The US needs to become a modern country

Gun ownership in America are a relic from a time when you did have to hunt for your own food, and defend yourself from wild animals.
That time has long since passed.

Every year thousands upon thousands died needlessly at the alter of the “second amendment”, this is the equivalent of sacrificing thousands of people a year to keep the sun rising, in other words, IT’S POINTLESS!
If you would just see reason and trust each other a little bit you could easily come up with a system of registration and safe storage that would dramatically reduce gun deaths, while still keeping your guns!

Americans like to imagine good guys kill bad guys with guns – whether they're in the Wild West, in U.S. cities, in foreign wars, or in outer space.
That’s not reality, reality is that America in the years to come will continue to have a few gun-free zones, such as airplanes, sports stadiums and Republican Party conventions. While the rest of you live in war zones worse than any “scary Muslim” country.

America, I love you, but you need to get your act together and pass some common sense, comprehensive, gun safety laws.

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Other urls found in this thread: & Wesson/M&P 15 Rifles/S&W M&P 15 SPORT II .223/5.56 16


Americans are too retarded to ban guns

Why do people even post shit like this?

Do they really think this will actually sway people?

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Despite being about 6% of the US population, black men commit about 50% of the murders, almost always with a gun.

Would you like to continue this discussion on guns and violence?

Also, despite not being a "modern country" many non-whites are desperately trying to flood into in America. Why is that? For being so terrible you'd think they'd want to stay away!

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Fuck you come and take them

>If you would just see reason and trust each other a little bit you
>America, I love you
fuck off Ishmael Kikestein
Here's a quick guide to building your own AR-15 on the cheap.

This is the first part we're going to buy and it's the most important. This is the only part of an AR-15 that is regulated, you can purchase everything else without getting a background check except this. It will need to be mailed to a local dealer who will charge you a fee and background check you.

This kit contains the entire rest of the rifle. Stock, barrel, grip, trigger, barrel all that good stuff. It's a more basic kit but it will be enough to get you started on the AR-15 platform.

This punch set will help with assembly and is a good tool set to have for beginners.

These are your run of the mill magazines. I'd say 10 is a good start but you can get as many or little as you want. You can also likely head down to any local gun store to purchase some and meet your local FLGS owner.

After you get the parts it's time to assemble your rifle.

Some things to consider at this point:
>Clean your fucking gun
>Begin stockpiling ammunition. A little here and there never hurts.
>Look for an optic. Iron sights are fine but red dots / acogs go great if you have the money & Wesson/M&P 15 Rifles/S&W M&P 15 SPORT II .223/5.56 16
Want a full rifle instead? The S&W Sport II is your standard 'modern musket'

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You can keep the pony on the rain not gonna happen. No one, in their sane mind would take away guns. Not possible. It's not even possible.

Do you think they would give their guns? No, they would trench themselves and fight to the death. It would be a civil war.

Me when you asshats keep trying to tell me to think of the children or any other bullshit to get me to give up my guns.


Its not about hunting


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>America, I love you, but you need to get your act together and pass some common sense, comprehensive, gun safety laws.
We already have those.


How many of those crimes were committed by niggers?

Lower-end estimates include that byDavid Hemenway, a professor of Health Policy at the Harvard School of Public Health, which estimated approximately 55,000–80,000 such uses each year.[8][9]

Compared to

In 2012, there were 8,855 total firearm-related homicides in the United States, with 6,371 of those attributed to handguns.[9]In 2012, 64% of all gun-related deaths in the U.S. were suicides.[10]In 2010, there were 19,392 firearm-related suicides, and 11,078 firearm-related homicides in the U.S.[11]In 2010, 358 murders were reported involving ariflewhile 6,009 were reported involving ahandgun; another 1,939 were reported with an unspecified type of firearm.[12]

Remind me again why these retards want to ban guns. Defensive gun use far outpaces gun homicides, even on the LOW END of estimates made by leftist college professors. These stats are gun grabber kryptonite.

There are 4 kinds of anti-gunner.
>The person who just doesn't know about the subject, so they just repeat whatever talking points they heard growing up
>The stupid person who has actually been educated on the subject, but it went in one ear and out the other
>The crazy person with an increasingly tenuous grip on reality that projects their insanity onto other people as a defense mechanism
>The evil person who wants disarmed victims
You talk to the first, ridicule the second, lock up the third and fucking shoot the fourth.

Anybody STILL genuinely believe that banning guns is going to help anything?


>remember to sage shill threads

Show me where the 2nd amendment says anything about hunting


Fuck you! You’re the reason thousands are needlessly sacrificed a year.
You’re actually evil, and are in the wrong side of history.

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That's a nice flag you got there kike, true or false, most gun deaths are a result of suicide?


Daily reminder the United States doesnt have a gun problem, it has a nigger problem. Ban niggers and watch gun crime drop 93%.

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>are a relic from a time when you did have to hunt for your own food, and defend yourself from wild animals
Stopped reading there. I literally saw a mountain lion in my backyard two days ago. City bugmen GTFO politics.

flag checks out

Self defense, Defense of ones family and defense of ones Property are human rights
It shall not be reduced to inneficient means
>Giving the state a monopoly on force

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Why liberals hate freedom so much? Are they afraid of responsibility?

will keep this for future knowledge, thanks user. I would've gotten a gun a long time ago but I don't trust myself with it, I'd probably kill myself on one of the bad nights

If you're going to kill yourself don't help the leftists out by increasing the statistics. Find some woods and walk out in to them to see how long you can survive before being eaten by a bear

Go for an 80% lower instead. Fuck FFL shit

get gassed

Go to hell faggot

You're a fucking idiot. The Bill of Rights is non negotiable. PERIOD END OF

>too retarded to exist as nation for longer then 2 minutes

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If you don't like it the go to Canada

They want to shove everything onto someone else. Defense of themselves and family? State should do that. Beeing safe from illegal gunowners? MAKE ALL GUNS ILLEGAL; state should do it. Too nigger to get job? State should make quotas to get literall retards jobs they are not qualified for

Wrong, moron. The second amendment was debated in Congress for three months before it was even written. They explained EXACTLY what it meant, and they even explained that communist trash like yourself would try to take the guns.

the bill of rights are amendments to the constitution and can be changed via a multitude of methods

this is basic high school civics

People who want to take your guns wants you to be unarmed so they can kill you!
If they say this is not the case they are liars!
Why wouldn't they lie, they want you dead!
Beware of these liars! They say anything to make it easier for them to kill you!




Every single time when the meme flag comes off. Sometimes i think Israelis are just trolling us for keks.

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You sure wish your constitution had that, huh? You know the spanish one.
Im also sure you wish you could defend yourself from Madrid. Maybe go protest some more, im sure one day that will get you independence

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>Only country that has sent people to the Moon.
Yeah, whatever, faggot.

why are you so interested in this?

i don't want to get mauled by a bear just to prove a point to the fags and roasties, that would be them winning

Then use an exit bag, but if you're afraid of owning a firearm because you think you'll use it on yourself then you're too weak for what's coming anyway

That paper doesn't give rights. It recognize these rights.
Even if that paper was abolished those rights still stand.
You don't need a paper to exercise your rights.

>can be changed via a multitude of methods
Explain, Catalonia, how our laws work.

You and yours are the wild animals.
Fuck off.

Catalans BTFO

Why are you so interested in our country. Show your real flag, kike.

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"Gun" is a leftist codeword for "nigger."

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The Federalists didn't think a bill of rights was necessary. They argued that everyone understood these were immutable, God-given rights that would never be given up, after just having shed blood and treasure to secure.
Others concerned about this new, strong central government insisted.
Shall not be infringed.

Yes. Freedom to defend your life and freedom is so out of fashion and definitely not as important as trying to prevent shootings happening in gun free zones using usually illegally possessed guns by people who the police knew were mentally ill and did absolutely nothing.

Stfu nugger. Get back to supressing muslims- keeping the kikes out and making kick ass firearms. Either do that or fuck you, you anti white nigger.

How many times do we have to tell you this lesson OP,

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>if you are going to kill yourself then you're too weak for what's coming

no fucking shit

OK. There's one. You should "multiple".

More people are killed in car wrecks and all car wrecks are 100% avoidable


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Its a big one

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Why does that guy only have 3 guns? That’s not even enough for everyone there to have one

Who the hell even are you people? Do you really matter? Think about that.

Norway is a modern country and we have tons of guns around here.

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>Gun ownership in America are a relic from a time when you did have to hunt for your own food, and defend yourself from wild animals.
tl;dr leftist retards don't understand the 2nd

>a modern country

you're right, we need less non-whites and privately owned artillery pieces and warships.

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>defend yourself from wild animals
We still have to defend ourselves from wild animals, it's just that political correctness demands that we call them PoC now.
Your claim that we don't need guns rings hollow when I know you don't live in an inner city shithole where being able to defend yourself is a daily requirement.



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>from a time when you had to defend yourself from wild animals
You say that like niggers don't exist in the present day


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It is a modern country. Our calendar says the current year is 2019 like all the other modern countries. Oh wait. Not what you meant. Guess it's subjective than?

>preaching disarmament
>’my fellow (((amercians)))’
Actually neck yourself you waste of human potential, the right to defend yourself should never be impinged upon. Not one step back America, lest you turn in to us.

Maybe fuck off to Canada or Mexico you nigger

should we ban muslim too ?
because they seem to be as dangerous as gun ?

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Just learned about this gun today and it seems like the best compromise. Kids wont die from full auto guns and gun nuts get to keep pretending they are cool military guys

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Israel first.

No, they’re just bored and want you’s

Friendly reminder that such threads are reportable.

>America in the years to come will continue to have a few gun-free zones
Nah nigger theres school in Texas that allows open carry and a few restaurants where people open carry.
Alot of people are buying more guns and this kinda anti gun shit is adding to it.

lying graph, I am sure White french are way lower than US white.

Look at these savages in the USA...

Scenes like these are not common in Europe.

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They won't stop until all firearms are banned

AS long as I have any gun I will have the oppressing force's weapons by the end of the first day. So we might as well be allowed to start on the same foot.

Hey hey rabbi watcha doing?
Fuck off, how come teachers in Israel can open carry tavors but we cant?

Bunch of psychopaths.

We are truly superior to Burgers, we would never let kids shoot guns for fun.

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>America, I love you, but you need to get your act together and pass some common sense, comprehensive, gun safety laws.

We do have laws and pretty much everyone who has committed a shooting has done so legally. Look at all the shootings in Chicago. Do you think any of the thugs committing these crimes are legal gun owners or care about the law? What about all the shootings taking place in countries with strict gun control laws? How the fuck is that possible? Whenever they can't get guns, they commit mas stabbings. I waiting to look in the news and read about a disgruntle employee hacking his co-workers up with a chainsaw next. It's just people these days who are fucked in the head. We need to bring back the mental institutions and the transorbital lobotomy.

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Fuck off Mohamad with a vpn

Not so they can kill you, but so they can enslave you.
No. The first ten cannot be changed. The first ten are called the bill of rights for a reason. The rest are not necessarily. The 11th Amendment is not a right. The 12th Amendment is not a right. 14th Amendment is not a right. The 16th amendment is not a right. The 17th amendment is not a right. The 22nd is not a right. The 23rd amendment is not a right. The 25th amendment is not a right. The 27th Amendment is not a right.

Only an idiot would entrust his life to politicians. We the People created the government as our servant, not our master. The government may use guns if we allow it; as servants, the government simply does not have the right to disarm the masters. There is no arguing this point. If any public servant does not like it, he is free to seek other work.


This, people need to stop being subjects.

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Why do you let children shoot assault rifles, you monster!

Something like this would never be possible in Europe.

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That kid in the sweater looks a hundred percent like I used to, dead ass.

My AR15 is not full auto either, but yeah, I wouldn't mind having it in .458 socom rather than 5.56. Will you give me the money for the new one if I turn it in?

>b-but what if e give up guns and the government enslaves us
the state of americans

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