”Every day I have to marvel at what the billionaires and FOX News pulled off...

”Every day I have to marvel at what the billionaires and FOX News pulled off. They got working whites to hate the very people that want them to have more pay, clean air, water, free healthcare and the power to fight back against big banks & big corps. It’s truly remarkable.”

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Other urls found in this thread:



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working whites get shit on by both sides, tbqh.

My boss is asian..

Oy vey, gentiles, it's the big fat white boss man that's got all the money, we're poor like you!

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I wonder who benefits most from mass immigration.

>ignore the fact that these minorities they bring in lower the value of labor, keeping wages down while also jamming the workforce with 50% more population in the form of females, then wonder why wages don't increase

This Twitter post is incredibly anti-semitic. Also, maybe we hate the effect the introduction of immigrants and women to the workforce has had on wages. The capitalist class can only get away with what we let them.

this is an antisemetic trope

More than one problem can exist at the same time.

"The modern left hates white people."

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>When your boss's income has risen 937%
There's several major problems with this, but the major one that prevents this meme from really taking off among most people is that most people know their boss, and they generally know how much their boss is paid. It's not 937% more than it was in 1978. It's roughly the same as the workers. Front line supervisors do not capture the entire increase in productivity over this time period, and in fact most people like their boss. People who don't like their boss quit at the first opportunity.

So then, who is the "boss" that's being described? Maybe upper management? The worker doesn't see them regularly, if at all, and when they are seen they are seen to be working very hard to manage the company, often travelling a lot and doing very complicated things the worker doesn't understand. The worker can respect this hard, complex work. And if neither the front line supervisor, nor the upper management, are "the boss", then who is? The line of argument becomes increasingly vague and nebulous.

One could argue that it is the CEOs. And yes, their compensation has increased drastically. Why? Because there's a shortage of good CEOs. Why is there a shortage? Because competition has increased drastically since 1978 due to globalism and consolidation of many markets into oligopolies. A good CEO can take their company to dominance, and a bad CEO can utterly ruin their company (Yahoo! CEO comes to mind). Workers are aware of this! They know that without good leadership, their company will fail and they will lose their jobs.

That explains the increase in "boss's income". What about the worker's income? That IS ACTUALLY due to immigration and globalism. Many jobs were sent overseas, raising foreigners' incomes drastically. Many jobs that remained at home were taken by immigrants working under the table, which raised their incomes drastically but also drove down domestic wages. That's the bad.


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The good of all this is that while wages remained stagnant, the cost of good declined. Televisions are higher quality and cheaper. The same for automobiles, large home appliances, and other goods. Housing did not become cheaper due to immigration and insufficient construction, but did crash in 2008, taking some of the pressure off. Education, in direct contradiction to the overall trend, became worse, worth less, and insanely more expensive. Medical care appears to have become more expensive, but medical treatment has made great strides and the inflated costs mainly come from elder care in the last year of their life, which has little affect on the worker.

So what does the worker complain about, mainly? The primary concern is not being able to find work. Immigrants and outsourcing are the main causes of unemployment from the worker's perspective, because if either of those two things were stopped, they would have an easier time finding work. Do workers complain about not making enough money? Surprisingly no. Workers know how to get higher paying jobs but they don't seek them, for the most part. They are content with the job they have mastered and as long as the demands on them are not too great, they will be satisfied (the stability of a 9 to 5 job is generally more important to a worker than a marginal increase in pay).

Overall, the meme in the twitter screencap utterly misses the mark for creating class consciousness and taking the heat off of "minorities" (who are actually the majority on the planet). The quote in the OP is also stupid for many reasons, but the short reason being that just because someone promises to do something, does not mean that they will actually do that thing, and voters know this. Democrats have never delivered on any of their promises to the American people, only to potential migrants. They have no credibility, and that's why they don't get the votes that they seek.

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Tell me again, which candidate in the 2016 election were backed by the big banks and corporations? Which party was it that abandoned the working class in favor of playing identity politics?

It wasn't the case that Fox news or Trump that somehow won over the working class, it was simply the democratic party deciding the working class wasn't welcome in their party.

FOX hires plenty of niggers these days.

Hatred of collectivism predates Fox, kid. Get a fucking job.

Yes! How could I not see that it's been the Democrats looking out for whites this whole time?!

It was the Clinton Foundation and their brainless NPC minions that undermined the DNC. The DNC is going to be a hell of a lot different in 2020.

Don't forget that if you confiscated the CEO's pay and spread it equally among every employee, everyone's pay would usually go up by miniscule amounts.

Indeed. They will now have the power of thousands of Commie-larping, single, unemployed, overweight faggots at their disposal. Truly a force to be reckoned with.

Its true. You zoomers dont remember because you werent alive. Im republican who wished ron paul was president. But fox news after 2000 was the biggest psyop in the media. More effective than cnn. Cnn is leftist but their effectiveness is amateur. The fox news and am talk radio push is something goebbels would be jealous of.

No. The left is what has pushed workers into the party of "billionaires". The rights only saving grace is that they are slightly less antiwhite. I know hundreds of unionized workers that have went to straight Republican. The day of the bluedog democrats is over.

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Leftists act like the rich are literally hoarding these resources and preventing others from using them. In reality they're just controlling what those resources are invested in. And there isn't that much money to seize. You could wipe out all the rich people in America, spend the money on welfare and be broke again in 5 years having destroyed the economy. There's a reason why in reality, democrats always increase taxes on those making middle to upper middle incomes. There's way more revenue in that than there is in wiping out billionaires.

And why didn't the DNC stand up to Clinton? You are right the DNC is going to be very different because almost everyone in it has been replaced. But that doesn't change the fact that the DNC went along with it which means they are complicit.

Now the question is, which of the people running to become the democrat nominee are actually speaking to the working class? I see most of them still playing identity politics.

Actually yeah, lower wages are driven by people who will work for less. Aka immigrants

>And why didn't the DNC stand up to Clinton?
Because they were totally controlled by the Clinton Mafia. Not happening Again. Look at how much money Bernie Raised. This debate cycle is going to be cut throat in the DNC, winner takes all.

>I see most of them still playing identity politics.
Bernie, Yang, Tulsi... None of these candidates built their campaigns on Identity politics, they will give it lip service, but their policies have nothing to do with race or gender.

PS: Expect the neo-con Dems to drop out in short order after realizing they are out of their league on the debate stage against the Progressives.

More immigrants means lower wages. More profitability means more raises. How will I get higher wages by having more competition for my job?

No. Yang could capture the entirety of working class folks making under 50k a year. Aside from that, you have Bernie, who captures the attention of College grads by talking about student loans. Tulsi, towards the anti War women sector. These 3 candidates are going to capture the hearts and minds of the DNC.

Jews are a minority though.

How, exactly, have bosses' incomes increased so much?
>Your wages went down!


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Yes Rabbi

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LMAO Hollwyood demcorats and jews "Fox" and the "billionaires" Sorry fake clean air horsehsit criminal the "Clean Air Act" was a terrorist assault on small companies further securing the big jew fed monopolies you thieving deserving to die bolsheviks serve....

The Trillionaires are whats of concern the Goldmans, Menschels, Soros, Buffets, Clintons, Bushs, Bransons, Gates, Trumps, Kushners all serves them and the almighty Sanhedring that run marxism and zionism the hegelian dialectic you criminals insanely try to spew...I find it amazing leftists who are shit eaters keep trying to push further giving these assholes moar power..when they should have done, and no voice...just like the "leftists"

Fact none of you are good but liars...and shit....now kys

Why wouldn't most of my class (lower proletariat) not be better off in some chinese hellscape exactly? At least I wouldnt have to worry about my son becoming a transsexual

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Sorry for the double negative I really am stupid

Divide and conquer. Dumb conservatives fight cocky arrogant leftists.

Leftist gave us courtesy of their big financed JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, Rothschild propaganda

-Unaffordable medical insurance that only will pay for sex changes after the 20k deductible
-massive taxation after 100 years of slipping the dick in
-made housing unaffordable
-killed off all the economies of the would and have raped butchered and massacred entire countries for king jew dollar

And we are supposed to lick the as the pig face satanic demons known as the demofaggot party and their low IQ union child fucking thugs and paid votre fraud agents to maintain the illusion of the hegelian dialectic meanwhile all their politicians, judges, fuck mouther judaic media are all on the same team team zion?


Dumb insane satanic leftists fight deluded conservatives conned into supporting people who claim they will defend THEIR INTERESTS when in reality they just get more leftism and zionism hence Trump's world fag imperialism declaration, Ivanka Women's rights push with a literal Soros org, and 40 billion more to murder Palestinians for the sliver of talmudic shit

>1 post by i.d

Poetry died for this

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she's a big fan

Okay, but what steps have they taken to ensure they won't be controlled by something similar to the Clinton Mafia, as you call it, again? Just the fact that they were taken over and controlled like they were means they were either incompetent or corrupt.

Bernie compromised himself too much and made too many mistakes last election cycle for me to trust him, but if Yang and Tulsi are truly different I hope they manage to correct the DNCs path towards the far left lunacy. Problem is that the DNC's failure last election cycle was so monumental that they have to win the people's trust back after already betraying it. That's a hell of a lot harder than simply winning it from a neutral position to begin with.

Holy fuck this actually gave me autism

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pretty sure you meant pottery, fool

The worst thing the elites have done is to take religion away from the poor
Personally I wish to follow a spiritual path because rich or poor life is full of suffering and wrong
This secular clown world is much worse for we poor than a theocracy would be. They did it because people are more easily controlled by psychological and hormonal impulses. They have not only oppressed us but have tried to destroy our souls. It won't work however

They're your boss for a reason.
Maybe if more people become bosses...

Meanwhile the boss is white and hires spics exclusively

Your boss keeps your wages artificially low via immigration though. You're getting mad at him for abusing a system easily abused and refusing to fix it so he can't abuse it.

Yeah everyone should be a boss heheh

When your boss' income has risen 937% since 1978 and yours has increased by only 5.7%, it's time to stop blaming whites for your woes.

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kys open-borders shill

see, socialism works

Reminder that when someone pointed this out to Tucker Carlson he had a break down and started randomly cursing on live TV.


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Fucking hell the crazy eyes are strong in that picture.

I mean how many put on airs because they're smart and have a degree, yet still depend on someone to hire them?
Surely they're smart enough to make money on their own.

The nomination is split between Bernie, Tulsi, or Yang. Progressives are going to fight like hell this time around. Look at the global picture, yellow vests in france, worker strikes around the world, etc... They will not let the nomination be stolen from Bernie two times, this election cycle is going to shake shit up on a monumental level. Even if they don't get the nomination, it's just going to fuel the resentment of the youth in this country, eventually enough boomers are going to die and young people will continue becoming invested in politics as a means to alleviate their suffering. The data points in only one direction, and that is a technologically socialized America, it is only a matter of time, and what kind of Administration implements it (Hopefully it's done by progressives).

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>”Every day I have to marvel at what the billionaires and FOX News pulled off. They got working whites to hate the very people that want them to have more pay, clean air, water, free healthcare and the power to fight back against big banks & big corps. It’s truly remarkable.”
Its suicide if you're a non-Jew to take advice from a jew

This. Religion regulates addiction and gives people self-control. When the addicts can't get their fix anymore from drugs or the TV, they hit the streets and rage.

They don't want us to have jack shit. They want poor brown people to have all that and more. They want US to die in a pit.
Fuck the Democratic Party. Execute all Dem voters in the fucking street.

It's tiring how these braindead idiots say we "blame minorities" for our woes when we don't. Never do. But that's what these idiots choose to go with, and the idiots in their camp roll their eyes and nod their head in agreement.

These are the same fucking idiots who say "racism" is about "skin color." That's never what anyone has been talking about in full, but that's what these idiots choose to go with, and the idiots in their camp roll their eyes and nod their head in agreement.

And so we just keep debating past each other and never agreeing or seeing eye to eye because they live in a fake, conjured up narrative, and we live in Truth. Those braindead fucking idiots.

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first those same execs promote h1b visas and ilegals in order to lower costs
second, workers are an investment not a partnership and as such are expected to function at minimum cost. yes , there are management practices that promote better salaries. it doesnt make you any less of a cog.

but sure, complain about pro business policies so you never get out of your miserable hole and work as a wageslave for life.

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1st world countries and their cities are just slaughter houses for the poor from 3rd world countries and the cities are their pens. Whites will always be the majority of middle class. We are the best slaves to the elites.

And what makes you think this shake up won't just make even more young people go towards the republican party instead of trying to reform and change the democrat party? Studies show quite clearly that young people are increasingly leaning conservative.

The republican party represents a strong and united front right now meanwhile the democratic party is continuing to devolve into civil war. The DNCs credibility is incredible low right now and the in fighting that's already happening is only going to damage it even more.

>And what makes you think this shake up won't just make even more young people go towards the republican party instead of trying to reform and change the democrat party?
>Pic Related.

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This tweet is special dumb, if jews import shitskins to keep labor cheap and then tell white labor they can't blame the the shitskins for the low price of labor they'll have to blame the Jews that did the importing

Fuck you every day LBJ you ruined this fucking country

We want to be left alone, and the billionaires would stop being billionaires if you stopped giving them regulatory capture in every little area of the economy every time they gave you a check.

All we want is to be left alone, and not be forced to give your base gibs.

> Shilling to pretend CEOs are the "bosses" and covering for the financiers

CEOs are the rubber gloves that the actual power (majority shareholders) rarely interact with and who are used to
do the dirty work of financialization, globalization and replacing of workers with outsourcing and/or tech. The actual power hires a board of directors who hires a CEO. The actual power values their privacy.

If you'd bothered to lurk a bit before shilling your retarded rainbowpilled ideology, you'd realize that the Cabal is real and in control of mainstream news, education, finance, and government via a network of direct ownership and blackmail relationships.

The Cabal members care about further solidifying their control, keeping the money coming in, and (possibly) executing their ass-backward religious apocalypse prophecy fulfillment scenario.

That's why white birth-rates are below replacement rate, why >25% of modern women are on antidepressants, and why traditional culture has been obliterated.

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Yeah great
Except you fuckers don't produce
Anything except poverty and misery.
Prove me wrong

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CEOs are workers, not owners. Who told you that CEOs were the top of the hierarchy? Pop music videos?

The real power stays hidden.

Was a janitor at a local middle school in central Florida. Entry level admin jobs salaries were being reduced

Erm, what exactly is that supposed to imply?

Mass Immigration and globalism doesn't fully explain housing inflation and wage stagnation (although it is a factor), and upper management/professional net worth HAS increased greatly (at least on paper) and for reasons entirely unrelated to performance or shortages.

The cause for all these issues ultimately stems from Federal Reserve monetary policy causing unsustainable debasement of the currency and easy credit more than anything else.

> slightly less antiwhite

le anti-semetic trope.

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How about I get angry at both things?

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What we need now more than ever is the production of butt-hurt and salt at levels never seen before. 2020 is coming.

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>We want to help you
>we'll tax everything
>take away your right to buy guns
>force you to buy the healthcare we decide is best
>disqualify you from holding positions of power because you're white/male
>ban you from practicing your religion
>arrest you for hate speech
>arrest you for defending yourself
>create social equity programs with opportunities for literally everyone but you
>why don't you want to work with us? gosh you're so dumb

Did you just have an aneurysm or something?

> when you elect an oligarc to abolish the oligarchy
since when was trump about abolishing wealth and wealth creation? kys discord tranny

When the debt system finally collapses, all it will do is shift how you are shackled. The system we have is fine. Most people end up exactly where they deserve to be classwise. It is the control by fear that causes the unrest. They have to keep giving us a boogyman to fear to keep in power, which goes back to religion. If the only thing you fear is God, it frees you from fear of other men.

Bossman is profiting hiring minorities, (((David))).

>im walkin here!

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The boss’s income went up so high cause he hired all shitskin labor!

Most of the "Young People" who voted for trump or empathized with his platform are starting to seriously resent him. He's on the decline, even if it takes another term, by the time we are done with him, we will be ready for a radical shift in the opposite political direction.

American politics are not like Europe, everything here is sensationalism. It's not going to take very much to show the world exactly how much of a lying ass clown Don is.

>implying Oligarchies create wealth.

Literally kill yourself.

But the bosses income increased that much because he was just hiring minorities for less then you and profiting. Your wage didn't raise at the same rate because minorities keep the wage down due to low skill availability.

I dont get how fuckers struggle to get by anyway, stop buying soda, stop paying out the ass for TV, and just learn to live without stupid shit, you dont need that new $3000 phone Huwaie made.

Whats your bosses surname, blue check (((yankovich)))?

The CEO's pay and the presence of the migrants worker are intrinsically linked. Or show me the unjust king who did not find company among mercenaries and traitors.

Imagine being forced to shill on Jow Forums with a memeflag because your Jidf manager is too cheap to get you a VPN

Pretty sure it's entirely because of immigrants, illegals. I mean we've imported low skilled workers by multi-millions.
We haven't imported bunch of CEO's by the dozens since 1978. The CEO's have naturally been created and grown in the country.
Low skill workers have not.

Say it with me...

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He is pushing us into a cold war. Not sure if intentional. This will unite the country under a common enemy and more social programs will be passed to increase the health and security of the people in case things go bad and we have to actually fight to protect the rich fuckers from being hanged. It is a tactic nations do when they are becoming too divided and are about to collapse.

Okay, but where the hell did that shit about Zionism and antisemitism come from? Are you schizophrenic or something because it seems like that came out of nowhere?

And what makes you say the "Young People" (not sure why you felt the need to capitalize or put it in quotation marks?) are starting to resent him? You say it's not going to take very much to show the world how much of a lying ass clown he is but what exactly do you think the MSM has been trying to do for the last 3 years?

Cuz 40% out of 10 is 9 ma nigga

Nobody is blaming minorities.

You've made a fundamental mistake.

You've made the mistake that the wall is against brown people, and whites just hate brown people.
i.e. You believe your own bullshit.

No. Nobody cares about brown people.

They care about immigration.

Immigration increases the supply of labour.
- It makes wages cheaper.
- It makes housing more expensive
- It makes social services more expensive
- It makes transport more congested.
- It makes groceries more expensive.
- It increases crime levels.

It's driven by big banks, by big corporations. Who want more expensive property assets and less expensive labour costs.

You do realise that labour costs are the largest single cost to business right? Reducing that, goes straight to the bottom line.

That filthy nigger idol will get destroyed by Allah though.

[Quran 3:106] On the Day (i.e. the Day of Resurrection) when some faces will become white and some faces will become black; as for those whose faces will become black (to them will be said): "Did you reject Faith after accepting it? Then taste the torment (in Hell) for rejecting Faith."

A man of B. al-'Ajilan told me that he was told that Gabriel came to the apostle and said, 'There comes to sit with you a black man with long flowing hair, ruddy cheeks, and inflamed eyes like two copper pots. His heart is more gross than a donkey's; he carries your words to the hypocrites, so beware of him.' This, so they say, was the description of Nabtal.[3]

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My boss is able to do that because of the minorities.

>When lower skilled workers flood the country making labor cheap and plentiful, don't blame them, blame your boss who has a far more limited position than you

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>increases salary
>every thing increases in price
>neocomunist head pops up
>increases salary
>every thing increases in price
like it or not your plan never worked out. Imagine how expensive everything is that now people prefer to not have kids so they can buy their mandatory iphone every fucking year.