Check out these comments on buzzfeed! Even libs don't want this ISIS whore coming here

Trump needs to make this a bigger issue because its clearly a winner.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-24 Trump Doesn't Want A Woman Who Left The US For ISIS To Return Her Lawyers (885x329, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-24 Trump Doesn't Want A Woman Who Left The US For ISIS To Return Her Lawyers (713x321, 46K)

I’m not giving your shit website clicks

>When your so high on trump derangement syndrome that you'd literally defend child murdering ISIS members

Attached: Screenshot_2019-02-24 Trump Doesn't Want A Woman Who Left The US For ISIS To Return Her Lawyers (727x599, 88K)

I'm a web developer by trade. Do you have any idea how many clicks it takes to make a fucking nickel on advertisements? Idiot.

Can't someone just shoot them or something? XD

let her back in, then put her in gitmo.

Don't they literally have footage of her beheading a guy? She's a fucking murderer, these people are disgusting.

>Media defending ISIS brides

Attached: 1536235592877.jpg (569x358, 54K)