hahahaha bitches, man
about time bitches pay for their dumbass voting choices.
>women in military
It's about damn time. This is just a district court ruling though. Might get reversed by a gynocentric circuit court panel.
So how quickly will they set up the 69th Rapid Pregnancy Battalion ?
imagine her in a front-line combat unit.
men would break all conditioning to protect her in the face of an enemy. what a distraction! back at camp men would compete for her attention without even knowing it.
>the difference between life and death
Army should not be vehicle for sjw ideology and social engineering. It defies common sense to send women into combat roles
It's like when we tell you you're going to shoot your eye out, and yet you still want that daisy rifle.
You're going to have to commit all the way.
>handful of uppity dykes force their way into the military
>breaks the system irrevocable and ends the draft
Wow, I guess "slippery slope" isn't ALWAYS a fallacy....