The movie is already down to 33%. Who knows how far we can get it.
Everybody go review bomb Captain Marvel
Other urls found in this thread:
Nobody is doing this, but you're a shill trying to set a narrative for the media to use when this movie bombs hard.
narrative is going to be the same regardless, they're gonna need SOME excuse to up movie from 30% to 90%
this but unironically
kys you stupid faggot
yea, leave it to flop by itself.
Anybody got her nudes?
Actually this
Why though? I won't watch it and couldn't give less fucks. Let it succeed or fail on its own merits.
This. Not your personal army. I can see the headline now:
"The facist Nazi hacker known as Jow Forums strikes again go watch our movie goy"
i do
yea, also frick off OP with slide threads, you're a fag
Why would I even bother taking time away from my tentacle porn and vidya games to go to some Jew run site to click buttons for OP? How about you just don't watch the movie? How about you just don't watch marvel movies? Holy shit, how about you just get a life?
Put me in the screenshot when you blame this thread for the movie bombing!!!!!
Stop making these threads. This was already going to happen because normal people hate this SJW garbage being pushed on them. By making these endless threads about it, you're giving our enemies fodder to blame it all on us.
When media starts running campaigns on Jow Forums to reflect off of you know they are losing hard.
no, fuck off
Keep em
Noboody cares, quit shilling to make a bad flick look like the weaponized autism did something .
Anybody got nudes of my teacher in 7th grade?
Busted at least 150,000,000 nuts to her.
shoo shoo mouse shill
That’s a lot of times
I truly don't understand Hollywood right now. They're forcefeeding marxist propaganda down peoples' throats and making shitty movies but they keep doubling down and then blaming the consumers for not liking this shit.
>Jow Forums alt-right incel hate trolls attack brave, progressive and stunning female empowerment best movie ever
I am. You faggot.
That's fucking bullshit. Just don't pay money to go see it. Pirate it if you want I guess. Not that I will even bother.
It's going to get spectacular as fuck critic reviews anyways. They'll say it's the next Black Panther...lel. And this just gives them a reason to say, " See it was hateful white men who stomped our film! "
I don't want to go see it, have not seen many super hero movies at all.
I also do not care enough to go to a site to say that I don't want to watch it, and your attempts to spin some narrative that it is some massive conspiracy to downvote the movie instead of people just not being interested is pathetic.
why waste your time acting like this is somehow on par with glowies telling us to commit crime? who actually gives a shit if we end up looking capable of changing things in the public's eye?
>whatever you do goy, do nothing! you wouldn't want to give people the impression that you're worth serious consideration now would you?
For the record, she was at least 7x hotter than Brie Larson. I continued cumming to her for years afterwards, looking at pictures of women who sort of looked like her and just squinting, lol.
Why don't you just make a facebook page to coordinate your false flag campaign like you did for Black Panther?
There is no we you stupid kike
I have never even heard of this film until I saw this thread. Then again, I don't make a habit of watching the electric Jew.
This. saged
OC 4 u
Fuck off Faggot NYPA and nobody gives a shit here about a Fucking Movie you idiot.
Also the same Faggots like you were going on about Wonder Woman, but that movie was perfectly fine.
Are you that insecure with your masculinity that you can't allow the women to have one or two superhero movies a year? Are you that much of a Beta Faggot that a female lead bothers you?
You need to get a life Beta Orbiter Faggot.
Honesty man, it just didn’t look very good and I don’t give two shits about Ms Marvel anyway. I normally watch cape shit but I’m missing this one. Not even for sociology-political reasons.
Fuck off shill
Fuck you.
Came here to post this. This movie doesn't need any dishonest tactic to bomb. It will achieve that perfectly fine on its own.
>I truly don't understand Hollywood right now.
It's very simple. Holywood is entirely owned and run by jews. Jews have used holywood as a programming tool for generations. people have started to pick up on it and stop tuning in. They are doubling down on it because power is more important than money to a jew, if you can believe that.
I dont fucking care.
Kill yourself.
>Everybody go review bomb Captain Marvel
You made this thread just so you could write an article about it on buzzweed, didn't you?
This is what I was thinking, too. If the movie is bad and gets bad reviews, (((They))) will say Jow Forums trolled the reviews. They just need more threads like this to use.
When will NPCs learn?
We are gonna see this on the Washington Post later as proof of Russian bots. Mark my words.
Yeah, this is like when those interns made that post calling for a raid on Elizabeth Warren then screencapped it and got the media to run with the story, yet showed no evidence that anybody actually posted anything on her twitter
2/10. I hate nipples with tiny areolas. They look like pointy dude nips.
There's enough e-celebs broadcasting basically this same thing, also, do you think Jow Forums is some kind of club/community?
the only thing "we" want is ....IDK because we are all individuals with our own wants and needs
No one cares about some shit remake of another marvel movie.
It can fail without any help from Jow Forums
or how about we just go see the movies we want to see.. which is basically none, and especially this piece of marysueshit
I think it must mostly be DC fanboys right? I don't have the energy to bother with some shit like this.
>female nipples are now gay
Fuck off roosh
nice we have a clam shot?
So she's an anti-semite??
wew lad
She's ugly, I want my superheros to be in the top 1% in the looks department. I've dated girls less goofy looking than her.
Godzilla king of the monsters is the only thing Im wanting to see this year personally
She has really shapely breasts.
>nice nipples
for a tranny that had hormone treatments
a nice rack.
I wouldn't mind playing the back nine...if you know what I mean
She's not ugly, but otherwise I do agree with you. She's in the top 5 % simply for being white and thin, but movie stars should definitely be better than that.
there is literally no "review bomb" campaign.
I'm going to demand links when these screenshots are posted in huffpo and buzzfeed articles, because no one gives a fuck about that abortion of a movie.
>if you know what I mean
No I don't. I don't know what you mean. What did he mean by this?
>Everybody go review bomb Captain Marvel
shill thread made by plant
so when the film tanks, bloggers will point to "Jow Forums's campaign"
where have we seen this before?
This movie isn't getting brigaded by trolls.
The anti hype train on YouTube is huge surrounding Captain Marvel. All the talking heads have nothing but bad things to say about Brie Larson. This movie is going to legit tank and it's going to be biblical.
Everyone I don't like on the internet is a Russian troll. Dasvidaniya Disney. Hope your streaming service tanks, and the rest of your agitprop bombs.
how does one review bomb something that isn't even out? also there is no point legit reviews will tank it anyways.
is that a tranny?
tits look natural to me, don't look AI (artificial implantation)
What we really should be doing is whipping up the NPCs into getting mad about the fact that Marvel's female debut is white and not a beautiful nappy haired womyn of color.
This movie is SJW trash
That's my point. older folks are losing interest in going to the movies or buying ppv's because netflix is shitting on the home viewer numbers. younger people don't word of mouth anything at all
it's middle aged people and especially men who drive the average box office and accessory monies and they're no longer buying that or homesales of movies either
it's why they keep nostalgiabuxxing, because they desperately need something to ping succesfully off the normal value driving demographic
they're just trying to repeat the black panther lightning in a bottle desperately and failing over and over
nice rack...when you rack balls in billiards.
playing 9 ball...rather than 8 ball...
going beyond...going where no man has gone before....
fucking hell, never imagined I would need to explain that shit to an American.
So gross.
Bump for BOMB!
>She's not ugly
She's not pretty
ding dingding
>going beyond...going where no man has gone before....
And just where is that, exactly?
>review bomb Captain Marvel
but y tho
Do you people just hate women, or did Brie Larson do something offensive recently?
Tranny's grow breasts when the get hormones
Not you're personal army, especially not for the media wanting to defend a fucking movie.
>Quick, review bomb this already failed film so we can blame it all on nazis
It's not "you people", this is the media trying to blame the "alt-right" site known as Jow Forums
Even my normie friend doesn't want to watch this piece of shit
OP should be banned for making raid thread.
exploiting new rules...going into all the pockets....
You must be fucking with me at this point, no homo.
>t. leftist shill
I hope you die