>Dad, I finally became the girl I always wanted to be!
How the FUCK does Jow Forums respond to this? Do you just disown or is there a cure to this?
There may be a cure, but the father does not have the authority to do anything, even if the child is under 18 years of age. The only thing a modern father can can do is disown.
100% cut all ties
beat him.
I heard a story where the dad caught his son smoking, so he forced him to smoke a shit tonne of cigarettes. After that son was sick of smoking.
That said, to cure a tranny son you should pound him until he is sick of it.
Out of curiosity, even if we had a pro-hard science regime in power, would homosexuality or gender dysphoria be curable with some treatment, or do we go with the tried and tested?
cut its dick off and put 78 bullets in the faggots body
*unzips dick*
It's just a phase. You can kill it by coming out as a woman yourself. Your kid will quickly grow to hate anything their parents like.
10/10 would disown.
you've got a pro-hard science regime in power, bud
it was a cartoon
He got tired of fucking his old wife so made his sons become girls so he could rail em
I don't know. Management through a combination of anti-psychotics, hormones, and therapy may be our only option. Perhaps causes can be isolated and corrected, perhaps in vitro. I don't think there is any one cause or any one kind of homosexuality. There may be different causes with the same or similar homosexual outcomes.
The cigars look like BBCs wut
Ovens user. Warm Ovens
Many homosexuals, perhaps most, may have solely traumatic issues that can be resolved through therapy. Some may have a chemical imbalance. Some still may have a faulty genetic mutation.
It's sad really. His legacy ends here. All the ancestors behind him who brought that line of man, all gone. Likely because of bad programming from marxist teachers throughout his life.
The cure is to see it coming 10 years before this shit happens and knock some sense into the boy
poor bastard.
Regardless I do think that companies need to start investing more money into R&D to #FindACure for various forms of homosexuality and other mental illnesses.
beat me to it!
fcuking leaf posters
Disown, wife doesn't agree I'll get a divorce too after completely trashing the house and spending our joint savings on car parts and escorts.
Any chance his sister played a role in this? She is seen smiling, wearing almost the exact clothes as her brother, she probably taught him how to crossdress or some shit as well...
There used to be a, now taboo, narrative about curing homosexuality. That is believe needs to exist again.
>If only you knew how bad things are
Eyes don't lie
It's all good user.
I think you posted the actual daughter btw lol