Unpopular, but True Opinions

>with so many women becoming sluts or race traitors, I don't mind white guys becoming gay trannies and suiciding. Less competition for me.

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People should not be allowed to roll grocery carts into the aisle in supermarkets and grocery stores. They should be required to leave them parked at the end.

That's actually a pretty good idea, but what about
>grandma cant carry carry 20lb bag of cat food all the way to the end of the aisle!

Jews are collectively more intelligent, influential, and wealthy than white people. They are the true master race.

Pensions should be eliminated. Old people should survive with their own savings.


>"we're all the same"
>"deep down people are fundamentally good"
>"the world would be better if it were all just one big country"

Air is overrated.

So you have a huge pile up on either end, what a retarded idea

This. Why should we pay people to NOT work

And failing to do that, through charity of their own children/families, I completely agree.

How could you wish for the destruction of your own brothers?

>"deep down people are fundamentally good"
This is mostly true though. The people who commit acts of evil generally think they are doing the right thing or they are just niggers with such low IQ they are basically animals.

Deep down I hope for an alien invasion, because it would unite the planet against a common enemy.

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You would then need to redesign the store to accommodate this idea. Otherwise there would be cart pileups at the end of each aisle during busy hours.

Everyone wants to blame niggers, but their culture and financial situation is completely out o their control and has been since the 1800's. I dont hate niggers this late into the game.

Only Ashkenazi jews tho

They think they’re good but they’re not. So they are not fundamentally good. My “good” meter is based off of gods moral code.

Ok, how about this.
Only intelligent people who are conscious of other people around them are allowed to roll the cart down the aisle.
You have to take an assessment test at the front and you get your hand stamped. Then place bouncers at each end of the aisle.
Problem solved.

Yea you think but is that really going to happen tho? Did the Indians all unite and fight the white man? Hostile aliens would end us in no time at all so there would be no time to unite anyway

I want war

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>ya know Dayquan, i been thinkin. Maybe i should stay in this publically funded school with subsidized programs to better my life, then go to a college that allows me in based off of my skin color, but discriminated against whites and asians on the standardized test. afterwards, i’ll find a decent, honest job that i’d have gotten from affirmative action quotas.
>Jamal, shut yo bitch ass up and let’s rob deez niggas
>you right Dayquan, it ain’t my own fault how my future turns out.

Thats just your sadism talking user, your fluctuating oxytocin levels are regulated by jews.

thats why they need to gtfo and do something, anything on their own as a people. then the rest of the world can look at them with a bit of respect rather than a "one race, the human race!" type of respect

God is real, Jesus died for your sins, more proof of Jesus then Big Bang, races are fundamentally different, plants can read your thoughts (hook up EKG and think about hurting it and find out), gays are mentally ill, your posture affects your outlook on life and your mentally clarity. Having perfect posture and not being overweight while eating healthy aka normal will lead to a completely undepressed life. Diet and posture are number one. Most medicine are complete memes

Agreed, I think if they all went back to Christianity and the nuclear family was reestablished segregation would come soon after.

>Aging is a disease that should be cured

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you’re saying that i like seeing people getting hurt and the jews are controlling my “love hormone”?
and that’s why i can’t hold niggers accountable for their own actions?

oh goody, that's exactly what we need, IMMORTAL NIGGERS

what if woman become harem of a single rich guy instead faggot

Oxytocin increases envy and schadenfreude, which can be control by estrogen. Increasing it or given in spikes it results in sadistic behavior.

Which is debilitating because whites may have the highest fluctuation patterns of oxytocin in their systems. Very easy to exploit.

Trump is a zionist shill

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and that prevents blacks from progressing with all the free help and support we give them because...?

destruction of the nuclear family and lack of segregation.

That two arn't related, that was moreso in regards to your sadistic response. You sounded eager to learn.

I'm glad someone else thinks this way. I can't tell you how many women I've been with who are just excited to "be with a real man'
I'd like to clarify that I'm a 5'10 manlet who is a 6/10 at best, so that just proves how desperate women are for a small amount of masculinity