>A federal judge in Texas has declared that the all-male military draft is unconstitutional, ruling that "the time has passed" for a debate on whether women belong in the military.
>A federal judge in Texas has declared that the all-male military draft is unconstitutional, ruling that "the time has passed" for a debate on whether women belong in the military.
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Equal rights and lefts
So the USA has been violating the constitutional rights of all men since its inception?
Previously, a male-only draft was justified because women were not eligible for combat roles in the military. Now that there are women in those roles, a male-only draft has become unconstitutional.
If someone was going to force my younger sister into a front line military role I'd fucking kill them!
these kike puppets weaken every nations military force, why?
MRAs (aka male feminists) are too willing to cut off their nose to spite their face
hitler was right
It's going to suck getting left behind on the battlefield because shaqwanda can't carry you out.
I don' t really care if either of your roasties die though.
Loving normal women is being a feminists... yikes mate, yikes!
What is you are neither man nor woman???
Only jews should be drafted considering its all their wars.
But you're not going to kill anybody over the fact that half of your population is allowed to vote even though they have no obligation to fight in the wars that voting might initiate? Which really is the bigger injustice?
only faggots submit to draft. real man won't ever allow to enslave themselves because someone is waving colorfull shitrag over his head and spit lies about "patriotism", if i'll ever fight someone in a war, it's because i'll decide it's a worthy fight, not because some kike is shouting about supporting your country
all women do is cause unneeded drama and problems in the military or they just end up getting pregnant to avoid getting shipped out
There was no draft before the civil war AFAIK
Mate we are not living in starship troopers, Women cant actually do what Men do physically or mentally.
This. We have nothing worth fighting over, there is no noble cause or "freedom" to be upheld. All these words are completely void of any meaning today
>We want to be traditional housewives!
Hence they shouldn't vote.
Only since it granted women equal rights under the law. Women should be subject to the draft if they value voting.
Yes but here we like to pretend they do
#Equality #WomansRights
It's your turn to die for Israel, bitches
It's just a superficial equality.
If there were a draft you would expect a 50:50 gender ratio among the names called.
95% of the women that get called probably wouldn't be able to meet the fitness criteria.
That would bring the ratio back down to 3:97.
Women will pat themselves on the back for sticking their necks out for the draft but they really wouldn't be sticking their necks out.
I agree women shouldn't be in the military. If it were up to me, they wouldn't even be allowed to drive. But the female exemption from selective service is just another free ride women get for having vaginas. They can swing entire elections by themselves, but they have no responsibility for defending the nation they're voting in. I don't see any justice whatsoever in that, and yet nobody does anything about it ever, until now, and yet men are arguing against it.
because military was supposed to be our last bastion but even that isnt sacred.
Fuck you pussy fagget! I don't want women in the draft.
>InB4 Accelerationism
translation: there shall never be another draft
Well by that logic then every "gamer" who fucks around all day shouldn't get the vote? Now if you want to say Women cant vote until they have a White baby then I'd be up for that! haha (For every 1 white baby you get a vote.)
My advice to you tho mate is dont hate Women, 90%+ do still just want to find a man & settle down, I personally believe most of our problems today are from Men not wanting to settle down because they just to fuck around & dont actually want to or know how to start a family.
No one is arguing that women should take on men's roles. They should how ever be subject to the draft. This duty comes with the full rights of the constitution including voting.
how is this different than forcing your younger brother? There are plenty of front line roles that do not require the strength of a man.
All that being said, there will never ever be another draft in the US history. They will attempt one more as a last ditch effort, but you could argue that the US would already be dead at that point.
>whether women belong in the military
support roles maybe
not front lines
too physically demanding the way it is now
I don't think I ever bothered signing up for the draft. I hate filling out paperwork. Same reason I don't do taxes. Where the fuck did I ever consent to fill out paperwork for free? Fuck off.
>(For every 1 white baby you get a vote.)
That's a bit much
Wrong. Men were conscripted in the revolution by states. They were also impressed into the navy by congress.
Well maybe we need some Lebensborn so we can have great waves of babies that will replace the fallen soldiers. Having the women there just for reproduction and motherhood units might actually be a gud thing.
Should your sister be allowed to vote then?
... She could be in the suicide bomber squad.
And not because the women either. There would be a civil war if there ever was another draft. We have well paid mercenaries now. If you can print money why do anything different.
There are plenty of front line support roles that do not require any physical capability that a typical single mom couldnt handle.
What if it was the same for Men, they also get extra votes for every white baby...
>conscripted into a revolution
Revolutionary War was a Jewish false flag. I bet those kikes owed the King big.
you know full well the military just don't "drop" numbers willy nilly. females are either going to receive special treatment to pass or dropped weeks behind until trained correctly.
sign 'em up. We're gonna need cannon fodder when WWIII kicks off
Wrong. They have quotas to meet.
>Same reason I don't do taxes
If you work a W2 job, you very likely are just gifting a fuckload of your income to the government
smacks lips
>You be sayin I gotta carry dis muffukka cuz his leg shot??!
They are gearing up for war with Iran. All goyim will die equally.
Force abortions then ship em out.
Kek don’t worry user the government already signed you up for the draft
Here you can check and see for yourself
Hello, faggots. This is reality calling. One crackpot judge in Texas does not make national military policy.
Nah, I claim 99 up front so they don't even take any Federal taxes. Can't get around FICA and SS BS though unless I work under the table. Wouldn't be hard, but my current job is super flexible.
if we are ever drafted just remember that if anyone is put with blacks that we must have a final solution to them.
You do you, I guess. The government is going to fuck you if you ever get audited.
Rather your little sister than my son. Deal with it. I hope she catches a bullet lol
>making excuses for women
I don't really make enough to owe any taxes, so it's sort of a moot point. If they want to send a nice IRS person to talk to me that's fine, but I don't think I'm going to be of much help.
Just another discord tranny shill from britpol remember to either point this fact out, or ignore them. Never take their posts seriously
You are clearly a dumb fucking toasties who hasn't even a faint grasp on how logic works. A male gamer is more likely to get drafted if war pops off.
That's an idiotic way to present a ratio. Just write 1:32 for Christ's sake.
>making less than $12000/year
Do you want your Mother, Sister, Wife, Daughter or any women you love going to a front line of a battlefield? I personally would never allow that.
On the topic of Women Voting, well to be honest I dont think anyone under the age of 21 should vote & I think people should get a extra vote for every white baby they have. Most Women stop being completely far-left wing nutty when they have children.
Well the constitution doesn't really matter to me because I see it as a piece of paper written by traitors but that's a whole other topic.
Women are physically & mentally uncapable of doing front line roles, how the fuck is a women meant to be capable of front roles? You ever dealt with a women on here period before? It just doesnt work in the real world when the shit hits the fan.
Yes, let's go with that.
a draft would only be implemented in the case of total war. during total war entire civilian population is mobilized for the war effort. women would be sent to factories, men to the front lines as was the case with WW1 and WW2.
that's 3:96, not 3:97
3:97 cannot be simplified
Women should not serve in combat. Period. I would not trust the physical strength of a woman to drag my wounded body from a firefight. Also women as POWs would get the absolute worst of it. I don't care about "equal rights" in this sense. It should be more about what's fair than what's equal
The draft itself should be abolished. Don't give a flying fuck if you disagree
Eddie Hall couldn't drag your body you fat cunt
>waa waah women should be allowed to serve in the army
>women shouldn't be forced to serve in the army REEE
You're not even a full cuck. You're a cucklet.
it's all inclusive now
I'm literally a White nationalist, I dont fucking like this incel behaviour shit that Milo Yiannopoulos has made acceptable, you ether love Women or you can fuck off & go be a fag who hates Women!
>physical strength
That's REALLY not the fucking issue. It's easy to only let people of at least a certain physical strength into the military, male or female. The primary issues are with psychology and pregnancy.
Men in the US can get in trouble for not signing up for the draft
That might happen. From what I read, the ruling doesn't dictate what the government has to change to, only that the current state of things is unconstitutional. Allowing women to be drafted is one option, but abolishing the draft is another.
you can sign, just fight to the end people that will actualyl try to draft you for not your war
Defence of the nation IS a civic duty for able bodied men, though whether that makes the draft acceptable is definitely debatable.
t. historically illiterate retard who doesn't know how good he has it
Women can watch a security camera, serve shitty breakfast, or refuel trucks.
These are often front line roles.
That REALLY is the issue. You would never be able to argue the mental capabilities of women compared to men even if its true. I do agree that pregnancy would also be an issue. But if were talking about objectively true statements women don't compare to men at all when it comes to natural physical strength.
They be raping them women and even other men. There's a lot of homo rape in the military. That's why suicide rates are so high. Once you've been homo raped by your brothers and then forced to murder innocent women and children for Israel then you to will want to die.
I never registered with selective service. I never was going to let someone else dictate what I fight for.
I'm now in my early 50's and only twice did it come up. One was a for a training program to lie your way through a job interview.
The other was for student loans.
>not registering with selective service kept me off the student loan debt train.
Totally worth it
>But if were talking about objectively true statements women don't compare to men at all when it comes to natural physical strength.
On average. That's irrelevant when you test each individual as they come in. Psychology is the bigger issue, and has more to do with male psychology than female psychology. Putting women in combat roles will have an effect on the men fighting next to them. You could probably train the reaction out of the men, but that's probably a bad idea in the long run.
>I personally would never allow that.
Maybe you shouldn't allow the muslims invading your country to rape your mothers, sisters, wives and daughters?
>We have nothing worth fighting over
You are joking right?
The amount of "woe is me" I see on here is ridiculous
You are objectively living in the BEST time to be alive, the world is relatively peaceful (no major powers at war), medical advances have extended our lives so long
Stop feeling bad for yourself, pussy, basically everyone in history up until now WOULD KILL to trade places with you
then you are mentally ill and belong into an asylum.
I campaigned for 10 years to get Brexit to regain national power over our laws & thus our immigration, I'm doing my best!
>I campaigned
Yeah, you aren't doing shit. Stop talking about war and fighting like you'd actually do anything you pussy.
>basically everyone in history up until now WOULD KILL to trade places with you
You have got to be fucking kidding me.
But if someone was to force your younger sister to fuck them, you'd just make rude phone calls and ask the police to do something right?
You won't kill anyone you sack of shit
>Do you want your Mother, Sister, Wife, Daughter
My mom's too old for the draft, I only have a brother, and I will gene edit my children to be only male. Raising girls is a cuck move.
gonna start giving women white feathers to shame them for not serving in combat roles
>gay people in the streets is so much worse than dying from Diarrhea!
>gay people in the streets is so much worse than being sent to war and never seeing your family again!
grow up
this is pretty based desu. I ain't even being ironic.
I'm pro-life but this would be an exception for sure.
Get a fucking job, kid.
Good. We need to close the workplace death gap.
Okay tough-man who wants women to fight his battles!
Only if you apply for a government job.
Go fight for isreal so you can give freedom to millions of goblins crossing the border. You are a good patriot aren't you goy?