this is an extremely difficult and personal post but i will not hide from this because i’m not ashamed of what happed to me .
on friday kunyae and i had been texting like normal , so after school i went over to his crib and as soon as i got there his mood was off and he started asking me to leave so after a few minutes i did . within 5 minutes he called me screaming that if i didn’t come back he was going to kill himself so of course i did. once i got there he started falsely accusing me of cheating on him , something that i had never and would never do . after going back and forth for a few minutes , i decided to leave again , but wanted to ask his younger 14 year old brother to keep an eye on him because kunyae kept threatening to hurt himself once i left . as i walked downstairs , he jumped in front of me and the next thing i know , i was being repeatedly punched , kicked , and bit all over my head , neck , and shoulders . half of my nails were broken off and my hands were severely bruised from trying to protect myself . his brother had called his family to come home when he heard us arguing and tried to help me while i was being assaulted but wasn’t able to . once his mom got home i started throwing up blood so she called 911 . i was taken to the Mercy ER , where they found that i have a broken orbital (bone under my left eye) and a severe concussion .
the police tried to arrest kunyae on saturday but he took off and has been on the run ever since . he is currently being charged with felony assault , and felony police evasion . *****update : kunyae has been found and arrested****
i am beyond heartbroken by this . i truly loved him and had planned to be with him for forever . but there is no excuse for this kind of violence and even tho it was so hard to make this public , i would rather be the one to tell the truth than have to clear up the lies .
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How does it make u whiteboiis feel that your women would rather get abused by BBC than date any of you?
Tits or gtfo
paid the toll, next
scum gets what she deserves, deportation would make sense too, for both
>fat, stupid coal burner got physically BTFO
>nigger will go to prison
white boys????
she isn't white at least not anymore. The moment she cooperated with niggers was the moment she lost her humanity. Now she is just a hairless animal disguised as human or in other words a nigger.
She got the beat down by a jussie looking mofo
Girls that hot won't even look at me, fuck. That nigger is uglier than I am but the (rightly earned) taboo of dating it is more enticing than making the sound decision of avoiding niggers.
White girls are the most self destructive thing ever to exist
lel yee hate to tell ya but that bitch was always a nigger, boo.
Bro just find a good woman around the same level of attractiveness as you.
nothing of value was lost, wonder if she was with this monkey before, or after her dad died.
The reality is most women hate black men, so yeah, doesn't bother me.
you absolute mad lad
>but there is no excuse for this kind of violence
Agree 100%
>even tho it was so hard to make this public
Gutsy girl, you'll be fine, live and learn.
>i would rather be the one to tell the truth than have to clear up the lies .
Only want to point out politely, that this shit happens a lot between black guys and white girls.
Where? University women are universally whores.
Oh she's uglier than I thought from the OP. Pig nose and fat face.
Well fuck.
I've hear white boys doing shit like this too. That was a beta black kid with poor parenting like other white kids.
I know sometimes you have to cope just to stay sane in this world.
You smell like a nigger
Yeah, all women I've ever met would never consider being around black people let alone date them or having sex with them. Literally can't even go to a restaurant that's in the city because of this.
What flag is this
I met mine at work.
well deserved, get with nigger this is what you deserve
Moral of the story: don’t date knee grows, knee grow.
However, in your case, no white guys worth a shit will ever fuck you now. You’re used goods. The old adage “once you go black...” is applicable to you. So you’re basically fucked.
Hopefully white girls will learn a valuable lesson from your mistake.
Why are you posting this here?
he should have killed her, desu.
disgusting that the subhuman fucking whore is still alive and some beta cuck will treat her like a princess.
toll paid, let's move on.
toll paid
Play nigger game, win nigger prize.
KenIe is Jewish. 60% of Jewish women are coal burners.
She is build for breeding with ring in her nose already.
>replying to bait
Wew lad
Great meat to fuck now, but those tits looks saggy, she gonna look like dumpster before 30s
Women love to get beat up by niggers, its a free ticket for attention on social media.
She seems to be of the intelectual type, she probably made the mistake of talking politics.
In his defence, her face is pretty punchable.
>after school i went over to his crib
Civilization needs to come to an end.
This, don't give into these THOTS they deserve to be left alone and beat up
the toll must be paid
>She said she still love him after he beati her according to her IG.
Do you think the groid will get any prison time?
Toll paid.
She hates herself and shes a woman. Don't try to understand just laugh
he should have killed her, desu.
disgusting that the subhuman fucking whore is still alive and some beta cuck will treat her like a princess.
>she was beaten up for cheating with a white chad
every black dude has been cucked by a white boy
>he started falsely accusing me of cheating on him , something that i had never and would never do .
She definitely been fucking around on him.
Is that why they call them black eyes?
>two black eyes
Got off too easy, in my humble opinion.
Its because they only got eyes for BBC you pathetic boys keep fake laughing while this happens over and over since theres nothing you pathetic cucks can do
Great, actually! Thanks for asking.
This is what black guys do to white girls, you can imagine how they treat black girls.
It's up to you to save them. By dating a black girl you are saving her from a black guy.
You don't have to understand animals, just observe and document their behaviour.
Did you learn your lesson the first time?
Got to lay off the coco butter lotion.
toll paid
Keks toll paid, stupud thot.
Shut up
We treat white girls the worst they are nothing but hate rape pigs to us I pissed and ass fucked my ex non stop just out of hate you white boys are pathetic they laugh at you behind your backs
I see you're feeling comfortable in Germany again. But Merkel just invited in a bunch of animals a few years ago, animals who have a particular liking to your subhuman race.
Trying a little too hard there bud
How do you know that nigger doesn't want to be a bottom bitch in jail. He sounds like a faggot already threatening to kill himself over a bitch.
Delete this trash ass thread.
Same boobs?
She cheated on that nigger with white chad, nigger got insecure that there's someone better and started beating her.
Sure whiteboy he just beat her for fun like we always do thats why they chase us show me proof of her cheating with chad I would always slap my stupid white ex around pull her hair spit on her call her a stupid white sex slave bitch for fun and all she would do is laugh and get turned on about it.
The fact that you are even larping about this is disturbing.
Female anons scroling this post, thats why you never date a nigger.
They may look cute and funny and shit, but they are animals. Every nigger should be fucking deported and sent to fucking wakanda or Nigeria, if they like to act like animals, go fuck their own kind of girls
based. fuck wh*Toids
who's that?