Why not have a second referendum

>people vote for public policy
>find out that policy is not working out
>not allowed to change their minds in light of new evidence

Why are pro-Brexiters against the will of the poeple?

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Fucks it gotta do wi you?

>Economic collapse of the UK won't have any impact on the global economy or Americans at all

Do you even understand how the modern economy works?

Right when you put Hillary on the ballot for a second time, faggot.

Hello stupid lefty , has yer mam gone out?
Play with matches, that'll show 'er.

>not working out
Kek they haven’t even left yet retard. Sage

You should try shooting yourself in the face

How many times did the people get to vote democratically on the idea of mass immigration?

Vote until we elites can construct the conditions necessary to influence you to vote the way we want. Nice democracy there kid...

If Remain won there would be no second referendum.

If Leave wins again there will be demands for a third referendum.

Because having multiple referendums on a policy, before said policy is even implemented, until (((they))) get what they want is retarded and against the will and good of the people.

Fuck, forgot to sage.

>keep having votes until you get the result you want

Would prefer we just skip to the civil war to be honest m8.

Just got a news alert.
EU signalling Brexit could be delayed until 2021.
Add that to the Tory rebels saying they will quit the government if they do not get an extension or a deal, and I absolutely fucking guarantee that we're going to be fucking done over.

If there's a second referendum, it's basically an admission that voting is just for show anyway, and means nothing. Brit-bongs would be wise to just overthrow the government by force at that point, because that's the only way they'll listen.

People don't care if the game is rigged and its all for show unless you take their Greggs and Corrie and bennies and Norf FC away from them.
So long as the bread and circuses continue, there will be no revolution.

It's a shame, but you're likely right. Oh well, let us know if you get enough balls for us to airdrop guns to you.

>Why are pro-Brexiters against the will of the poeple?
because this is how the EU fagots operate you dumb twit.

The EU bitches ALWAYS call for more elections whenever they lose a vote. they'll keep revoting until it passes or they stuff the balot box and fake the win. Everyone has seen this play out for the past 40 years. The EU is completely for democracy, ONLY when the vote goes for them.

Furthermore the Brexit issue is far too complex for a yes/no vote. No one wants the brexit as teresa may wants it. They want to LEAVE the EU, they don't want the brexit deal. furthermore having a 2nd vote would be a vote for a NEW parliament, not a new brexit referendum. They'd just tie the two together, and if Teresa has to run on brexit she loses.

Ultimately the problem is Teresa May has fucked this up. So while the will of the people is to leave the EU, they're also 100% united against Teresa May's Brexit. So the EU, anti-democratic totalitarians in Brussels will push for a re-vote, and if they get it, they'll make an anti-Brexit vote == staying in the EU, which it is absolutely not.

In the end, this isn't' about the will of the people, this is about a totalitarian group of un-elected elites in Brussels trying to prevent an English defection from the EU (soon to be followed by spain, greece, italy and france)

>Why are pro-Brexiters against the will of the poeple?
The will of the people has been heard. They voted LEAVE. End of. Cunt.

This Wednesday a vote will take place in the commons on wether article 50 can be extended.
If no, then Mays offer will be amended and offered back to parliament, depending on the result of that vote will we leave either with or without a deal, on the 29th March with no extension.

If yes, the HM Queen WILL prorogue parliament until after the 29th which would guarantee a no-deal Brexit.
Monarchy is proved a futile endeavour otherwise.

>find out that policy is not working out
So there is the flaw in your argument, policy not yet implemented; Brexit hasn't happened. You are silly.
Also, what happens if the vote comes in as leave? We have another vote? This is kike level fuckwittery parroted by actual NPC brainlets and feminists #FBPE literally to dumb to converse with

I can't think of a single example where a country (old or new) seceded from a political entity without needing war to win their freedom. I don't know why Britain thought this time would be different.

I cannot imagine being such a normalfag that you want to remain in the EU. For me it is like trying to imagine what another species spends its day thinking about. This is happening a lot lately. I just cannot mentally fathom the mentality. It is becoming harder and harder to imagine their minds and come to some sort of understanding. It is also making it harder and harder for me to empathize at all.

>you will vote until we get right results!
>democracy fuck yeah!

>Russian in support of weakening the West

no surprises here

This plan with all the "delay" shit is to push the decision past the next general election, at which point campaigns will be run either remaining in the EU or holding another referendum.

Whoever wins will then have the cover of legitimacy to keep Britain in the EU.

Czech-Slovak break-up comes to mind, though I guess it's different from the UK leaving the EU, but yeah, I'll believe it when I see it.

Yeah, we support east of UK, like Germany.

There is pretty much no benefit to brexit at this point.

It’s fucking normies that caused this mess by falling for all the memes thinking it would go back to the ‘good old days’ if we left.

Right, though that was an odd period with so many communist "countries" crumbling. I guess the USSR breaking into pieces is a similar example from that time period. I guess your best hope is that the EU completely implodes. You, France, Italy...you're on your way down that path to be honest.

has it ever happen?

Yeah, it's different case, but I think you're right, the EU is never going to allow us to leave, well you would need the UK establishment to enforce it, but of course, they don't want us to leave.

>>find out that policy is not working out
ffs user, we haven't left yet

USSR, retard. What was running though your head, the Kalmar Union breaking up in 1566?

Unions can be divorced very easily, it's when countries break up the shit goes down.

Correct. And using the same logic, free Scotland and dissolve our military alliance. We don't want it, we don't need it and the sooner you are put out to grass, the better.

>second referendum
Hey dumbass, do you know what a referendum is? THE CHOICE IS SETTLED
>Let's vote until we get the result we want

It clearly wasn't settled because there was a referendum 40 years ago.

>40 years ago + implemented policy = 2 years ago + non-implemented policy

Please tell me you're a proxy user and that you don't really live in the same country as me.

Google : Paul Tomlin.


Divide and conquer slide thread.

Sage n report, kids.

Merely pointing out the foolishness of calling it settled when it's anything but. Decades of blaming the EU for things that are mostly if not entirely the UK's fault was never going to end well.

And if you're Scottish you probably won't be living in the same country as me after brexit.

>Why not have a second referendum

Keep voting till you give the CORRECT answer plebs!

No can you all google : Paul Tomlin please...

The remain side couldn't find ONE single "Bregret" voter, NOT ONE, so they hired an actor that got caught out.

There is no "Bregret", if anything more people have switched to leave because of what Tusk and Varadkar have been saying/doing.

It's funny, those of you on here that proclaim to be against Soros and then in another breath you're shilling for a second vote, not realising that Soros is the one funding the "Peoples Vote". That's not even a conspiracy, he's already admitted to funding it.

So many shills on here.

Then in 40 years we can have a vote to join the United Emirate States of Europe.

That's fair. Now shut the fuck up you Soros fuccboi.

A new vote is indeed questionable in a longstanding democracy like the UK. That being said, the whole shit is fucked. It should not have been done in the first place and its all Cameron's fault for falling for the bait.

However, whats done is done so everyone should let it go. I can totally understand the anger from the pro-remainers though as it was a completely okay place up until now and it will suffer heavy economic blows due to this idiotic decision.


1. Demographically won't make a difference. I suspect GLOBAL BRITAIN will invite more brown people when poles and french bankers leave.

2. You are a fuccboi to people shorting the UK. Eg Redwood, Mogg,