Holocaust teaching in school

Hello pol

since age 7 my son was compelled to read holocaust-related books in public schools in NJ.

At first, not so graphic stories. Then more graphic and cruel.
Now at age 14 he had to read “Night” of Eli Wiesel, a book that depicts the hanging of children and children thrown in the flames alive.

Is this right, people?
My son was cleary unsettled after he finished the book.
I’m not an holocaust denier or anything, but this “education” is being forced every fucking day into the throats of the American kids.

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It's fake, but we should do it for real.

It’s not fake, dummy.
It may have been inflated, yes, but it happened.

What the fucking problem is, kids at 7 or boys at 14 should be happy - not forced to digest this shit because (((they))) day so.

Night is fiction. It isn't "inflated." There were no industrialized extermination camps. No one was gassed or drowned in acid or fed to bears, you idiot. They were watching movies and playing the tuba and milling bullets. Allied bombing shredded the supply lines and a bunch of people got Typhus and starved. The end. Your son is being fed this bullshit because they want him to hate nationalism and infect him with white guilt.

I think you are way too limited to understand.

Anyone else?

It's subversion, like product placing in the minds of children and the reason is quite simple, prevent any criticism of Jews when they take over your country completely.

How else will you convince people that there are different laws in the US than in Israel, for example Chuck Schumer votes and lobby in the states for abortion and in Israel against.

Sorry to say but you guys will become soon literally a colony.

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Holohoax 6 gorillion OY VEY!

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They want us to become 90 IQ mutts

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They are making grade school kids watch Schindlers List in the school auditorium

I was once asked why I didn't hunk the Holocaust is relevant to Americans. I said that I don't see why we need to spend so much time learning about something that didn't happen in our country, and wasn't done by our people.
It should be maybe a single page in a high school history book. Instead it's forced into the curriculum every year, multiple times per year.

The holocaust as we call it happened. German SS newspapers actually speak openly about exterminating Jews only poltards will buy into the debunked conspiracy bullshit

I’d say the holocaust is more of an exaggeration then a lie. It’s pushed hard by Jews to indoctrinate children. They are easier to brainwash when their young. The holocaust happened but not on the scale that Hollywood and education system pushes. The number is close to 200,000

>having the internet
>still falling for Jewish tricks.,

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White genocide in the name of Judaism. Talmud says lying stealing raping and killing isn't a sin if its against non jews. Baby rape etc are permitted in jewish law. Watch this video of the disgusting stuff in the Jewish Talmud.

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Why would anyone deny the Holocaust, the Jews would never purposely hide information. They are all about transparency. That's why they own all the news station. They report all the news and then let viewers form their own opinions based on the facts.

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>Night” of Eli Wiesel, a book that depicts the hanging of children and children thrown in the flames alive
>I’m not an holocaust denier or anything
You don't have to be a Holocaust denier, but you should at least be an Elie Wiesel denier. That killing children shit is 100% made-up, and the book is fiction.

Why would anyone deny the Holocaust, the Jews would never purposely hide information. They are all about transparency. That's why they own all the news station. They report all the news and then let viewers form their own opinions based on the facts

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>milling bullets
Lmao are you made of money

i had to read Night AND anne frank's diary in middle school in my ENGLISH Class. why the fuck am i being taught propaganda "history" in my l2talkandwrite class

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No, your country is being indoctrinated. Fucking impossible.

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>(((conspiracy))) goys.
Even if it was wanna know how many conspiracies came out true?

I think we already are

Dude, please use your fucking brain.

How would you make a census of the jewish population in the *whole* world in the 1940s?

You must be really stupid if you think those numbers have any real meaning.

when the real holocaust comes im going to be pissed if there are no eagle bear cage rape like in the fake one.

Why would anyone deny the Holocaust, the Jews would never purposely hide information. They are all about transparency. That's why they own all the news stations. They report all the news and then let viewers form their own opinions based on the facts.

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I know that and that’s not the reason of my OP.

What is fucking unacceptable is that 7 years old kids are force-fed holocaust narrative in taxpayer-funded American schools.

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It’s literally from the jews. They document everything and then laugh in our face when people fall for there tricks.

Next week there will be a law to say water is wet. WE MUST HAVE LAWS TO PROTECT THE TRUTH!

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It is Right


Dude there’s plenty of footage, evidences, witnesses on the holocaust.

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Fuck off kike.

The Jews are incapable of lying! How dare you anti-semite racists question anything. Who the fuck do you goyim think you are!?


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You kikes are doing what's called DARVO.
Prepare to die.

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Post it.

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Photoshopped, taken from different events and some unironically taken from movies.
Something is not adding up.


Oh shit, I found some!

I'm such a stupid goyim for not believing. I should be in prison or even executed for questioning it.

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That's David Irving, the most prominent "holocaust denier" alive today. He is worth looking into further than just this video, but I assure you, the holocaust as we know it is the biggest lie to have ever been widely accepted by the general populace.

The Jews overplayed their hands with the rapid replacement of whites in America. They know that shitskins have zero empathy and guilt for some shit that happened during WW2.

This mandatory education is forced upon (soon all the states) the kids of today so when they grow up, they can't call out the (((special people))).
I wouldn't expect to see the last dying breaths of the Republican and Democrat party to pass as many laws protecting Jewish privileges as possible.

You fags have pushed things too far. Now you will reap what you have sown. Had you restrain and introspection we would have remained asleep. Now the giant awakens.

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Pushed what too far ? Don't you think holocaust education is important?

It is fake kike

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The Holocaust is a myth and a grotesque lie. It's fake, just like Jews.
You aren't even human.

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I know who Irving is.

Holocaust happened, there’s no need to deny it in order to limit forced holocaust education to our kids.

That’s what I’m saying.

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Mmm try better

You say it with so much confidence. A true sign of intelligence is the ability to entertain a new idea even if you don't necessarily agree. Have you ever listened to David Irving? or are you just going to disregard a well versed historians life work because "it happened because it did."

It's long, but it's very informative and eye opening and might give you a better understanding of why your presumably white kids are subjected to government sponsored brainwash throughout their entire upbringing.

Still waiting for that proof, and saying there's a law that says you can't deny it, isn't proof.

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Yes I have. I have read a lot about the topic from “official” and non-official sources.

The nazi were killing, not playing. In my hometown back in Europe they killed 34 people - hanging them - and they were not even Jews.

Do you know about Mi Lai? 400 civilians, unharmed, mostly women and kids, massacred by the US army in a couple of hours.

You are saying that the Nazi would not kill in similar or higher number, over 4 years of War and with a dedicated, state mandated intention to kill?

Make sense please.

You're not properly informed but at least you care about how your child reacted to a lie that sadly you still believe.
Read this first:
>The Auschwitz Files by George S. MacAlister
then watch this next:
>Made In Russia : The Holocaust
this is the book source for the video above:
>Made In Russia : The Holocaust (book)
get rid of the propaganda you've been filled with first, then you'll be able to deal with your child more constructively

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States anecdotal evidence. No links. No facts. No proof.

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America put the Japs into internment camps, does that mean there was a genocide?

I don’t believe in the “official” numbers that we have been fed since elementary school.
But I have no doubts that holocaust happened to a certain extent.

Again, you don’t need to be a holocaust denier to stop this fucking force-feeding of holocaust sad stuff to the kids.

Imagine pilpulling this hard.

Odd that all the death camps just happened to be located in areas the westerners were kept out of and controlled by the Jewish communists. The Nazi's sure were smart to plan out to only have death camps in the places Jewish communists would control after they lost the war.

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Imagine that.

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After reading this thread I judge the OP to be lying circle that doesn't have a child and is only continuing the bullshit propaganda.
For everyone else that isn't a lying piece of shit and wants to learn about WW2 take the time to watch these videos:
>Europa - The Last Battle [Part 1] Global Economic Structure & the Holodomor

>Europa - The Last Battle [Part 2] World War 1 & Cultural Marxism

>Europa - The Last Battle [Part 3] Adolf Hitler & National Socialism

>Europa - The Last Battle [Part 4] Judea Declares War

>Europa - The Last Battle [Part 5] The Roots of Globalism & Jewish Supremacism

>Europa - The Last Battle [Part 6] Operation Barbarossa*

>Europa - The Last Battle [Part 7] The Katyn Massacre & The Rape of Europe

>Europa - The Last Battle [Part 8] The Holocaust

>Europa - The Last Battle [Part 9] The Aftermath of World War II

>Europa - The Last Battle [Part 10] The Nationalist Revolution & The Awakening

Sorry I don’t have a couple million dead bodies available to show to you.

And even if I had, I think you would still not accept it.

I've already made my judgement about you

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No, what does this have to do with the holocaust?

If we had starting losing the war against Japan. We would have fed our soldiers first, our citizens second and our prisoners last. Lots of prisoners would have died. Just like every other detainment camp in the history of every war where there has been detainment camps.

It was nothing like the Holodomor, where they purposely starved white Russian farmers and their children to death. Truly one of the biggest crimes against humanity that has ever happened. Luckily Hitler and the Nazi's were able to, at least for awhile, stop these monsters from getting to the German people. We need more heroes like them today.

You can tell a lot of stories with a lot of conviction, but until you have official records, that's all they are; Stories. It never crossed your mind that perhaps you were told many lies to reinforce a hatred for a political ideology that threatens the global banking cartel? I was told a lot of stories just like that when I was in grade school.

You need to watch this Until you do, you are just willfully ignorant.

You are obviously too ignorant to know where the death camps were at that time.

Mate your retarded hitler never intended to kill any of them also the same reason as to him not being a racist but a race realist etc.... Etc... You are still drinking the kool aid look up europa final battle and hellstorm and then look up holocaust denial master course.


Kikes would never manipulate the truth, there's certainly no historical records of that ever happening.

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Now add the greatest story never told to be complete.

Jow Forums has plenty of people wanting to fight back, but back in weimar conditions were much harsher when the nsdap was fighting to take their country back it took a martyr for people siding with the nsdap, a lot og people are redpilled the problem is organization at least in my opinion.

Your mother is a piece of shit and your father probably a Canadian cuckold.

Read my fucking OP again. I’m not “faking” anything, dumbass.

Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.

The reason they browbeat young children with this propaganda is because it's a period where their brains aren't developed enough to have the critical thinking skills to question anything. That's why you're constantly beaten over the head with holocaust this, KKK that especially in elementary and middle school. They need to ingrain the propaganda in your mind early.

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Son of a cuckold, I could care less about your dismissal, loser.

It's propaganda, what do you expect?

The leaf is getting under your skin. Lol.

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Yes it did cross my mind and I’m certain that some of the stories I have been fed are lies.
And I’m also certain that holocaust happened, in smaller numbers than the official ones, but it happened.

What would be an “official” document for you, that passes your definition of “evidence”?

There were no homicidal gas chambers

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I have my own issues with Adolf none of which have to deal with the bullshit lies that he ordered anyone exterminated in the camps, but rather that he helped the creation of israhell, worked with queen elizabeths uncle, charles edward saxe-gotha-coburg who was arrested by general Patton for conspiring with the nazi party, and the fact that he didn't kill himself but was transported to South America by u-boat

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Yes I know that. My question is, with Jews being 2% of the US population, how the fuck did Americans allow this to happen?

>helped with the creation of israhell.
Didn't he consider it a failure and then collaborated with amin which caused huge kvetching of kikes and went back to his madagascar plan.
>he went by a s boat
He was killed actually.

OP is JIDF, notice how he repeats the same insult as if it's true, notice how he keeps repeating that that holocaust happened but never once did he address the proof I provided.
OP is just another example of what a meat puppet propagandist looks like.
For those who aren't a brain damaged lying piece of worthless shit:
The word holocaust implies that a living thing is burned to death as a sacrificial offering to a demon, god or monarch (Moloch). The only people who died by fire were in cities that had incendiary bombs or nukes dropped on them, those people were the real WW2 Holocaust victims

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regardless of what he considered the european jews were rounded up and sent to palestine against their will then given money to set up their new homes there, that was all part of of the Haavara agreement and the word haavara means transfer not extermination.

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>Don't you think holocaust education is important?
No. It's not our history. And Weisel is a proven liar

Ok, I didn’t want this to be a thread on single details of the holocaust denial. It’s not the reason I posted.
But here let’s take one of the items in the list you posted. “Holocaust deniers claim that there was NOT a plan to exterminate Jews”

So; the Wannsee conference didn’t happen? The minutes of the conference were made up by some jew, at some point after the war?

Have you ever heard Himmler talking in 1943 about the final solution? That’s made up too in your opinion, I guess?

Usually during the Christmas season. The first child I didn't notice. When it was advent season and my second child was reading some book - I took the book away and told the teacher nope - not gonna fuck up their Christmas memories and innocence.

the left picture in the related img was distributed as the proof he shot himself, it was all a lie, and the book Ultramar Sur covered this fact but it's not available in English

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If you're not a holocaust denier then you aint doing it correctly. Learn tho think critically nigger.

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They're only two percent, but they're the richest two percent, and purposefully worm their way into places of institutional power where they can control narratives, whether that's academia, media, or middle school textbooks and curricula. And then there's the issue of shabbos goyim, who have been a problem going way back. Elite whites who sell out to the jews in order to obtain power from them. This group includes everyone from FDR and Winston Churchill to the sellout white politicians and media people of today who toe the party line.

I think you're getting hung up on the term "the holocaust" and what is meant by that. We're people talk about holocaust revisionism, they're not saying there weren't camps or that conditions weren't bad or that jews weren't persecuted or killed. However, all the camps were labor camps, not "death camps". There were no gas chambers disguised as shower rooms, or super-crematoria that completely destroyed all evidence. Six million jews were not exterminated, and there was never any top-down plan by the german government to genocide jews

I know what it is, later on he concluded it was a failure and had conversations with amin which later lead to the free palestine speech.

Same reason Christianity happened. White are vulnerable to this kind of mental/emotional abuse and psychological warfare. Too kind and naive, thinking the whole rest of the world is just as good natured and high
minded. Whites will have to evolve the appropriate spiritual and psychological immune system.

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I’m not. You, instead, have a cuckold dad (and a slutty mom) hahaha

teaching me and commanding me to blindly accept the facts and to "never question it" makes me doubt it ever happened to a 100% without a doubt.

critical thinkers are going to backlash 10 fold this whole hoax if they push this harder.

Cheer him up by teaching him about the Auchwitz roller coaster.