It's never worked and never will! So why do people think THIS TIME it's bound to work?
Are these people retarded?
It's never worked and never will! So why do people think THIS TIME it's bound to work?
Are these people retarded?
Other urls found in this thread:
JQ doesn't come across their mind
>eat the rich
Lel, if only they knew...
>welfare capitalism
Most, not having experience of the hardship caused by a socialist revolution, are not thinking at the level of whether it will work or not.
The socialist economic system is simply assumed to work by these people, who do not assume that everything must ultimately be paid for by somebody.
The reason they fall for it is the promise of compensation without work, or in modern parlance, gibsmedatfofree.
They will drain your country of blood, then they will loot the corpse, then they will burn the ruins in fits of rage, never once thinking of what comes next.
Nigger. Go out and do something with your shill life
>file name
Shill nigger
>Why do morons keep falling for socialism?
Socialists are generally stupid people, but more importantly they are losers who want to tear down the system at ANY COST.
Basically they are totally fine with civilization failing, because at least they'll be able to drag all of the more successful people into the dirt with them.
Bernie is old news. Andrew Yang is where it's at.
They think the problems they believe are unique to "capitalism" won't still exist except in an even more tyranical form.
What's the difference? Neither one of them solves the "capitalism" problem because neither one of them wants to talk about Jewish usury.