If we stopped throwing away food because it looked funny and quit eating shit like triple cheeseburgers...

if we stopped throwing away food because it looked funny and quit eating shit like triple cheeseburgers, we could probably feed most of the world tomorrow and we could just eat Jeff Bezos for desert

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DSAniggers don't know how businesses work. They are deluding and defrauding the American electorate.

End world hunger for how long? Bezos only earns 81 million a year, so what would happen after the money dries up? What would happen to the millions of Africans that were born during that time and lived off of Bezos’ dollar? What would that money do to stem the exponential population growth in Africa?

Does this retard realize that when you eat the food you have to buy/make more?

Not all of his wealth is liquid

1. What's the cost of getting food to everyone on earth?
2. How much carbon monoxide would that produce?
3. For how long would that have to go on?

FYI: China is the biggest polluter in the world. It dumps more trash into the ocean then all other nations combined--nearly all the trash in generated from agriculture, and nearly all agriculture is geared towards feeding the people. Let that sink in for a bit.

>ending world hunger
lmao, time and time again we discover that giving poor countries aid only leads to their birthrates skyrocketing to the point that they can't sustain themselves any longer.

He can't actually end world hunger. To end world hunger, we would, as a species, need the logistics and infrastructure to ensure that the supplies get to those who need it. We can't even ensure the supplies our governments send to disaster zones always reach the intended targets. And while I'm not necessarily fond of people sitting on a dragon's hoard of money, it's not Bezos's responsibility to take on the burdens of the world, or the responsibility of any other member of the 1%. If someone like Mike wants to end world hunger, then it starts with him, not the people he'd prefer do it.

Feed the world for a day
and its still starving tomorrow

Lol you can’t end world hunger people will just get hungry again

Even if you were able to solve the "world hunger" problem you would only solve it temporarily. The real problem is the population bomb of brown people in the world that need to stop having so many fucking kids. India could and should be fairly prosperous but because of their population growth they keep out stripping any development they have. Africa is just a worse case where global aid is just leading to more africans, and this is the real source of the hunger problem. When you try to help raise these people's living standards they grow in population and need more resources. They don't raise their living standards or build infrastructure they just make more mouths to feed.
The only real way to solve the "hunger" problem is to solve the brown problem by incentivizing birth control and sterilization for these people. The population of sub-Saharan blacks should be reduced to 200 million and all these brown countries reduced by 50%.

Why should bozos give a fuck about niggers starving in wealthy fertile lands, as a direct result of their own stupidity?

We need to stop all foreign aid and let this issue reaolve itself.

>Jeff Bezos ends world hunger
>Nigger population explodes
>In a generation there's world hunger 10 times bigger
Based Jeff Bezos not doing unwise things.

hunger is the feeling between breakfast and lunch. the entire world will always be hungry because our biological instinct to eat to stay alive. what this dumb mother fucker wants to end is starvation as a result of dumb mother fuckers not knowing how to farm or forage, and warlords and other despots hoarding food and keeping it from people.
ending world hunger is a dumb motherfucking meme that is built upon the ignorance of the human body and how it works. land whales get hungry, little Umbongo from the congo gets hungry, we all get fucking hungry.
tell bezos to fund some goddamn farming classes or foraging classes, oh wait, everytime some missionary tries to bring food, water, or some fucking spiritual guidance to starving people, they kill them and eat them.
fuck brianless do-gooders.
tackle the REAL problem.
>oh you have 1 trillion dollars?
>use it to end hunger
>buys 7 billion people breakfast
>lunch comes
>7 billion people are hungry again
>sorry kid i spent all my money on breakfast

dumb fucker in pic also forgets that the world has time zones, so people get hungry in intervals as time passes. fuckers eating breakfast IN australia, while fuckers in america are sleeping. when you're sleeping you're not hungry, the body is at rest, aka fasting, ergo breakFAST.

This. Don't feed the fucking animals

I'm not going to stop eating triple cheeseburgers you commie cunt

>that profile pics

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giving a nigger in Africa a cracker is ending world hunger

For one day. Wow such fuzzy feelies.

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imagine thinking you can help someone become self sustaining by giving them free stuff. unless his plan is for the dwindling numbers of genetic Europeans to feed the continent of Africa indefinitely.

what the fuck does Bezos have to do with the world hunger problem that existed before he was born you stupid fuck, you must be NPC

If he is talking about simply feeding people, the math doesn't work:

1. Jeff Bezos is worth $140 billion
2. There are 1 billion starving people on Earth
3. You need to feed these people 365 days a year
4. Suppose the cheapest meal is $1 per day
5. Total cost to feed 1 billion people for a year is $365 billion

>I have never looked up the definition of net worth

Ending world hunger isn't possible without sterilizing Africa, India, China, most of the middle East. If you feed them, they'll simply have more children and be hungry again.

We need more world hunger to cull the nigger population, not less

>throwing money at a problem fixes it

> End world hunger

For what a whole 5 minutes?

That kid needs to quit being a dumb lofty idealistic cunt and realize what they're really after is eugenics. It would end world hunger for a much longer period of time if we just killed everyone below the poverty line. They contribute nothing and consume resources, why should people who actually contribute to society give their wealth to benefit people who are too stupid, lazy, sick, et al to work? This is SWPL shit and these bleed hearts have no argument beside feels and baseless benevolence with other people's money.

Eating is literally the only motivation the poor have to work. What's the difference between Dikembe starving or being fed when the end result is still no productivity?

I say we double his money and not feed any of these niggers who can't feed themselves without gibs and let them die off.

Then the money runs out and you would see THE BIGGEST CHIMPOUT HUMANITY EXPERIENCED EVER!!!

1. There isn't that much food available to even buy in the first place, or land in first-world countries to even produce that much more.
2. Even if there was, it would mean destroying Amazon in the process, making goods more expensive and less convenient to purchase.

Only solution is to get Africa to start farming themselves on their own fertile land, but niggers will never do that.

>the world is a diaper, Jeff Bezos should change it.

>stop world hunger for a year
30 billion

So we could stop world hunger for how long? 6 years at the most? Okay, so what about after 6 years and you’ve ballooned the population to be even more out of control than it already is.

We tried to feed the Africans in Rhodesia and they murdered us over it. We tried to feed the Africans in South Africa and now they're murdering us over that too.
I say we've done enough to help Africa.

>everytime some missionary tries to bring food, water, or some fucking spiritual guidance to starving people, they kill them and eat them.
Quality post btw.

>end world hunger
>every single woman in africa has 10 children
>people are starving again
>won't someone please think of the children

>if we stopped throwing away food because it looked funny and quit eating shit like triple cheeseburgers, we could probably feed most of the world tomorrow and we could just eat Jeff Bezos for desert

Then they'd all reproduce and we'd have an even WORSE problem.
Don't feed the animals. It creates dependence.


>start feeding stray cats
>yay you ended stray cat hunger
>suddenly more stray cats
>gotta feed those too or else you're a cat-hater
>feeding more cats begets more cats to feed
>can't afford it anymore
>get labeled as a cat-hater
>overrun by cats
>cats eat your face

I don't care about world hunger. World hunger is basically all just Africans fucking too much, China being a nation of sociopaths, or the middle east torturing everyone because a book told them to. Literally just bomb them all to oblivion, take their resources after the aftermath clears up, repopulate with responsible human beings. No more hunger, no more bad.