Suggest me quality pc games. I have a few weeks off and I want to use them in the best possible manner...

Suggest me quality pc games. I have a few weeks off and I want to use them in the best possible manner. I usually like rpg's and good story driven games. Thanks in advance

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Spec ops the line. Decent combat but hands down the most memorable and engaging story told. Without spoiling it, if you like heart of darkness youll like this.

Will definitely give it a try, thanks, more suggestions are welcome

The Witcher games. Love the story.

If you're into classics then Black Isle's library is great. Fallout has great writing, Fallout 2 is a pretty hefty RPG, and Planescape: Torment is hailed by many who play it as the finest piece of writing in gaming (and veritably one of the taller pieces of writing overall). Kind of a bread n butter RPG but it's really all a platform for the story. Not a lot or voiceovers though so if you're a nugamer and need DEM GRAFFIX, then I'd suggest maybe you look into something more recent like the Witcher.
I've also had amazing fun with Zelda: Breath of the Wild recently, it's a great game to lose hours to.

I'm playing Witcher 3 for the third time, an absolute masterpiece

If youve never played Mass effect 2, it is a must play. Its a Space opera with more engaging and in depth characters then you meet in real life. Beautiful and nuanced story telling, thought provoking ethical decisions, and really just checks all the boxes (funny, intense, witty, romantic, detailed). Gameplay is on par with the rest of it, RPG elements allow you to spec your character for all types of futuristic gun combat (cloaking, snap freeze enemies, summon mini black holes, flaming ammo) and its very fast paced and fluid. Overall 10/10. Mass effect 1 is great story but the mechanics are very bad, mass effect 3 has more in depth mechanics and rpg system, but the story is more cliche and relies heavily on mass effect 2. You can beat mass effect 2 in about 20 or so hours, it was made when games werent meant to be ridiculous grinds. Cannot reccomend mass effect 2 enough.

How much do you care about graphics?


Will try it out, i did play one of the Fallout games a while ago and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Will download it tonight, appreciated buddy.
I'm actually trying Mass effect 1 atm, it didn't age well at all, I almost rage quit during the defuse bombs mission, would it be a goos idea ti skip the first game and jump onto the secons straight away (I'd watch lore and explanations for the first game but I'm afraid of the import save game mechanic, bit yea, mass effect 2 looks way too good to miss as an rpg experience)
Most of my favourite games are old school such as War3, Stronghold Crusader, Age of mythology, Army men RTS, GTA SA/Vice City
Thanks, will google it up and most likely play