Holy shit anons, it's totally happening here. If anyone watched Eyes Wide Shut, this is almost straight from the movie.

>VIP prostitute goes to parties and fucks important people
>she turns on them and exposes their PEDOPHILE rings
>politicians, artists and the media all involved
>turns out they bought young children from sports clubs (confirmed to be real)
>set to testify against them in the trial
>she tweets a year ago that she will not kill herself, so if she appears dead, it was (((them)))
>(YESTERDAY) she appears dead, "drug overdose"
>her naked-dead pictures are leaked by the people she accused
>journalists involved literally posting how happy they are
>she left behind a USB drive with information to an undisclosed friend

This is some satanic masonic shit right here. What the fuck do we do?

English article:

Exposing the pedophiles:

Previous threads:
(Part 1)
(Part 2)
(Part 3)
(Part 4)

Attached: rip natacha jaitt.png (1247x978, 1.07M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Cover ups always happen for pedophilia. Careful user, godspeed for spreading awareness but shit is dangerous

>This is some satanic masonic shit right here.
You mook. You said it yourself. Its not satanic masonic shit. Its the fucking Vatican.

You have the fucking answer in your hand and you still get it wrong? Are you this indoctrinated or are you actually this dumb?

Nothing, I mean nothing is as powerful and rich more than the Vatican.

The Vatican is full of Masons and Satanists

>The Vatican isn't luciferian
>Masons and Catholics don't share any relations or nods to the head

show bobs and vagene

this is fuckin insane

do you understand now? the Great Meme War was just the beginning

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Has anyone heard about the USB yet?

Itd be pretty shitty if she gave it to someone who ratted her out.

I don't know man, how can we fight this. Maybe we can meme it?

This shit is spoopy anons

Attached: 1550716506965.jpg (300x225, 15K)

Her brother is layering up. They are calling foul play.

Where are you seeing that she was a prostitute?

VIP escort, whatever you want to call it

>>(YESTERDAY) she appears dead, "drug overdose"

Good. Nothing of value lost. Whore.

>yfw born into a timeline where actual hookers can openly post about their lifestyle on social media

Attached: 1550658205781.jpg (800x450, 74K)

memory holed in 3 .. 2 ...


What can we do about this? There must be some sort of justice? Also bless user for spreading awareness

the most recent of many

Attached: Nancy+Schaefer,+former+Georgia+State+Senator.jpg (633x380, 61K)

Where are you seeing that she was a VIP escort?

Yeah, she's a whore, but that ain't the point. Point is, exposing the child sex ring.


Would weaponized autism even work? It would be just like launching a singular nuke at a Dyson Sphere, but it's better than nothing.

I'm sure they'll find some perfectly good schmuck who fucked her in the past to take the fall. Some director or lawyer who makes 250K a year and can afford her but doesn't make enough to really matter to anybody important.

This shouldn't be surprising to anyone. Those pedo kikes have been doing this since the dawn of time. Why the fuck do you think they've been kicked out of EVERY civilization?

People just let this shit slide and accept whatever the media says at face value. God forbid we hold them responsible for their crimes. That would be (((anti-semetic)))

Where is the uncensored version?

I think weaponized autism would work, just look at the jessie slaughter case. kek

weaponized autism ALWAYS works. The only problem is, the bigger the situation/happening, the more specific autism is required. There's ALWAYS an autist out there that can do it.

drug addicted whore makes shit up for attention then dies, *yawn*

She's a whore and they already covered it up with the "drug overdose". This case is already in the dumpster.

Natacha Jiatt wasn't an escort. Congrats you're awful scum for pushing that lie.

Waiting for deadmans switch

Are you retarded? There is a link in the OP in your own language even if you can't read Spanish.

Found you.

Attached: 1547949613905.png (1786x1400, 647K)

Then it looks like we need to make sure the consequences will never be the same for these pedophiles.

it was the pedophiles this whole time!???

I'll get the ambulance
in reverse that is

She did not make it up. She exposed a real pedophile ring.

it's ALWAYS been the pedokikes, dummy

Si alguien me pasa la direccion de Fantino voy y le meto un plomo

It may be timely that Adpocolypse 2 is happening now.

aka YouTube is getting called out for CP and lots of advertisers are pulling ads.

This could help us bc there is a discussion abt pedos already, so normies are already hearing abt it.

la mataron porque sabia mucho

we'll need a LOT more autism. anyone wanna make a trek over to mlp and plead our case? they've got the superior autism on this board. They'll know who to call...

Simple user. Find the USB it's out there somewhere and it obviously has the power to make make some powerful people very uncomfortable. Otherwise it wouldn't be worth killing for.

Sure, but it's gonna have to be later

what link? I'm not seeing anything that leads me to believe that she's an escort in internet searches.

This is the first step. Getting the normies in on this before launching our attack

Glowniggers on suicide watch.

Attached: 1541902192749.png (500x583, 685K)

Sigh, a lot of confusion and despair just flew over my house.
God must hate us to abandon us so.


Yes yes, finding this whores USB

even if we don't have the USB...if someone thought we did...what would happen?

I mean who would react first if news came out that the USB was in the hands of (for example) Julian Assange.



Fuck off Robert Deniro. Quit fucking children you old washed up wannabe gangster faggot.


Say AOC has it. Get the cunt popped and no more spam!

If we didn't have the USB and someone thought we did, looks like we're gonna have to fight off some crazed, rich, pedophiles.

I cant read that shit nigger

Anyone try enhancing and zooming and looking for needle marks in the uncensored photos.

Wasn't pills, as they usually make you vomit. No pee/poo either. Not Heroin or similar via IV.

Shame we can't see the other side of her neck.

Attached: niggers.jpg (957x744, 245K)

God speed op! And remember pic related

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>journalists involved literally posting how happy they are

Satanic Jew world order is coming. Rabbis announced their messiah the anti Christ is coming this year. Crazy shit is about to go down. Anyone who doesn't know Christ yet isn't prepared for whats coming. Be well anons.

Attached: Jesuit rings.jpg (500x622, 85K)

correct, nobody cares if consenting adults are having orgies.

What's coming has been planned since ancient Babylon.

Attached: Albert_Pike_WWII.jpg (640x360, 52K)

we normally inject between the toes for the suicide cases. there is a global network of about 70,000 people, you will never get to the bottom of it, since they would start a nuclear war before destroying their own lives through exposure. it's also incredibly compartmentalized, they have at least 13 layers of cutouts.

Did this happen in America? No? Ok, I don’t care.

You'd have to be the kinda guy who downloads webpages in hundreds of segments with each segment going through a different proxy, seperate coffeeshop internet and a VM on a secondary device before being accessed through Tor and LAN and recompiled on your main device.

Wait I just saw Q in there?

Wait I just read that shes Jewish?

Fuck this Im out

Are you retarded? It's all over the news.


322 is skull and bones

>i see Q and da joo
Hey me too

Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown.

this wouldn't work, there are hardware switches that leech wifi and track gps through any chipset manufactured post 2008. it takes 15 seconds to triangulate a position.

Yeah you're right too bad Trump protects his buddies. See Acosta.

She isn't Jewish. "Q" in Spanish means "what" or "that" (que / qué)

Why was she buried in a Jewish cemetery?

What you mean "we normally" nigger?

She was buried in a jewish cemetery.


Keep your eyes peeled on the chans. It'll get dumped within a week. Get your fucking head in the game anons



Everybody in the West zone of Buenos Aires uses that cemetery. It's huuuge.

she was, she's been buried in the jew cemetery of la tablada today

Attached: 0d906ef35af7fa835be4f56bb5eb474fefbfeec6ce7091364678959097d1bcef.jpg (750x421, 54K)


Dont let this slide, or the John of God baby farms either.
>The women who broke that story was suicided as well

Jamie Dlux covers is well in his youtube videos

argie shitposter here.
Unfortunally its fucking true, this country is fuck up. Please nuke us


>exposes their PEDOPHILE rings
If you cannot even expose the shit these people do in the open: Genocide, slavery, war. How the fuck do you think any luck exposing their sexual kinks?

This pedoshit is sensational crap that certain gullible people are drawn to because they see it as a magic key, like you open the kiddifucker door and suddenly the whole new jew order collapses.
You are wrong, dead wrong.

Attached: paycow.png (734x719, 747K)

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Too soon.

Badass. Been waiting all day for this repost.

Do Muslims get buried there too?

An absolute butterface.

>Alta Vendita......look it up

They infiltrated the Catholic church 100+ years ago.
Makes sense when you factor in whats happened since, Vatican 2, homo's running it all, destroying the Church from within

Look at them abs God damn