What do you nazis have to say about this?
Fully stocked grocery store in Caracas
Looks like you evil nazis have been proven wrong yet again
What do you nazis have to say about this?
Fully stocked grocery store in Caracas
Looks like you evil nazis have been proven wrong yet again
Other urls found in this thread:
You suck propaganda dick. you're an idiot
quite easy to explain. the resources are being allocated away from the poorer areas and being focused upon the more metropolitan, richer areas.
Venezuelan here. As you can see by my flag i fucked off not too long ago, but ask way if you want.
Surely, there isn't a class structure in Bernie's Socialist Paradise, is there?
why did you fuck off
besides all the obvious reasons
How hard/easy was it to get out?
It's explained in the video that there is food, but prices are high because of speculators. And there is more videos like that, not just this one
Are you working for Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, or Russia?
so I am somewhat correct then? poorer parts of the country simply can't afford said items so the companies that usually provide them aren't sending them?
The economy is fuced up and speculators are making big buck out of this situation
Obvious reasons mostly.
>Tired of food being so hard to find
>Tired of not having law enforcement so niggers won't kill me over my wallet just because
>Tired of having no public transport
>Tired of having simply no future
I cant wait till we start to slaughter all the brown socialists. My dick is hard just thinking about it.
Legally, If your passport is still valid and you have the money, you're set. You have to keep quiet about it though, if a checkpoint guard figures out you're going to the international airport in Maiquetia he's gonna try to extort some dollahs from you.
For some odd reason you are not allowed to buy a one-way flight. You have to buy the two-way one.
>>Tired of food being so hard to find
Yet, OP proves you wrong.
Just about every leftcuck shill does that. They come to Caracas, shop around a few supermarkets and call it a day. Most of the food you see there is easily worth a monthly wage and is unbuyable unless you're succesfully pajeeting online for penies (Or you have a stable dollar income) or are a government fat-cat.
More so in the province is where food scarcity truly hits hard and things like meat, bread, flour, eggs, oil, etc. get hard to find.
Someone post the image that shows the propaganda accounts asking Trump for military interventionw are based in other countries than Venezuela, I forgot to save it.
bump, this destroys the US propaganda
so as usual in communist paradise.
if you are corrupt or a crony you get your food, else: "the bread line is over there"
i don't have it
>We have food!
Imagine being a commie and screaming this with elation in your breath.
>Eats his third steak of the week
post the in store prices
Get out :(
But how many people can afford it? They ain't being paid shit because of unemployment.
you just reminded me, imma make a sammich
Can't keep track of Venezuelan prices anymore. Crazy inflation. Food is at 'normal' prices. For example a burger will be at 3-4 dollars (at black-market exchange prices), but that's what a normal Venezuelan worker earns per month. Luckily i made some money translating and artfagging back in the day.
No. I must breed white argentinas.
How do you feel about potential American happening? A Venezuelans being monitored outside of Venezuela?
I wonder who can afford it though
I love propaganda films. Completely stocked areas that don't look touched at all then completely barren shelves in other places. Also zero kids or teenagers in the store.
>commie getting hyped over food
>How do you feel about potential American happening?
Venezuela was, is, and will always be a bitch country to a higher empire. In this case, Cubans Chinese and Russians have ben gangraping it for a good while. Fuck, the chinese insectoid government owns territory here. Venezuela was happier sucking fat pink american dick.
>A Venezuelans being monitored outside of Venezuela?
Nah Venezuelan intelligence wouldn't be focused on an irrelevant poor fuck like me.
It's a potemkin village. It literally exists to fool people with pictures and videos like this.
It's the fourth time as far as i'm aware off that they pull shit like this. This basedfiend here, some other Argentine faggot and two cunts, chilean and spaniard.
>Oh wow look this particular supermarket in Caracas has food on it, guess that settles it, no scarcity or crisis here folks :^)
hur dur, Venezuela has no food, people are starving to death!
>Video shows everything in the shop, some shelfes are empty
Hur dur, look at this propaganda film that shows some empty shelfes in stacked shop. And no kids... Maduro must have eaten them...
Americans are a special kind of imbeciles
You know socialism is shit when food is na achivment.
Grocery stores don't look like this. This is what someone that's never seen a real grocery store thinks a store would look like. Thousands of one piece of inventory all perfectly stacked and lined up with no one touching it. Funny too how everything he needs is in the stacked areas. The empty shelf areas would be the most popular items don't ya think?
Listen to the video, the bag of dog food is $20, a bottle of olive oil $30, I couldn't afford to eat at those prices because $30 is a week worth of food not one bottle of oil
Come to Finland please. Im tired of sandniggers.
just dying to relive the glorious days of yeltsin, comrade?
they got 300 tons of russian aid
and now that forms the majority of their consumer goods.
Their industry is fucked up
Based and red pilled.
There must be some way to drill this shit into the libtard head. Capitalism gives normies a chance.
just wait till Canada has to admit it is broke and can't make debt payment. Canadians are too dumb to realize what will be happening, but we are smart enough to not work for free
That was the whole point of the video. They said that there is fucking plenty of food in venezuela but the main stream media in the west says there isn't and that venezuela is starving. The video stated that the depression of venezuelas purchasing power and the Bolivar, as well as speculation of price from companies that export their products to Venezuela is the cause of """"starvation"""
You unironically sound underage
Is that you, Dross ?
What's the alcohol situation like there? When nobody can get rotgut that's when shit is REALLY about to hit the fan
>memeflags are telling an actual Venezuelan he's just imagining the crisis
holy shit and calling him underage too lol.
Ussr did the same shit, rich kikes go shopping in falsely stocked stores. You can’t fool us shlomo
>a burger knowing how the world works and knowing what he's talking about
you jewish slaves are pretty pathetic desu
You mean shitskin roasties? Yeah, you keep those. I have never seen a white desirable woman date one of you guys. Most Venezuelans date either Colombians or other Venezuelans.
Anyways, I'll have a coffee and the bill.
Oh look another shill tactic:
1. Post a video of a jew saying Venezuela is based
2. Jewish shills come in and refute the above
3. See goy? Now we really need a war in Venezuela
The thing is WE DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT SPICS, get that through your fucking heads. Giant man eating lizards could roam that shithole country for all I care. 100% of the focus should be on stopping white genocide, not engaging in more bullshit and anyone who says anything different is a shill.
>there is fucking plenty of food in Venezuela
there's plenty of food in one supermarket in the capital city, not a fair assessment
is everything as fucked in Venezuela as the USA media is making it sound?
Why do you care about that while your country is being invaded?
>Goes to a store in rich capital city
If anything this proves once again how retarded socialists are and how bad the system is. Literally food for days in government ruling class areas meanwhile in the regular cities.
What is Maduro paying his employees? I can't imagine he is paying them in bolivar...
Its another shill tactic to manipulate you to want another useless war
asking a question you faggot
> Blumenthal
every fucking time
This is essentially capitalism, socialism shouldn't have a rich ruling class. It's no different than what Whole Foods is to Americans on minimum wage.
>t. Mimi the aussie tranny memeflaggot
why do you lazy fucks never want to do any research
Is US invasion necessary to you?
Which is why socialism never works, because the ruling class ends up just as corrupted as in capitalism the only problem is, you have no recourse against them taking over everything. At least with capitalism you have a tiny fighting chance to make something of yourself.
>They said that there is fucking plenty of food in venezuela
In that particular supermarket in Caracas, which is far better supplied than the test of the country, that is.
>speculation of price from companies that export their products to Venezuela
I tought it was because of 'hoarding' from local private companies. That one is also bullshit. I guess leftcucks can't really never agree on their excuses.
Did you even listen to the prices in the video? The dog food costs $20, the olive oil $30. I don't think a middle class family in the west could survive on those prices.
go fuck yourself you beady eyed piece of shit shill
soldiers are able to convert bolivars to usd at pretty reasonable rates
It's true, the reason why socialism doesn't work is because people are greedy. The scum always floats to the top.
However this is just a slightly more radical contrast to how Americans on minimum wage live.
did you even watch the video in its entirety? Companies deliberately set prices that high in venezuela because of speculation. The hyperinflation of the bolivar is also not helping imports.
the bottom line is...there is fucking food in venezuela, plenty of it
Legit saved form another thread I didn't know. How about the other one? Is it legit let me know so I can delete it as well.
They cant afford it because they make 5 dollars a month lol.
Which people can't afford which means they don't have any food and are starving. I don't understand what you are trying to prove, that there isn't a humanitarian crisis?
The currency is worthless. They may as well try to buy food with sand.
They have walmart in VZ?
Venezuelan journalist after making it to America
They exagerate sometimes, but they also take things directly from local latin-american news and social media, which i guess it's acceptable. Better than lazy russian shilling with canned responses to everything.
Not directly US, But at this point the only solution is armed conflict. I know neocons are hungry for that piece of land, fuck they were very likely behind the 2002 coup, but it's not like Venezuela is any better under Russian-chinese debt slavery. Those are some master-degree kikes on their own merit. I'm hoping it'll go back to 'mediocre country' and not just 'absolute dumpster fire' like it is now.
>reminder that Venezuelan economy was absolute shit way, way before any relevant sanctions took place.
Looks like Broken Britain
Was there 2 inches of snow?
Bolivars lmao. I think pensioners also get paid in Petros (the cryptocurrency) Which is an absolutely worthless shitcoin with no use, no way to spend it, so everyone pretty much trades it for Bolivars, a slightly less useless currency.
I feel bad for this guy, he's obviously stressed and then some punk decides to record him in this delicate moment.
I wonder what happened to leave him stressed like this. His wife left him? Someone dear to him died?
God bless him.
I understand that Venezuela's gold is frozen in London, if Venezuela could create a gold-backed currency do you think this would resolve the problem or would the gold (((disappear)))?
Just like the old tours of the USSR where they'd carefully light the streetlights along the roads the tourists would take while the rest of the country lay in darkness.
They've learned so much in such a short time.
Worse. It rained for a bit.
I thought the Arubans don't like you guise.
They like illegals less than we do
>Inflation brought on by the capitalist class
these kikes, I swear...
Is that you, Bloodstein?
Lmao the gold reserves are already dissapearing. Maduro sold a good portion of those to the dunecoons for a quick buck this same January i think.
Seriously now. Some fiscal discipline and moving to another corrency would be enough to halt inflation, but the gibsmedats is rooted real deep into the venezuelan mindset so i wouldn't expect that to happen anytime soon.
You're right, user. We should immediately withdraw all aid payments and support funding from Venezuela as they are clearly fine on their own.
Dude that majorly sucks, it sounds like a slow slide into a French Revolution.
>the gibsmedats is rooted real deep into the venezuelan mindset
No shit.
Guaido seems to be as much of a socialist as Maduro. He even mentioned Chavez in one of his recent speeches.
And your military seems to be mostly left-wing as well. In other words, I honestly see no salvation to Venezuela. Even if Maduro steps down, whoever comes after him won't have balls to do what's necessary to put the country back on rails. Only a miracle can save Venezuela now.
>Companies deliberately set prices that high
>plenty of it
>Plenty of it
>We're talking about perishable goods
>And they deliberately set high prices
Makes sense user. It's totally not that prices go high because supply goes down, like in every single fucking communist country before.
Then go, you faggot. Must be a heaven waiting for you. Why are you wasting your time posting here?
you're supposed to be 18 to post on this board.
what are you 5?