>Best eyesight in the world
>Best hunting and tracking abilities
>World's fastest runners before the stolen generation
>Homogeneous for 50-60 thousand years
>Just want to protect their homeland
>The land is a big part of their life and they care for it
>Fit and nomadic, every Aboriginal walked the length of Australia 2x or more in their lifetimes
>Dream time, best religion based off the matrix theory, they knew this when they were an advanced civilisation many moons ago
>White man stole their technology and cities, plunged their whole race into chaos, stripping their memories and great fortunes
>Most sophisticated art of any conquered peoples
>Alcohol drives them into a murderous rage, too strong for the white fullas to contain
>Born and raised in the most harsh continent on Earth, still pays great respect to the fauna and shows no fear
>Fierce warriors, no one has dared to set foot on Australia without a musket or sword in hand
Are Aborigines the Master Race ?
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clearly abbos will make the next generation of great computer engineers
They lived in Australia for thousands of years, and you know what kind of dangerous wildlife it has. Are you really surprised they adapted to live in it?
Master race no. Most primitively advanced? probably
abos are very fucking fast and athletic. in my school days all the top sporting awards used to be won by them
then society caves in and in highschool they waste their potential by getting high and being fuckwits
been around for 60000 years. still run around naked and throw spears. KeK
5 vikings from 800s could kill 1000 abos from the 1800s
They're too dumb to care for their children. It's very sad
what would a swamp creature know about a vibrant and diverse continent such as australia? you haven't updated your books on this place since the 1700s.
You forgot eel farmers
Sure do look yummy, don't they?
>White man stole their technology and cities, plunged their whole race into chaos, stripping their memories and great fortunes
aborigines are not the same species as all other races, nobody ever talks about this
>muh noble savage myth
They look Indian
>The land is a big part of their life and they care for it
didn't they burn down all the asutralian forests?
But Vikings are snow niggers correct ? Abos live in very harsh environment where Vikings live in mud huts
Their tools were worse than the African tools that predate them. So no. Adaptation through evolution != master race.
they even sound like tamils too
>Abos live in very harsh environment
they didn't make a conscious choice to live in the fucking desert, they were forced there for generations first by the other boong tribes and then by whitey
Yeah, Scandinavia and the North Atlantic ocean is practically paradise.
>Best eyesight in the world
Not exactly true, SOME children (not all) in the Northern Territory have been found to have a lot better eyesight than pretty much any child but this usually goes to normal with age.
Rama Rama.
You don't sniff petrol from a can
In the car it goes.
How many of them had to die until that adaptation happened? lmao.
Behold, 40000 years of musical achievement.
Redpill me on Japanese Abos
25% of NT aboriginals have better than 6/6 vision.
pre-alcoholism, of course.
But you haven't invented anything other than a mud hut. That's why I call you snow niggers because you are the same as them.
Wow he looks Dravidian. I bet he acts more civilized than a filthy Indian
Only a nigger would build a mud hut up here. You would freeze to death the first winter.
Seething spic?
Optometrist that works in abo areas here. Their eyesight is fucking strange. They typically have great distant vision, but their accommodation sucks massive dick, basically this means they need reading glasses at an earlier age. They typically can't see shit within 30cm after late teens without some correction.
Funnily the Chinese are almost the exact opposite.
You forgot barely advanced past the Neolithic Stone age.
>needing glasses
>needing disabled people to remain alive
just castrate the blind cunts
That's what you snow niggers have been doing since the Roman Empire. All you do is build mud huts and kill each other. In fact you are below a nigger or Indian
hardcore as fuck
Imagine the smell...
they are all very closely related.
If that is true than I will be very disappointed because I don't want like Indians because they are street shitters, they swim in Ganges river which is disgusting, they drink cow piss for good luck and they smell very bad
>most primitively advanced
That's an oxymoron you idiot. If they were advanced they'd not have gotten their asses handed to them by white fella. The Maoris put up a better fight.
>White man stole their technology and cities, plunged their whole race into chaos, stripping their memories and great fortunes
>>Most sophisticated art of any conquered peoples
Fucking sure bro.
They made great art with sub human intellect
Fuckin sure
You should be deported for retardation
Im interested. More pictures ?
>not posting fullbloods
So many, friend.
Show more hot Aborigines
well no
Killed original inhabitants, pygmies
Could not into tech "had to fire farm"
Burnt the shit out of most of the forests in Oz
Mega Fauna dies out about the time they arrive
Iq animal range
no history of great journeys to other lands
on concept of australia
they never even knew where they lived
killed thier children to give milk to their dogs
and geolocation was good
but so what.
it gets you dead as the sun explodes.
to live we need of the planet
Seething. A few thousand snow niggers at frozen wastes in the north colonized as far as America before anyone else could dream of doing it and kept regular trade routes with Constantinople. No technology indeed.
BTW, you build with wood if you want to keep warm. Not mud. Spic.
Bra they literally had no art what so ever. Where do you get this bullshit from?
Sorry fresh out of hot ones. Only got these
I don’t see an abbo, I see a petrol engineer.
You can breed the ugly out of them after a few generations. This is a 1/2, 1/8, and a 1/4
I see a gasoline sommelier.
Why u so SRS
She's hot. Show me more
>best gas huffing abilities
Than you got killed by a bunch of 6 foot tall Iroquois who than raped your women. Lief Erickson got cuummed on his beheaded face. You couldn't conquer Canada. Lying snow nigger
>to live we need off the planet
any attempt to fuck with natural evolution will only set that particular species out of the race. we already vaccinated all our children. we are a failed species.
based jap abo
The photo has been colored. They aren't abos.
They might be distantly related but ainu are paleo-mongoloid.
If you can hide their face some of them are okay. Imagine the smell though
Looks like a pearl in a clam shell. She's so hot
this picture realllly reminds me of a slave owner checking a slave's jaw for lumps
here's a reality dosage for you, moron
> exist for 50,000 years
> produce literally nothing of civilized value, do not contribute at all to science, art, philosophy, architecture
> have dominion over australia for 99% of existence, yet lived in the outback deserts hallucinating and burning trees with no clothing on
> puncture a large hole into a young boy's penis and have sex with it
> not even kidding
p*gans are worthy of death
Given what happened to the vikings when they went up against the skraelings in north america I'm not so sure
>Africans made boomerangs
Samurai have high levels of ainu admixture
A fucking leaf
>World's fastest runners before the stolen generation
how did they catch them if abo`s were that fast
>That's what you snow niggers have been doing since the Roman Empire
So where were you during the Roman empire? Or your grand*20pa at least.
Gun's and probably pretended to be magic voodoo shamans.
Gotta make sure you get good stock
>Best eyesight in the world
So why cant they see that there is a road when they lie down to sleep?
>>The land is a big part of their life and they care for it
By burning it and turning most of it to desert?
The road is made of warm, and deserts are cold at night
When it's dreamtime, it's dreamtime.
Alcohol removes their super human eye site. It's true and it's sad thoug because abos are the strongest people to survive such harsh climates.
i will never not laugh at this
These are what we call Metis in Canada. They have generally keep the good traits but are generally more than 2nd or 3rd generation. They are assimilated and papa Trudeau loves this.
huff some petrol
back to dreamtime
The Stolen Generation only existed because the Wh*tes tried to steal our power.
The secret is petrol and ciggie bums.
Off-topic--you're a retard, user.
The colony failed because of stretched supply lines more than anything else. That's fatal in the long run with hostile natives.
This is a 1/8 in Canada. I'm the last of the line and am literally white, but still have a status card. It doesn't take long for the Indigenous to be bred out. My coworker took a DNA test. Everyone considered her fully indigenous. She's 20 percent.
You're still a retard.
At least they're drinking VB not fosters
Here's a weird one, part aboriginals tend to have IQ scores in the full on genius range
Explains a lot about aussies dunnit
How far into the distance, what level of detail?
>>Alcohol drives them into a murderous rage, too strong for the white fullas to contain