Hey CIA how do

I ask for money to forget about everything i learned about pedogate and f r a z z l e d r i p.

I only want $5m. Then ill forget all about it.

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Other urls found in this thread:



What's pedogate?


I’ll take 5m too and I won’t talk about jews or ever post on Jow Forums again.

Lmao FAG!


Cringe GLP larping retards


nice try...

Thats Youtube child porn. Im not clicking that

Why does the fbi and cia protect cannibal elites and pedophiles?

Are they themselves also cannibals and pedophiles? hmmmm

Stop it. I wanna get paid

Glowniggers, most definitely

I spoke to the Wifi monitoring flux net that surrounds me asking for 8 million.

I mean whats 8 million to these rich jews. they can print any amount of cash. I just want enough to be able to invest and live well.

Fork it over. ITs better for all involved.
+ it will stimulate the economy

To be completely fair I'm at a point in my life I would do some pretty fucked up stuff for money. Including shill pizza threads.
I feel ya OP

Btw these people don't pay you. They just kill you.

The sad thing is I would take the money and still post on Jow Forums muahahahaha...
But then, I'm a democrat, to my duplicitousness will be rewarded with a book deal and go fund me gibs.

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Dont ruin this for me

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fuck OP, i need to pay my rent. i will forget all about it, and hunt OP down, using your tools and network for £2000.

Do you not know of the finer things in life? Only for those who can afford of course...

Attached: pb.jpg (500x441, 58K)

I'm already in the U.S. and have my own gun. I'll do it for $2k minus having to hassle with a foreign citizen.

>exctracts suitcase nuke from building in white suits into blackhawk
literally cannot make this shit up.
