Why this flag triggers Israel so much


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As Europe is getting more and more pro-Palestine, and openly critisizes Israel, Israel is looking for a way to weaken Europe and punish it.
To succeed at this, Israel joint forces with several European 'right-wing' parties.
These parties are willing to weaken Europe and their own countries, and push a pro-Israel message, in exchange for some Israeli shekels and zionist dollars.
A divided country or Union is after all easier to control.
To name a few European 'nationalist' parties that love sucking Netanyahu's uncut cock;
Lega Nord, AfD, Fidesz, PVV,PiS,FPO, UKIP,Sverigedemokraterna, Dansk Folkeparti. And there is also the Visegrad Group. Keep in mind that these parties are there to serve a foreign country and not yours.

>fake being triggered to win free shit

wew jews confirmed for nigger=tier

Even though these parties are saying they are against islam and immigration.
Their purpose is to puch a pro-israel agenda.
Meaning, making critisizm on Israel illegal, and punishing people and companies
who advocate a boycot of Israeli goods.

Fuck off. The EU is a kike project.

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If its a kike project, why do Israel and American zionst pay pro-israel parties to create division?

just to add

EU is pro-iran deal
EU critisizes the illegal settlements
EU funds Israel human-rights organizations
EU critisizes embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem move.

How is this pro-israel?

check this from 2:20.
To see who is flooding migrants to Europe


EU is a Jewish project, fake opposition to Israel, while at the same time establishing a "Special Partnership Status" with it, what is going on is that the right-wing parties are getting all infiltrated by Jewish agents.

How is it fake opposition?
The majority of western-European countries are leaning more and more and more towards the Palestinians. Thats been going on for years now.

As these countries try to make it a EU statement, Israel does everything to block it.


This is a direct treath to the EU from Netanyahu;

“I think Europe has to decide if it wants to live and thrive or if it wants to shrivel and disappear,” he said. “I am not very politically correct. I know that’s a shock to some of you. It’s a joke. But the truth is the truth – both about Europe’s security and Europe’s economic future. Both of these concerns mandate a different policy toward Israel,” Netanyahu reportedly said in front of a microphone accidentally left on.

This was said in front of the leaders of Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. We can write these countries of, as they are Israels Trojan horse in Europe.

United nations or united europe?

The UN is the world family. The EU is just a trade block.

V4 Stands for Israel. EU is crypto country founded by bolsheviks and funded by Saudi. Show your real flag mohamed. EU commies dont like nationalist countries like Israel or V4.

Czech Republic, like I said, Israels trojan horse for Europe

Show your real flag, kike.

kys bolshevik you are Suadi trojan horse for Europe trying to finish islamization of Europe.
Show your flag mohammed

Fuck Islam and fuck jews.

I dont betray my country and people for a handfull of shekels like you do.

It triggers me to DÆSU, it's a pity USA won the cold ward and tore down the Berlin wall. Also, I would gladly exchange our 700,000 poles and romanians with 700,000 jews :3

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>I dont betray my country
Since you are bolshevik you dont have country.
You betray Europe for riyals and oil you filthy bolshevik.

I have a country in Western Europe.
Its not some shithole Eastern Europe country that sells its soul for a few shekels.

Jeah jeah jeah, bolshevik, sholshevik, we heard them al Baruch ben Jahudi.

shilling so hard for his Saudi masters…

>Its not some shithole Eastern Europe
nice divide and conquer tactics coming from you Mohammed

blablabla saudi masters. Nice try Jacov.

Nothing to divide and conquer. Czech republic is a shithole country.
All your women can be fucked for 10 euros. They are known for it, and you know it.
How can you raise a country of proud men when the woman sell themselves for 10 euros?
You can't. The men will sell themselves to Israel for a couple of shekels.

>All your women can be fucked for 10 euros.
total bullshit
>Nice try Jacov.
choose one .. i cant be jew and czech in one universe
You have to go back Mohammed and preach your bolschevik teachings for kuffar in your own muslim country.
Every time i see this divide and conquer tactic...It makes so easy for everyone to spot Saudi shill.
Saudi shills are always hiding behind memeflags but its meaningless. All European nations will hunt you down in Europe in next decade.

>total bullshit
Ask any European, and they will tell you how cheap Czech girls are.

> i cant be jew and czech in one universe
Try harder Chaim

>Every time i see this divide and conquer tactic...
Your country is sucking Netanyahu's dick for a few shekels for weaken Europe.
And eveyone who points this out is a Saudi bolsjevik in your eyes.

because of this
>The reality is that the four states composing the Visegrad bloc—Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic—form a common entity imbued with hostility to the values of the Enlightenment, to human rights, to the concept of a nation as a community of citizens, to the principle of equality, and, generally speaking, to foreigners.
>In normal conditions, these states would not be part of the European Union. These societies not only lack a democratic tradition; many of their leaders and citizens also lack a desire to adopt the values of the Enlightenment. Were it not for the enthusiasm that overcame the world following the fall of the Iron Curtain, there would have been no place for the Eastern Europeans in the great enterprise of building a united, liberal, and democratic Europe initiated by France and Germany immediately after World War II. That is how the European Union, which gradually emerged as a partnership of free societies based on respect for human rights, secularism, democracy, and liberalism, let into its midst a Trojan Horse.
seems like Netanyahu is fine with this.

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more info

Hopefully th eother tread is kike-shill free

Nope, it's a US project. The US on the other hand are a kike project

they need to learn from the master of isreal dick sucking how its done

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maybe they're all just nationalists. Why is it wrong to love your country and look out for eachother, whether it be Israel, palestine, the US, poland, britain. It does seem to me the globalists are the real divide and conquer, as nationalism is their enemy.

The EU flag triggers Israel in the same way that a small dog triggers its owner. Israel sees Europe as a pet.

>implying israel & the US do not support the EU through the franco american fundation and the ceta/tafta

Nationalists love their country and will defend it with their lives.

These pseudo-right parties want to divide the country they live in, and push a foreign countries message. This is wrong, especially when this foreign country does this to punish the country you live in