Get triggered

white people are to jews as negroes are to white people. 85IQ vs 100IQ vs 115IQ boyos. Top 200 intellectuals? 50% jewish ethnicity. nobel laureates? 50% jew ethnicity. Hitler was a display of pure socialist jealousy, because it is true that the jews exclusively had white collar jobs back in those days (bankers, scientists) which the average german population was jealous of, those pogroms were a typical leftist phenomenon of hatred for those groups who do better in society. My 2 biggest inspirations, both jewish ethnicity: Steven Pinker, Milton Friedman.

Talking about the ethnicity right (the religion caused jews to be genetically isolated from those they shared geographical habitat with, but we're all atheists now right).

hey shareblue sup

Not just germany

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Agreed. White people are the jewish person's nigger.
whites are the niggers to the jews & other minorities are niggers to the whites.

When you’re uninhibited by morality & respect for mankind, it’s natural you’d gravitate to materialism & Money, which more often than not are godless endeavors. Jews campaigning ideology rests on providing fleeting comfort & dopamine releases to the goyim so they can sweep it out from under them when it’s too late for them to fight back.

Gen Z containment thread. Bump.


Whites will be happy if blacks can be gone, but jews won't go to Israel at all.

all races gravitate to materialism and money. The Jews are simply more intelligent and therefore more effective at achieving success

>Top 200 intellectuals? 50% jewish ethnicity
Please provide source for this list

Higher IQ is only for the Ashkenazi Jews which are no more then 60% of total world Jewish population. Rest of them are below 100IQ.