Is there a pro genital mutilation agenda among the jannies? Circumcision is the ultimate Jewish trick.
Why do all the circumcision threads get kiboshed?
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A circumcised dick is like s diamond: its cleaner, smoother, harder and worth more
why you guys like so much make fun of the mutilated dick people?
child mutilation is not political.
diamond (and foreskin) grow in labs these days you supreme cockslurper
because they cut their childs penises! are they not worthy of ridicule? not even a monkey would do something so daft
Far from it. I feel sorry for them. We should talk about how abhorrent it is
The banning of research into the harmful effects of circumcision sounds pretty political to me, faggot
vaccine research is banned too.
take your planned economy dreams someone else pls.
>Jews get circ'd
>Converts get circ'd
>Slaves get circ'd
If you're cut, and you're not a jew or a convert...
Maybe because its a tired topic.
been enslaved to this place since '08, the circumcision threads have been spammed heavy the past few years.
I still havn't decided if these guys actually care about this issue, or are just self conscious because girls think their uncut worm dick is gross.
the absolute state of this cutfag
it's because infant genital mutilation causes brain damage, it's a trauma based mind control method, the trauma is so bad it can make people gay, and for a few will break their spirit so badly they'll become a male larping as a female that moderates this board.
Humanity reached such a high level of stupidity you need to explain why cutting pieces of baby dicks is wrong.
Mods have the power to clean Jow Forums up... but instead promote degeneracy and ATTEMPT to silence truth or board culture..
>mods are going to hell
A fair and balanced video on the theory that Trump is in a secret society mystery school..
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>is trump a member of Plus Ultra?
Find out here
Bonus Based live stream with great live callers
Stay true to yourselves and fuck subversive Mods, Jannies and Jews
Stop TRYING to ban me you faggot leftist C U C K and CLEAN THIS BOARD UP
Fuck you
But Rabbi Mohel says it would be anudder SOAH if he can't slurp on baby boy stump.
wait what.
you think cutting child's dicks to sell in skin creams isn't strange or unusual in any way?
I am never going to america fucking hell. literally a cult.
btw, been living in bongland the past year, going back in a week.
Bong slags love the cut cock, its a bit of a novelty for them.
I wonder what it would be like to be uncut, but as is i have a thick, cut cock that many women have told me is a great looking/fuctioning piece.
Obviously all of us would take our foreskins back but there is some kind of weird jealously/fascination from intact guys regarding circumcised guys. I think it's because most chicks have been with circumcised guys and the violent nature of circumcised sex makes them wince when they look at their chick and think of her past.
burgers are literally brain damaged, trauma based mind controlled slaves of circles
Calling them circles is retarded by the way, because everyone knows they're square. Right angles n sheeit
i didn't give a fuck about natural dicks or mutilated ones until 2015 when a leaf doctor tried to publish his results after using an MRI on a baby before and after the mutilation. All of the neurosurgeons he showed the images to noticed a huge changes in the brain of the baby and it was irreversible.
Then I watched the video with a french jew who explained why the procedure is done to babies, it's a trauma based mind control method that makes them easier to control later in life, and this has been known for a very, very long time.
After learning those two things I've became very vocal against it.
kike = kikel = circle
CHN keeping it BASED on a sunday morning
We got a stream today mr sampler?
>Maybe because its a tired topic.
>I still havn't decided if these guys actually care about this issue, or are just self conscious because girls think their uncut worm dick is gross.
Obviously it's not tired enough if there's still idiots who think it's not a horrible mutilation and a human rights violation. Protip: it's not intact men who make these threads. It's cut men who are pissed.
Fuck the janitor who deleted this thread, then allows other slide shit on this board.
>Then I watched the video with a french jew who explained why the procedure is done to babies, it's a trauma based mind control method that makes them easier to control later in life, and this has been known for a very, very long time.
They used to castrate slaves, but sircumcison accomplished nearly the same objective , and permitted you to breed your slaves.