Hello yes we would like $100 Billion (cash) for the bombing and kosovo please. It's only fair

Hello yes we would like $100 Billion (cash) for the bombing and kosovo please. It's only fair.

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Would Serbia be willing to sell Kosovo to Albania

Yes of course like I said 100 billion and our internal organs back pls

>and our internal organs back
you can't just kill the economy of a country

They can still keep the heroin market! All I want is my kidney back

Would you like them in cash or do you accept credit cards?

We would be willing to consider an annual percentage from the marijuana plantations

All i can do is a 20% of all prostitution ring profits and a 15% on overall organ sales

>paying with stolen cards

color me surprised. this thread is underrated.

can you throw in free ice cream and baklava?

u sure jewed me

Don't forget our ongoing cut, Tonibler.

Got a guy in Israel, scams cards out of the locals

Listen could you please pick up the depleted uranium you left behind? It’s giving me cancer, thanks

Those are private businesses so you have to ask them personally.

your cancer is showing via the meme flag

yes well 20 years of bowing down to the globohomo will do that to you

Oh please we know all the bakeries kick up for the cause ok?

They help with the distribution but the Ice cream and Bureks are on a separate account.

Its nice to see balkanoids getting along

May I please speak to a supervisor? Not that Bill guy I don’t like dealing with him

Frens :’)

kosovo is the red herring, we all now what this really was all about

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