A while ago an user posted these links claiming the people that can be heard are Britany Venti and her (ex?) boyfriend, Mason.
I don't ever get into e-celeb shit but this one gave me many keks so I'm ligitimately interested.
What's the story here? Does anyone know if these are legit?
The Venti tapes
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck you nigger
nig you fagger
God she's ugly
We should gas all mongoloids 2bh
fuck you too leaf
Britany if you're reading this it's Jason. I've donated over $6,000 and I'm your biggest supporter. Please let's do a irl meet and greet or at least do another skype with me. I'm sorry about our last skype it will never happen again. I won't stop donating until you meet with me. PLEASE BRITANY.
Mason has SEVERE autism
And i dont mean like medical autism that can be treated
He genuinely
Not meming
Not joking
Not ironically
Potentially in ALL history
Is this """"""person""""""" even a human? Why do we permit people like this to exist
yes okay, I don't really doubt that but can you provide some sourcing?
Without any context this seems like the faggot is having a psychotic break, is he like this on a daily basis?
The blue eyes and the tits save her from being as horribly ugly as she could have been.
fuck off alien mutt
Her ex was an absolute autistic psycho with some kind of crazy body issues. She's a filthy e-THOT who never cleans her disgusting apartment
Yes, here is a 20 minute video detailing all 20 autistic breakdowns mason had in a 1 month (30 day) relationship.
>1. This is not pol related.
>2. E celeb shit
>3. Giving anything above 0 fucks about e celebs.
>4. Being this fucking sad and pathetic.
>5 assuming anyone else here is as fucking sad as you.
Fake, gay, homopilled and saged.
>look mom, so edgy!
Choke on your boyfriends cock faggot
Here is mason crying under a desk after smashing his 1500 dollar laptop
Bumping fromphone because this needs to be seen
People like this deserve to be ridiculed.
This is in video 1
Word on the street is she's shacked up with Ken Bone.
JF's girlfriend
thanks for nothing thats one of the most disgusting shit i've seen on here hands down fuck you
Make a thread about it.
Either way, good deepfake.
I busted a nut
This is Brittany i can smell it she is the only crazy bitch capable of coming into Pol/ its like the Metokur so Jow Forums what do you think of me shit
Holy shit did he an hero after this?
tfw had to prevent a person from smashing their laptop against the floor on multiple occasions. she also broke her glasses in half and threw her phone against the wall
They are legit, her boyfriend is a typical self-obsessed Jow Forumsizen
>People posting my egirl
noted and saved...
you know what to do fellow goys of the roundtable JF the Epstein kike gets fucked HEAR ME MOSSAD HEAR ME BITCH!
>Venti is the adult in the room
Holy FUCK I laughed hard at this
Lol, what an absolutely awful edit.
Fucking lol
im confused whos jf
He went from Chad of HWNDU to toasted by a roasty youtu.be