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Why do they hate? But then not follow through?
Speaking about women generally not just WOC
Why do women do this now?
they are following through. they actively getting bleached and therefore taking the men away from the white women therefore taking away the white children that would have been.
she's caught between her biological drives and npc programming, like most women
Because every single person in this world knows that men>women and whites>shitskins. So what can inferiors do rise their own status? They can't based on merit because they're worthless so instead they demonize men and whites to lower its value and thus relatively rise their own.
A lot of it is sour grapes. All humans have instincts influencing us even if we work against them, and though not everyone is like this, the default that a woman is looking for in a mate is wealth, stability, virility, and status. These women perceive whites to have the most of three of these, and so their drive is to seek them out. But most of the ones that end up whining on twitter can't land one, because they're ugly/of low status/boring themselves, which over time warps to this bitterness and loathing that causes them to seek out and attempt to destroy those they perceive as having spurned them. It really doesn't help that the current culture pushes this idea that women should accept only the best and in fact DESERVE it, causing the act of settling, being realistic, or just more practical with who you choose to pursue to be seen as an intolerable indignity.
I guess you haven't learnt what women want and what they say they want are two very different things
>Why do they hate? But then not follow through?
because they need men to do the hard work for them. Do you happen to live under a rock?
Oh okay
If Jow Forumstards were smart, they would convince everyone that every white man is a murderous nazi psycho just waiting to become a school shooter, nothing turns women on more than a savage or a bad boy thug.
What if it backfires and women shun us
You mean the same way qt girls "shun" thugs but go get a good fucking when daddy is not watching?
Women of color want white cocks inside them and white cum on them. This is just reality. White man are a prize for these women of color.
Nothing that I’ve seen irl would make me think this though
She looks white though?
When women antagonize a man, they want him to hit her to prove his dominance. If he doesn't, he is weak and does not deserve to breed with her
people, especially women, like to talk a great deal of shit online.
Women in real life talk shit all the time...their internet persona is a direct consequence of womens liberation.
A mistake
Their online persona reflects what they would be like if not suppressed and sequestered to the kitchen. North Hemisphere men have forgotten a woman's place in the household.
You only have yourselves to blame
women really are useless
aside from sandwich and baby making
Very strange twitter post
back to the kitchen they need to go.
Indeed based Brazilian
Dude this is actually me though, I'm dating a Mexican girl (her family is Republican) and she posts shit on Twitter about white people but is with me a MAGA hat wearing white guy
this is the perfect summation of female behavior
How is she with you?
Women act out because they want to get put back in their position by a strong man.
Fairly certain this one's fake. Also, stop making threads on retarded Twitter shit.
It isn’t fake
Pic related. Bad optics gets results.
Di you really think it’ll work. The idea of white guys being viewed as bad boys is hilarious and absurd to me, but that’s where it seems to be going.
Some drawfag draw me a 4 panel comic.
>First panel: Black and Asian woman telling white women to hate white men
>Second panel: White women screeching "stop abusing me" at a constructive white dude
>Third panel: White woman with black man and black eyes.
>Fourth panel: Black and Asian woman in Jew-face rubbing their hands while hitting on the white dude.