FBI investigating Trump is a waste of ti

>FBI investigating Trump is a waste of ti...

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>charges mainly for people doing illegal things while working for hillary and the pedestas

How many charges for Trump campaign colluding with Russia?

Maybe actually read the court filings, it all talks about the Trump Campaign and Trump himself. Kushner and Donald Jnr are probably next to go, then Trump himself.

Zero. Point. Zero.

Most of those charges are for lying to the FBI lol. There was no collusion.

Manafort court filings last week :3

If Mueller had found anything on Trump they wouldn't be waiting to publicly release a report. They'd move on him IMMEDIATELY.

>Manafort court filings last week :3
What does he have to do with Russia? He didn't pay taxes...

Emptywheel pls go

And yet still no proof of direct coordination with Russia... Truly causes electrical activity to traverse my dendrites.

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>gears of justice only turns in Trump's term
What, you think they just appeared out of nowhere when Trump won?

>keeping them honest

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CNN has been jumping the gun and spreading fake news.
This make me optimistic and anxious.

None of this has anything to do with muh Russian collusion. This is nothing but a bunch of garbage.


GOOD ONE, user

None of what you said is true

de·lu·sion·alDictionary result for delusional



characterized by or holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, typically as a symptom of mental disorder.

keep reaching for that rainbow

>0 convictions for colluding with the Russian government

for events after the investigation began or well before and unrelated to the election

>1 post by this ID

nope. fuck off and kill yourself you puerile retard.

this is them getting ahead of the release which would appear to have no russian collusion so they have to get the best parts they can, out to the public consciousness

The government has the evidence to prove that Cohen committed a felony at Trump's direction.

Here's some more of that delusion I was talking about.

How many Presidents?

And how many of those people committed those crimes under Obama?

You cannot be this stupid. Are you one of the Mueller is /ourguy/ retards?

All Mueller's indictments have been bullshit process crimes or filing the wrong paper work 10 years ago. But none of them are aimed at the Clintons or Podestas. Most of Mueller's legal team worked for the Clintons.

>heh it was never about trump, i mean.... we got.... paul manafort.... that was always the goal, to get some random guy

>All Mueller's indictments have been bullshit process crimes or filing the wrong paper work 10 years ago.
When the criminals were working for Hillary in the Ukraine.

>only one post by op
This isn't a discord tranny thread. ;_;

It's spelled Podesta.

It's not a delusion. It's filed in federal court.

The DoJ and FBI conspired against Trump while ignoring Hillaries crimes.

The "evidence" is tainted and purchased from a spy that has no credibility.

The entire investigation is one sided and only targets republicans despite the fact Hillary and Obama had ties with Russia before during and even after the election. The DoJ cannot be bothered with facts or the rule of law, as they are now in the process of committing sedition.

Hillary and Obama\Holder committed treason, and the DoJ did nothing.

Now the DoJ and FBI is trying to cover up their actions and have to be sued by civilian investigations because they represent a single political party and not the legal taxpaying citizens.

Each day Mueller carries on this sham of investigation means he each day he ruins the credibility of the entire DoJ.

The Mueller Investigation isn't about Justice or the US Constitution, its political revenge. It is Sedition.

We are witnessing the break down of the rule of law all because Hillary lost an election and the FBI committed acts of Treason on her behalf because they were betting that if she won, she would have pardoned them.

I'm not a Trump supporter, I'm an American supporter, YOU DONT RUN INVESTIGATIONS OR TRIALS WITHOUT EVIDENCE!!

The CIA has no credibility, all the CIA wants is enemy.

This is what President Eisenhower was warning us about: The Military Industrial Complex.

Individuals and Agencies that have no accountability and some are not even elected, yet they they have access to federal funds, state secrets, and can commit whatever crimes they want without fear of reprisal.

The Supreme Court is isn't interested in the Constitution, its too bust playing party politics to do whats best for the people.

Sedition isn't in the best interest of America or the government.

it's pedesta as in pedophile

and NOT ONE has ANYTHING to do with Russian collusion in USA election.

they have all the evidence they need to put trump away, and it's being used to bring him to heel. whether that evidence is real or fabricated is another story.
he's back to being a pressure relief valve as (((they))) intended

How does CNN have all this inside knowledge & exact numbers when nothing has been released yet? Who is leaking to CNN?

why waste good evidence of a crime on prosecution?

All perjury traps. No collusion.

Salem witch trials:
200 charges
19 executions

Russia did it!

Yawn, rubbing eyes how'd I wind up on Free Republic?

25 of those "32" individuals are Russians who will never see a courtroom, and 2 others are faggots charged with "identity theft" to help those same Russians out. There are 5 non-Russian people, and you know all of their names: Paul Manafort, Michael Flynn, George Papadopolous, Michael Cohen, and Roger Stone. The only ones with any tenuous links to Russia is George and Flynn. Everything else is for shit they've done years or decades ago.

None of those charges are related to Russian collusion.
But you can't be honest about that can you?

Not one person indicted was working for Hillary, you fucking retard.

Manafort was indicted for shit he did while under the employ of the Pedestas, who work for Hillary.

Then why haven't they moved against Trump? Something like that is something that can take him down immediately.

>Not one person indicted was working for Hillary, you fucking retard.

Is it not that strange, the Hillary Campaign paid for the original report that started all this , but not one of them was investigated... STRANGE

so where's the Russian collusion? they sold this as an investigation into that supposed collusion, yet there's nothing on that front. wow, a bunch of bullshit process crimes, while actual felons in the FBI and DNC are walking free.
really activates one's almond centers. herbalized.

>25 of those "32" individuals are Russians who will never see a courtroom
The Russians tried to take it to court but Mueller asked the court to delay it because they weren't ready and besides, "We haven't legally served them yet."

IDK how that would even take him down.
The whole dossier is based on a lie. How can you be charged with a crime that never happened?

mueller report hasn't dropped, too early for the blackpills

would be great if they got kushkush

“If this is a witch hunt, Mueller’s found a coven at this point.”
- Former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal

>32 individuals
28 of whom are in Russia and will never respond to the indictment. Bravo Rob.

If they just could put all this energy and resources to investigate the deepstate. Clearly there is no lack of resources.
All we've got out of this is some individual done something unrelated to Trump from decade or two ago.

I hate how dumb some people, like yourself, are.
The witch trials found witches too. They found people, called them witches, and killed them.
The point is: There's no such thing as witches and the investigation itself is dangerous.

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"Yikes!" is FAGGOT speak. It is a word that means nothing, and is used by women and faggots. It is the voicing of a GIRL climbing on a chair shrieking and dancing about at the sight of a little mouse. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.;

The dossier has been partially verified by ongoing investigations that have uncovered other crimes as well.

Indicting the president isn't as easy as indicting the lawyer. Mueller's report will recommend indictment but not actually issue an indictment, because he has to be impeached. He'll be impeached for some of the same things Nixon was, for the same reason: Republicans see the proof in the report and can't deny it because the public sees it too, and they turn on him.

>partially verified by ongoing investigations

1. that a man named Donald Trump is President
2. Donald Trump ram as a Republican
3. Donald Trump is Married to a woman name Melania

YES, the dossier has been partially verified!!!

This is America... people are charged with crimes that never happened on a daily basis. What the fuck country have you been living in? The United States of Naivety?

That's kinda stretching it lol.
we know 3 of those companies and 17 of those individuals got their cases thrown out because NO evidence.
Mueller is bullshit, he's the deep state fixer. It's why he strung the bullshit investigation on so long knowing full well the dossier was a fraud. This way when he goes down for his parts in many many many crimes he will say "interference in investigation", now that hes been doing the investigation for almost 3 year and getting NOTHING in return he will say he's being charged for revenge.
this list in Image isn't even half his crimes. He supplied 2 of the 9/11 hijackers with hotel rooms, he was their handler. 1997 he help some very rich peoples child molestation and trafficking charges go away. Kind of like how he gave Pizzagate pedo immunity for all crimes he may have committed for testifying. Funny thing, they just sat and talk sports and he gets immunity? NICE

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75% of the charges are to people who aren't even u.s. citizens.

Tick tock drumpfkins!

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60% got thrown out of court, even more waste of cash because they of course got resembled for their time.

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Yikes that cope