Why are Democratic women so hot?

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All victims of Jew handling

Ha, someone hasn't taken a look at her recent pictures.
She hit that wall, HARD.

some women are hot and women tend to be retarded:)

Show them without makeup, special lighting and fans blowing their hair.

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cuz hot chicks wanna believe theyre virtuous and so do democrats

Ive seen very, very, very, few attractive liberal women. Most literally stink, most have some retarded feature about them (ridiculous hair color, gross facial piercings, hideous tattoos, etc). I imagine most of their vaginas smell resembling a several day old opened can of tuna.

>Democratic women
What like Rosie ODonnel or Cher? That's gross user

population control

Those aren't democrats, they are celebrities. They take whatever side they are told to.

Those celebs are the outliers. Most Dem women look like anons pic here.

Someone unload the Before/After mind virus folder

Yo, Cher could still get it

Democrats is the official Stacy party.


Caring more about how you look than raising your children

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>not white
pick one

unironically this. they are weak women who care more about riding the cock carousel so they don't reproduce. if you removed immigration there would be no progressives left in the western world. especially white 'progressives'

You mean sluts?

>posts airbrushed pics of hot dog shit

its DEMOCRAT. no such thing as democratic. why do gay fags not realize this