Nigger Tries to Burn White Women Alive

Why isn't this all over the (((media)))?

Attached: SheLit.png (642x656, 305K)

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Doesn’t fit the joke narrative. Seriously the mainstream media needs to be eradicated

Post the video, you dumb faggot.

Attached: Nigger robbery assault.webm (1280x720, 2.82M)

Nice digits.
She put that fire out like champ.
Poor woman's face will probably be deformed for life though.

Attached: faithful digits.jpg (535x600, 96K)

Who the fuck cares about women. Based black man purging filth with fire.

If these were reversed it would be beyond mainstream, shoved down our throats on every outlet

based nigger. i hope she suffers horrible pain for the rest of her worthless life

does not feat their political agenda
no white hatred
no man hatred
no domestic violence
no radical enviromentalism
no capitalism
in sum: no story to tell and maintain their agenda without compromises, and if we put this on their eyes, they crybaby FAKE NEWS FROM 10 YEARS AGO

Jeses fuckinf christ.

You should be euthanized, Chang.