Trump needs to make this a bigger issue because its clearly a winner.
Check out these comments on buzzfeed! Even libs don't want this ISIS whore coming here
Asher Diaz
William Wright
Juan Long
I’m not giving your shit website clicks
Logan Lewis
>When your so high on trump derangement syndrome that you'd literally defend child murdering ISIS members
Benjamin Morales
Mason White
I'm a web developer by trade. Do you have any idea how many clicks it takes to make a fucking nickel on advertisements? Idiot.
Levi Roberts
Can't someone just shoot them or something? XD
Jaxon Powell
let her back in, then put her in gitmo.
Liam Myers
Don't they literally have footage of her beheading a guy? She's a fucking murderer, these people are disgusting.
Mason Torres
>Media defending ISIS brides