares in that project there or that bundle of assets there, distinct from particular persons. The most extreme form of treating persons as property is chattel slavery. Usury is in the same moral genus as slavery.


Watched the first one...great vid
9 more though you mudda fucker..

Communism only works in communities no bigger than the average household

It works until there are more people than single jobs.

non-anglo babble

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>Not how it works.
Its absolutely how it works. According to the nature of reality. Theres 1000s of years of situations throughout history that shows people have to resort to gold and silver for settlement as they are the only things that qualify.

Today, the base level settlement of anything is gold. Thats why nations still want gold.

>Gold fails several of those.
So say which kiddo

What else?

Just because something has had value in the past doesn't mean it deserves to forever be considered valuable. Nations want it now because it's worth a lot of real money.
>So say which kiddo
It's not easily transferable, certainly not easily divisible (like any metal). It has no intrinsic value. Nowadays it isn't necessarily recognisable. You can cut it quite a bit and have people still think it's solid gold.
And then with all of these, it starts to lose fungibility.
It's just yellow metal, and unless you're making luxury items, it holds little practical purpose.

Yeah man. 4 or 5 is particularly good

>because it's worth a lot of real money.

.................................................................thats what Im saying.....................................?

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Ah, sorry, thought you were one of those retards who thought gold was real money and nothing else was. My bad, bro.

I hand you some gold. Its transferred.
I cut a bit off. Its divided
>It has no intrinsic value.
I explained this in a way that ANYONE could nderstand. Its about the PROPERTIES of gold and silver. If you dont understand what "intrinsic value" means after that, then no one can help you.
>it isn't necessarily recognisable
Is easy to distinguish fake from real gold.
>You can cut it quite a bit and have people still think it's solid gold.
I dont know what this means?
>it starts to lose fungibility.
Its not a sliding scale kid. Its either fungible or not. And gold has been for 1000s of years.
>It's just yellow metal,
right - the ONLY yellow metal.
> little practical purpose.
the practical purpose is to be money. Due to its properties that are unique to gold and silver

I think this thread is above you kid. Go outside

Thats a great link. Thanks

>I hand you some gold. Its transferred.
Overseas? You're going to need some kind of fiat to account for the transfer unless we're literally posting it.
>Its about the PROPERTIES of gold and silver
Yea, they're great. But they hold no more intrinsic value than lead. Just because they're nice doesn't make them worth much, or possess an intrinsic value.
>Is easy to distinguish fake from real gold.
Depends on how you're using it. There's really not enough to go around to everyone, so you're going to have to cut it. Then it gets easier to fake. And it only has to be faked for a little bit to get away with it.
>I dont know what this means?
Alloys. As in, not everything is 24 carat.
> Its either fungible or not
Fungibility refers to pure amounts. Again, that won't work. There's not enough to go around, so you're going to have to do a lot of messing with it.
> the ONLY yellow metal.
So? If you're wanting a yellow metal, then it's your girl. But if you want anything else, then it's just going to slow you down. Kinda why the world has moved past it.
>the practical purpose is to be money.
That's not a practical purpose. There are many other things which do it better. The practical purpose it possesses is conductivity (but there are more readily available alternatives) and luxury goods.

Tl;dr, it's an inefficient transfer medium.

>Due to its properties that are unique
the only property is scarcity. not taking into account the potential of gold to exist in asteroids that keep pelting earth.

So.. Everyone

The question is. how much % in interest does US pay on that debt?
That's when you know if it's too much or not.
I'd be 100x in debt too if I only had to pay 1 or 2% interest on it.

A fair and balanced video on the theory that Trump is in a secret society mystery school..
>is trump a mason???
>is trump a member of Plus Ultra?

Find out here

Bonus Based live stream with great live callers
Stay true to yourselves and fuck subversive Mods, Jannies and Jews

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Remember when that asteroid hit the earth that contained a fuckton of gold and gold became worthless?
Yeah - its NEVER happened. EVER. If youre worried about something that has NEVER EVER HAPPENED, you're likely retarded

Central Happenings network.
Im a fan

Do you have any kind of insurance?

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You can transfer gold overseas. and your item has to travel overseas too. So why are you worried about the gold but not the thing you bought?
>they hold no more intrinsic value than lead.
No. Lead does NOT have the necessary properties to be money. Its fucking poisonous for starters. And if it was good or money, it would have 1000s of years of history of being used as money.
>Just because they're nice
Im not saying "muh shiny". I've said OVER AND OVER - its the properties
>Depends on how you're using it.
wtf does this mean?
>There's really not enough to go around to everyone
right - scarcity. But use Silver too. And then Copper.
>Fungibility refers to pure amounts
Right. Deal with pure amounts. Its not impossible to determine purity.
>So? If you're wanting a yellow metal,...
Its RECOGNISABLE. thats the fucking point.
>Kinda why the world has moved past it.
Not "the world". Central bankers. Central bankers want the plebs to accept a medium that CBers can just print into existence. Gold and silver are 100% accountable so you cant use them in a scam. Fiat currency is the scam.
>That's not a practical purpose. There are many other things which do it better.
1000s of years says nah

>Remember when that asteroid hit the earth that contained a fuckton of gold
i don't think anybody would ever hear about that lest the price crash. still scarcity doesn't exist once you factor that in so your point is moot.


Right - because gold is VALUABLE

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Its COMPLETE fiction. There is no point to be moot

Gold only gained initial value as a religous icon, not as a store of value or anything

Sounds like you need to do some research.

Boomers at work literally tried to fight me when we got into a discussion about cryptocurrency months back when I said our dollar has no intrinsic value because the gold backing was elimintated in 1913. I explained the petrodollar and so on and all they could repeat was that Bitcoin was a ponzi scheme or the next madoff scandal and could not process what I told them about it.
I think it would be better to target newfags, intelligent boomers will already have picked up on this stuff.

So nothing then. M'kay

Its the properties that make gold valuable. Otherwise "anything" would be used as money and religious icons for 1000s of years

>So why are you worried about the gold but not the thing you bought?
I am. Why would i want to double that worry and at the same time halve the speed of commerce? Plus, it's pretty stupid to send your money by literal freight. It's heavily discouraged. But it might mean we start to see sky pirates, which would be neat.
>Its fucking poisonous for starters.
So's gold if you eat it.
>it would have 1000s of years of history of being used as money.
So we're back to you supporting shells as money?
> its the properties
And the best property it has is being shiny.
>wtf does this mean?
As in the way you structure coins/ingots/whatever.
>right - scarcity. But use Silver too.
Still not enough to be practical. Seven billion people around the world, dude. If they can't all use it, they'll find something better.
>And then Copper.
Why copper? It's busy being useful in other ways anyhow.
>Deal with pure amounts
Then you would definitely not have enough to go around. Hell, you wouldn't have enough to use in just the USA then.
> thats the fucking point.
What point is that? It can still be faked or at least shilled.
>Not "the world"
Yea, the world. Name anywhere you can trade gold for goods or services without having to turn it into real money first. Even the UAE doesn't really work that way.
>1000s of years says nah
We didn't have computers for thousands of years. Guess you better stop using one.

I'll take that as a yes.

>Its COMPLETE fiction
shows what you know

>Otherwise "anything" would be used as money and religious icons for 1000s of years
ever heard of Asia where they reserve gold strictly for statues of Buddha and had nothing to do with money, for 1000s of years?

I'm still amazed at that blatant theft. The blame resides entirely upon our grandparents and their parents for allowing the Federal Reserve to exist. One of the few things the boomers aren't responsible for.

bitcoin has no intrinsic value and is fiat only through the trust that the server network and administrative and technical team will continue to support bitcoin as is.

What will happen is some bank (it has already happened) or country will issue their own cryptocurrency backed by their organization. That is the future.

You can transfer gold overseas. It happens every day.
>Gold is poisonous if you eat it
No - its a health food. Monoatomic gold
>So we're back to you supporting shells as money?
No because shells havent been money for 1000s of years.
>And the best property it has is being shiny.
No - because lots of things are shiny that havent ben used as money. The best property is its durability.
>As in the way you structure coins/ingots/whatever.
Im not sure what your point is
>Still not enough to be practical.
Gold is for big purchases like houses. Because its valuable.
>Why copper?
because of the properties
>It can still be faked
No - fake gold is obvious
>Yea, the world
No - India and China people still value gold and nothing can change that view of theirs. Its just the plebs in the west who stopped valuing gold and since about 1972.
>We didn't have computers for thousands of years. Guess you better stop using one.

Link or source me when an asteroid hit that containes so much gold it became valueless

No. Because that hasnt happened. Asian people use gold as money, wealth, value. Like marriages in India revolve around gold. Because its valuabele

>bitcoin has no intrinsic value
Money has only the value that is ascribed to it over time

>Because its valuabele
gold itself has no value per se other than that ascribed to it by humans over time. It’s easy to believe in its value because people have done so for thousands of years, but that doesn’t translate into actual value, only greater trust.

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>You can transfer gold overseas
Of course you can. But why would we want to slow down commerce like that? And if you started doing it en masse, it'd become a target. Like armoured cars are.
>No - its a health food.
It's a heavy metal, champ. If you consume it, it will kill you.
>shells havent been money for 1000s of years
But they were. Just like gold was. Why not bring them back too?
>The best property is its durability
It stays shiny for a long time. Yay.
>not sure what your point is
Unless you're lugging around big ol' bricks of it, it can be easy to flub. Something small, which it'll have to be stupidly small to be of any use, will be easier to fake.
>Gold is for big purchases like houses. Because its valuable.
Real estate agents won't accept bullion. You'll have to barter it for real money first. And uranium is valuable too.
>because of the properties
Which ones? The ones which make it used readily in construction and consumer goods, which would dilute the supply?
> fake gold is obvious
Oh man, i would love to test you on that. For as long as gold has been used, people have been working on ways to fake it. And it'd be much easier now.
>India and China people still value gold
Last time I was there, I still had to use money to buy things. Weren't too many places willing to barter for bullion.
It hasn't been used for thousands of years. It fails your usability test.

>Like marriages in India revolve around gold. Because its valuabele
It also revolves around elephants and livestock. They're valuable too. But take two seconds to think about what you mean by saying gold is valuable. What does that value get you?

Who cares, the Venezuelan situation is a goldilocks situation that will allow the propagation of the triangle pill for another 50+ years. It will be the first regime change that will actually be altruistic to the people rather than letting them continue under their ruler, but shit will pump the petrodollar and American oil industry like nothing else while letting more IMF banks in to take root.
American empire will get another century with that and China collapsing as they try to make africa the new china.

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>will be the first regime change that will actually be altruistic to the people
yeh like the other 35 times the US backed a coup.

you have to be a delusional, gullible fool to think this will be any different than iraq or syria or latin america.

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Its altruistic in the since that the people there want a maduro and the commies gone as they've ruined their country to the point of starvation despite being the most oil-rich country in the world. Our intentions and actions are literally identical to every other coup like you've said, its just the result here is actually backed by the natives and local governments because Brazil and Colombia are tired of all the illegals/refugees bum rushing their border and the people are tired are watching their doughy dictator dance while they starve on top of the most resource rich soil on Earth.

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>gold itself has no value per se other than that ascribed to it by humans
As I have explained here > > , its the properties. The nature of reality is why gold is valuable not because people are all like "muh shiny"

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>he people there want a maduro and the commies gone as they've ruined their country to the point of starvation despite being the most oil-rich country in the world.
im sure US sanctions for the last 10 years had absolutely nothing to do with the state of the country. please stop war mongering, economic war is still war.

America needs a new silver backed currency for internal use. Keep the fiat dollar for all institutional trade and business.

To create a separate silver dollar you would need to nationalize oil to buy the silver. The Treasury would issue it directly. Retirement accounts would be limited to 100k.

>despite being the most oil-rich country in the world
Yea, why would the USA do anything but support such a rival.

>The nature of reality is why gold is valuable
Reality doesn't work like that. Gold is hardy, but it isn't intrinsically valuable. We had to give it value, and it doesn't necessarily need it.

>The nature of reality is why gold is valuable
this is some serious mental gymnastics mate.

>>Intrinsically valuable
rocks with serial numbers on them
rocks with serial numbers on them
lots of rocks with serial numbers on them

if gold was useful for making tools we wouldnt be using it as money bud its probably the most worthless, intrinsically speaking

>if gold was useful for making tools we wouldnt be using it as money bud its probably the most worthless, intrinsically speaking
we use it for computer microchips thou.

Crypto has the potential to get us off the funny money we use today, but it could also be worse. The government will no doubt try to control the crypto for ultimate control and tracking. Imagine if you pissed off the government and they could just wipe out your savings

So gold is transferable - got it.
>If you consume it, it will kill you.
Look it up. Its a health food. If you cant look this up, literaly anything else you say is demonstrably uninformed.
>shells used for 1000s of years
no. They wernt. Or there would be a history of it happening. Also shells are easily damaged
>It stays shiny for a long time. Yay.
non-corrosive is what gold is. This is required for money.
>Unless you're lugging around big ol' bricks of it,
that would be literally billions of dollars worth.
>Real estate agents won't accept bullion.
right - they have to take fiat
>You'll have to barter it for real money first
Fiat is not "real money" but central bankers love good goys like you.
>Which ones?
the propertes explained here > >We've already been over this. If you keep asking this can only be a jew tactic.
> test you on that
fake gold is obvious to look at. Let alone feel. Try it.
India and China societis still value gold and silver. Currency is the fake money that they are forced to use yes.
And my computer work just fine so thats a non-point.

>It also revolves around elephants and livestock.
No people dont exchange elephants

Before the US global dollar collapses, we should bring back silver certificates. Create a two tier money supply, silver for internal use, and the collapsing fiat dollar for global capital.

we don't NEED to though. it doesn't provide a huge advantage over copper. not yet anyway. although it does prop up the price doesn't it.

>Reality doesn't work like that.
> We had to give it value
No. Its valuable because its the only thing with silver that meets the definition of money

Ok so why arent rocks used as money?

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precious metals have tons of industrial uses. this is why i believe silver will do well in the next decade.

it would be pretty impossible. the only problem with crypt you are seeing nowadays is the on/off ramps to/from fiat. without they government is helpless to stop it.

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same reason gold isn't used as money and serialized plastic and paper is.


Crypto is only good for currency and currency is only good if it holds a stable value, so crypto is useless as currency

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because gold is valuable - got it

you cant confiscate my crypto. your gold unless you plan on burying it, can.
did you even read the post?

>So gold is transferable
Never said otherwise. Just like fridges.
> Its a health food.
Well no. At best it just passes through you. Doing nothing. Otherwise it's like consuming any heavy metal. Not sure what kind of anti-vaxx craziness you're on about.
>Or there would be a history of it happening
There is, though. If you can't look this up, etc.
>This is required for money.
Not at all. Why would it be? It's handy, if you want non-corrosive material, but that's it.
>that would be literally billions of dollars worth.
So yes, a problem.
>they have to take fiat
Correct. Hell, most places you can't even pay in cash anymore.
>Fiat is not "real money"
It is if people use it as such.
>the propertes explained here
And they've been debunked. Going to need something better if you want to stave off defeat.
>fake gold is obvious to look at.
Depends on what medium the gold is in.
>India and China societis still value gold and silver.
Everyone values it, because they know others will trade them real money for it. It's a currently accepted medium. Artworks are the same.
>And my computer work just fine so thats a non-point.
Ah, I see English isn't your first language. A lot suddenly makes sense.
>No people dont exchange elephants
So? You look poor if one doesn't show up. Same with gold. Or if it doesn't last more than a few days.

>Its valuable because its the only thing with silver that meets the definition of money
That definition is man made and quite flawed. It has value because certain people say it has an agreed value. If you wanted to buy something from me using bullion, and i said no, then it has no value until you can find someone else who is willing to value it into money.

Yes - governments want gold because its valuable, so yes crypto is safe. But they can cut off your internet, or power. Or the exchange can go down like MTGOX and you can have your crypto on a USB stick but thats where it stays. Crypto has MORE barriers to "value" not fewer.

And again - no one wants it. Its 100% safe from confiscation because no one wants it. Lol

That's a monetary term. Did you mean easier?

So why dont we use shells as money?

No one mentioned this.

You are just a jew shill defending the reality that gold is money form the goys

Same reason we don't use gold. Your wallet would be hella chonky.

An amount of gold that is heavy would be millions of dollars worth.

>No one mentioned this.
You were talking about gold as a health food. It's on par.
And no one is stopping you from trying to go use gold instead of money. Well, no one except the people who you want to procure goods and services from. Because they know it's not practical.

Why dont we make 1 shell 1 billion dollars?

How do you divide a shell?

I never mentioned anti-vax

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Are you proposing we deal in gold dust then? Because then the wind is your greatest foe.

We could. But no one would accept it. That's what matters most.

With a knife. How do you divide a gold?

processing the stones and what not, yeah i guess.
>they can cut off your internet
still cant stop you from using it
>the exchange can go down like MTGOX
not your keys not your bitcoin
>you can have your crypto on a USB stick but thats where it stays
not true you just don't know how to use it.

>Crypto has MORE barriers to "value" not fewer.
if by barriers you mean intelligence to use it, sure.

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>Are you proposing we deal in gold dust then?
No. Theres a stage between bricks and dust. Try and figure it out.

>But no one would accept it
Ding ding ding

>With a knife
smashed shell bits are just as valuable? I doubt