>"We want 15 dollar minimum wage!"
>Government: Okay here
>25 to 50% of them get fired
"We want 15 dollar minimum wage!"
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They will alao be stunned when all the cashiers are fires and turned into touchscreen kiosks and the burger flippers are replaced with a burger flipper robot that cooks them perfect every time and never calls in sick or is late.
Stupid people don't take possible outcomes into consideration when they push for policies. They thought companies would just take the loss, and not pass it onto either the employees or the consumers.
self-checkouts are prone to locking up due to software failures or human monkey fingers which means there'll still be the necessity for the new position of "kiosk engineer" or whatever the job title will be.
Leftists in charge of understanding basic economics.
i cant wait
>go to getgo when i want fast food
>use kiosk to order
>use kiosk to pay
>giant eagle has curbside express
>order online
>just pop the trunk never having to talk to the cucks
if i have to go into grocery store i can use a kiosk to check out
>need woodworking supplies
>use self checkout kiosk at the home despot
>seeing more and more kiosks makes me happy for the world to come
It's still 1 person instead of like 4. Eventually they'll probably get to the point where they get rid of that guy too
>force companies to pay more for a skill than it's worth
>surprised when people get fired
b-b-but my super-advanced skill of slightly flexing my arm to flip a piece of meat should support my family of 10!
The profit losses due to machine malfunction are probably offset by the reduction in labor cost.
It will be great when prices can then be lowered too. I theorize that there will be three or four managers that are engineers that can fix the machines when needed. High paid manager but still cheaper than scores of employees salaries and benefits.
Agreed, see my theory above
There are arguments that deal with that though
Not really. You need a combination to be most profitable. So all the jobs won't go, just roughly half to two-thirds
We have way too many people in this country. A culling needs to happen. Only people smart enough to write machine learning algorithms should be allowed to exist in the future they create.
A mere bump in the road, in another 10 years that shit won't happen and if the niggers are too stupid to figure out the touchscreen they won't eat either
Is this good for the few employees who showed good work ethic? They basically get more hours now for more pay. Unless these fast food joints are removing the "Open 24 hours" policy.
Arguments don't change reality.
This. I used to go into banks or grocery stores and use the cashiers because I thought the ATMs and self-check crap were dehumanizing and would cost people jobs. After dealing with cunts who act like their doing me a favour by acknowledging me I will do everything I can to ensure they will soon be unemployed. Just need to get drones or robots delivering food now instead of the utterly retarded goatfuckers and streetshitters and my interactions with useless humans will be almost down to nil.
minimum wage in NYC should be $15/hr. rent is insanely high.
if you're working full-time and only making enough to get food & pay rent you might as well be a slave nigger in egypt building pyramids and living in slave homes eating slave servings.
>excited to pay machines.
And you'll be the first to blame all the problems the go along with an automated society on everyone but yourself. You sir, are a nigger kike faggot.
I honestly believe that most democrats in office know full well that raising minimum wage is outright retarded, but they do it to force more people out of a job, which virtually ensures they'll vote Democrat.
have you instead considered the possibility of lowering taxes and eliminating welfare so that rent is no so expensive?
we have the power.
self checkouts where i live are perfect. it's mature technology.
or move.
Curb immigration, wages go up rent goes down. But instead let's be Jews and bitch about low wage retards.
Maybe useless people shouldn’t live next to all the useful people. The useful people like to live near each other which causes the property values to go up. There are still plenty of places for useless people to live in the middle of the country.
i was already replacing people with machines when they raised the min wage from 5.15 to 7.25 an hour.
Don't tell the retards, they're flat out convinced we're one step away from living in robo land.
>Rent is too high.
You realize that rent is the one thing you can't export onto other states, right? There's going to be just as much demand, and more people willing to pay more, so you'll see rents shoot up, too.
Do you realize that all of online shopping is essentially a self checkout system? These systems work extremely well, it's just that demand has been low and the units available are of poor quality. Demand will bring better units and as a result prices will drop as quality improves. It's the nature of progress.
Link faggot
You didn't watch it
Haha min wage workers have the power. Have the power to ride the bus
> lowering taxes and eliminating welfare
When women are the majority of the electorate? No fucking chance of that happening.
Mine around here is always one being worked on or out of order. Anyone got the webm of the nigger getting frustrated and punching a mcdonald kios?
You can tell that was crafted by a team of sub-90 IQ morons.
>we have the power.
but not, apparently, grammar or spelling.
>and turned into touchscreen kiosks
These have many problems so that they dont replace a actual cashier.
>the best argument for minimum wage is "it doesn't fuck everything up THAT badly"
Oh yea I’ll bet that person knows how to run anything
>>seeing more and more kiosks makes me happy for the world to come
t. sociopath
They probably did the owner a favor. It’s a lot of work to fire people and you have to pay part of the unemployment they take in. Now he can hire a bunch or illegals and doesn’t have to pay any unemployment costs.
That is not his position
>It has been empirically verified that people tend to work harder the more they are paid.
Yes, so long as we aren't speaking about minimum wage. A few decades ago, minimum wage was 1/3 of what it is now, and yet you still have a shit ton of lazy bums, because they feel "Minimum wage? Minimum effort!"
>make 10-12 bucks an hour
>get 25-50% pay raise forced by govt
>25-50% get laid off
Now the company also gets to brag about their high pay.
I've never had a problem with them. And I will always use them instead of a human if available.
Oh yeah. Life not fair, shock
>ignores the laws of economics
oh i forgot to add the atms with there check cashing service i haven't been in a bank in 5 years
name the problems? oh you cant
>make economic model based off paying people like indentured servants
>in threat of collapse by the prospect of paying something decent
It's literally the same bullshit as how some companies can only stay afloat due to perpetual economic growth and crash the moment a recession hits.
Shit entrepreneurs with shit business models hiring shitty people who have come to accept that this is the "best system" they can get.
>DUDE just raise money for 98% of the people who cares that 2% of the workforce might never find a job LMAO
nigger that's like 6 million people in America who may never get a job again that's insane.
Don't act so superior, Dutchman. Imagine having to deal with uppity groids for decades just to order a goddamn hamburger, now you don't have to deal with them at all
>what is economy?
t. unskilled faggot working min wage shit job living paycheck to paycheck.
Faggot. Just mooch off Mommy and Daddy like the rest of the eternal neets on pol. Just remember,being 30 and living in your parent's basement makes you better thab everyone else. Neets are literally nigger tier leeches.
But the “kiosk engineer” replaces 1000 cashiers dipshit
I use bluebird. It's only online, and impossible to overdraft.
>work harder with more pay
so you could pay half the people double and fire the other half?
but 98% will see a raise
Demanding a better work environment?
> t. American pea brain
I can tell you're one of those people complaining about getting a smaller tax refund because you paid less taxes.
>to hard
>to long
Plot twist: the employees were overpaid all along.
I've been working at Amazon since the middle of last year, Amazon pays $15/hour starting
they hired a bunch of seasonal employees over the fall and through Christmas to work at their distribution centers, at times the shift exploded to 50% people
they just laid off all but the highest-performers though lol
businesses can easily afford to pay $15/hour, but the employees have to be productive
had a girl tell me that Walmart was better because it was so much easier and you weren't constantly moving
I can't imagine the shock it was to your typical NYC fast food employee
Isn’t the owner demanding a better work environment and the employees denying it?
The cooking is "perfect" every time anyway. The grill in the back has a lid that cooks both sides for the amount of time needed at McDicks.
t. Used to work there.
If you get $15 an hour, you can't expect to be the kind of employee that calls in every 3 days with a sick kid or a hurt foot. What employers will put up with at $8 an hour, they would not stand for at $15 an hour. If your labor is valuable, they expect reliability.
The world as a whole really. A plauge would be just fine.
That reality where wage rises result in mass layoffs: cleansing inefficient use of labour from the system. Tasks need a minimum amount of workers, raising wages can only make a business fail if the business was a poor performer to begin with.
High wages make systems efficient and encourage technological development to remove excess labour, where it may be redeployed efficiently elsewhere.
Amazon is great. They’ll pay you around $350k a year if you know how to write machine learning algorithms.
I'm sort of okay with a minimum wage. On one hand, companies should compete with their salaries (unless there's a labor saturation, such as when you import millions of shitskins to work for pennies). On the other hand, companies will always try to find a way to screw employees. Not letting you work 40 hours so you're (((technically))) not a full time employee who would otherwise qualify for benefits, etc.
tl;dr jews.
what happened they already work there for 10 years so they had to pay them $16?
Companies shouldn’t be forced to pay for our health insurance. It makes our companies exports uncompetitive. Germany doesn’t put the health care burden on their companies and their exports do very well.
NOW THIS, is at least a viable argument. Problem is you still have people being laid off in the mean time and job creation/small business becomes difficult.
That argument does apply to larger companies however.
nothing. they still get paid 16. sucks to be you goy
im self employed and pay my taxes at the end of the year because im not a cuck that loans the government money interest free.
> also ive made more money this year and im paying slightly less taxes
>thinking that the means of production is a fixed thing
how very commie of you.
The new owner wanted a new crew and they took the bait
>It will be great when prices can then be lowered too.
and why would you think anyone would do that?
It’s crazy that useful people can make 100x - 300x the amount that useless people make and all we have to do is type on a computer.
To compete
>Germany doesn’t put the health care burden on their companies and their exports do very well.
That is de-facto wrong. The employer pays half the bill for the health insurance.
>idiots don't understand deflation of labor only occurs with a decrease of the money supply
The part I love about kiosks is that retailers figured that contacting engineers, hiring technicians, procuring point of sale systems, and writing off the theft these systems invite was still cheaper than $15/hr wages.
The ones at McDonalds work great. The ones at Wendy's never fucking work.
I actually prefer the self-checkout in stores like Home Depot and Walmart.
>drawbox (pickrandom(color))
if you don't know what this does go back to flipping burgers
If they make less than 60k a year the government pays their healthcare.
This is why we need UBI
Robo-beaners are real
Good. Maybe a couple of these retards will even learn something from all this.
I doubt it, but maybe.
b-b-but denmark has minimum wage
they will push for a robo tax or higher minimum wage. isn't it funny how they can never live on minimum wage even when it's been hiked over 60 times
do they have niggers and spics who can't speak english
You think you are so smart but they are just going to vote for all-out communism
Why would you pass a singe color to pick random? Shouldn’t you pass an array of colors so that the function can pick one? What does the function do with the color input?
Just giving you a hard time.
Which is why a safety net, a broadly skilled population, agile trainingan transparent, accurate communication with industry is essential to ensure efficient use of labour.
Labour is the ultimate renewable resource. Like any resource, you want to maximise it's ability to deliver a return.
After all, efficiency is the aim of markets.
massa gonna gib me dat basic income n sheeeit
It was a basic example at my job on how to javascript. the instructor said if you can't even code this you shouldn't be in the stem field
I have used self checkout and ordering kiosks hundreds of times in my life. Also in high school I was a cashier. I have literally never seen a self checkout kiosk fail, and I've only ever seen a manually run cash register fail once, and that was due to a building wide problem. This technology is so redundant the one in ten thousand error is worth the cost saving.
I’ve literally never had an issue with self checkouts