Why does the US have to shit everywhere
Are we actually going to war with Venezuela
Yiff in hell furry trash.
>Are we going to war with Venezuela
Probably not a direct war but the United States has declared it's sphere of influence to include both the American continents from the time of the American Revolution, and warned off European powers since then.
Every socialist society always collapses after they burn through the existing wealth. Socialist societies have to expand to continue to function. A 100% reliable way to defeat any socialist country is to simply contain them. They can't stabilize and will exhaust their reserves and die if they are prevented from expanding. So that's how the US deals with Socialists.
Islam can't be destroyed through containment though. Islam thrives on containment, so invasion is necessary to destroy them.
That's why I don't think there will be a direct military invasion like we're seeing in Islamic countries. It's effective to just contain socialist countries and wait for them to collapse.
That's pretty insightful user thanks. Come to think of it it makes sense, all of the USSR block states went for Democracy one by one and prospered until the USSR itself was isolated.
>he thinks any amount of progress has been made "against islam"
It's only a distraction from the fact that he failed to build the wall.
Delete this
Get fucked blumpfie pie
Trump is literally going to go to war with them to spread muh democracy
Here we go again
American blood spilt for Israel and trump supporters will tell "MUH 4D CHESS"
Idiot socialism is thriving in Cuba and China.
Because the US economy thrives on imperialism
No one is going to war with Venezuela, dumb burger.
Its going to implode itself, then you will estabilish a puppet governament on it to Suck its Oil.
>Imperialism is bad
>Why does the US have to shit everywhere
You want the CIA back home do you?
>socialism is thriving in cuba and china
Cuba is not exactly 'thriving'. Besides they have been living of the largesse of the venezuelan gov. That gravy train's about to come to an end
And china is anything but socialist right now
>lol socialism is working in cuba
my family would say otherwise and cuban exiles would be heading home. the reality is 60 years has done nothing but destroy a country and people have no aspirations to do anything. if maduro goes and venezuela goes under then cuba is going to be in some deep economic and political problems
>Why does the US have to shit everywhere
Not everywhere
First it's Venezuela, then Bolivia, El Salvador, Nicaragua before it ends with Cuba.
The USA need more workers to replace and pay the pensions of the boomers, so expect a repeat of the European refugee crisis, only this time in America.
So what's the plan ?
Do you think after the american liberation of south america everything will be like a big jollywood movie ?
Everything will be fine ?
>if maduro goes and venezuela goes under then cuba is going to be in some deep economic and political problems
It's not if, but when. The refugees the regime changes will create is a stab in the back towards Whitey though, so I get why Ann Coulter is mad.
There are different types of Imperialism
>Everything will be fine ?
It will be civil wars where the goal is to get the socialists to abuse the local population so the South Americans will learn to love based capitalism and hate socialism.
If the USA just regime changed and created democracy, the socialists would just vote themselves back into power again.