What was your favorite movie in 2018? Besides Black Panther

What was your favorite movie in 2018? Besides Black Panther.

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D e r P

To be honest none. For me it’s 2003 best picture nominee “Master and Commander”. Of course women will never understand this film, so it has faded into insignificance.

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Black Panther

>faded into insignificance.
It's one of the most popular films of all time among men user.

I don't think I have watched more than 5 new movies in the last 5 years.

I am not missing anything.

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Who is Oscar?

Im not surprised he isnt white. Sounds like a spic name.

ill never forget this amazing movie, a true adventure

I begrudgingly went to the movies with my fiance since I always say I hate it, how it's libtard propaganda etc. But this time I said we'd go. After pouring over the showings, the only one that I wasn't CERTAIN would be shit (the only one I hadn't heard of) became my choice.
Bad times at the El Royale, with Jeff Bridges.
Shit was cash.

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I know. But we’ll never get the sequel we deserve. This is the purest depiction of genuine masculinity on screen. The type of men that made the world great.

Its on my list of films to see. I hope to acquire copies of historical films starting from the 50s to mid 2000s, everything after that is worthless rehashed garbage.

And what are the ratings?

you should really watch it as soon as you can, though it will really up your standards of good movies from then on be warned

>all this super bowl tier pandering

What said. There is practically nothing wrong with the film. It’s a masterpiece. Everything a modern film should be. It’s probably the peak of cinema, and I’ve yet to see something that will top it.

The good goy Trump


Get woke, go broke. Got to be one of the lowest years in history of box office Vs return.

First Reformed not getting the one Oscar they even nominated it for makes me mad, that was a brilliant film and they decided to give Oscars to a bunch of lowest common denominator bullshit instead.

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>faded into insignificance
it's in my blu ray collection too.

Last movie I payed to see was "The Departed".

I. Will. Never. Pay. Again.

I didn't watch a single hollywood movie last year.

Ditto this


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Blacks are only 13% of the population and are treated with kids gloves. Hispanics, Asians, and Whites outnumber them. They also outperform them in every metric.
Imagine being such a retard race that you need special help to look important. Looking forward to the day spics outnumber whites because the will put bullets in blackies head.

>t. Rajesh Shankar
I too would prefer Bollywood over contemporary Hollywood.

What makes blacks such perfect pawns for jews? Jews made up fake outrage a few years ago about oscar race issues, even though they control all movie production, they then shamed whites for 2 years, then they chose all these "ethinic" movies and handed out participation awards. It's all so fake. who is fooled other than blacks?

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They're actively fudging the numbers these days too. There's no way shit like Roastbusters made $200M when I don't know a single person who watched it.

Literally only went once to the movies last year to watch Baby Driver or whatever with some friends.

Me either

Black Panther lost best picture

They used to keep the ship, the HMS Rose, that they were on in that movie in my hometown.

Unfortunately the ship capsized going up the coastline of Maine. :(

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take this bullshit to /tv

>What was your favorite movie in 2018?

Stopped watching.
Tired of the forced social engineering,
The will be a black and a homosexual character, and there will be an interracial couple in EVERY movie or live action remake.
Perfect example is Netflix's Umbrella Academy

STOP pushing your ideology into EVERYTHING

It did? Hahahahah

It forces me to put my politics into everything. I didnt even pirate this because Ellen Page caped so hard for Jussie Smollet


It's never enough. The salt is real.

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Underrated and Spic-pilled

Best actor - Egyptian portraying a faggot with
aids beats four white actors.
Best Supporting actor/actress - both niggers
Best Director - Beaner
Best Picture - A movie about a gay nigger with racist white people in it
Best short film - movie about a skinhead
Animated - Puerto-Rican Spiderman
Best Documentary Short - Feminist movie about menstruation
Black Panther and BlackKKKlansman won other awards

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Who can forget a 9 year old with an amputated arm going first into a breach during naval battle firing a flintlock pistol

Same but 5 years or even more

Spics hate blacks and since both are low IQ its a Darwinian favor to the rest of the planet they off each other when given the chance.

The mule wasnt too shit

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I really like Nathan Phillips in Dances with Hebrews. I also like Christine Ford in Hoe vs Wade. My favorite though was Jussie Smollett in HoaxBack Mountain,

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>mfw retards on twitter are still raging because the wrong racebaiting movie about niggers won best picture

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I was actually only thinking about this earlier today. Count Eastwood seems like a genuinely good guy, and not a modern type pussy like everyone else.
How shit is it?

Never give blacks anything.

>tfw i still have that movie in VHS system.

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I literally never heard of any of these movies except that Wakada documentary

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>dances with Hebrews
My fucking sides

Spics are clearly superior to niggers.

One movie about KKK, another about race and another about race and one about a gay rock god!

Lot of Jews in crowd, but best Oscar was to the one to the women movie about having the Rag!

Go Women~

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This could be my favorite movie of all time. Such white excellence. And what an adventure! How this didn't win best picture, best director and best actor is a travesty.

1. Annihilation
2. Mission Impossible: Fallout
3. Sicario: Day of the Soldado

Didn't watch a lot but I enjoyed those

>ratings for the 2019 Oscars were at an all time low for the tird year in a row.

Green Book
First Man
Spider-man Into the Spider-Verse

Yo same here, I don't give )))them((( any of my money

Basically they felt bad for coloureds and had to give the a bigger role and awards?

I cant wait for Disney to make this movie!

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Im just glad that nigger cat didnt win


Fuck Roma. It's the Oscars not the Emmy's. There shouldn't be tv movies in the Oscars

Green Book is supposedly bad because of muh White savior

I really enjoyed it. He's 87 and still puts out better movies than most of Hollywood


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Bad Times at the El Royale

Own the DVD, have seen over 100 times, would watch again.

>"The rudder's shot away! The steering won't answer, sir!"

A valuable lesson in trust with this quote. A man heard the testimony of 2 other men in which he and their lives were at stake. The 2 men were sketchy in their pronouncements. The individual man stuck to his instincts. In doing so and ultimately facing certain death, with a keen sense, he overcame insurmountable odds. Stay fast and accurate frens!

Driving Miss Daisy was a good ass movie though. Morgan Freeman is ice cream for your ears


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aidan gillen got robbed when he didn't win for CIA in the Dark Knight Rises

No one cares about a bunch of pedophiles and insane leftist scumbags making propghanda films and patting eachother on the back while giving themselves awards...

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The books are great - as good as the film was it isn't a patch on them

>inclusive, by shutting out whites in a white country
fuck kikes, fuck niggers, spics, Chinks, and mutts

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I thought it was kind of boring.

always choose the lesser of two weevils

Spider verse didn't suck though

You dont belong

>be writer
>decide to make super awesome advanced city
>even has UFO's instead of cars
>but roof technology is behind 1 million years.

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Vice was pretty good. I don't watch many movies (last movie I watched before this was Hacksaw Ridge) because they're all shit, but I really enjoyed this one.

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Well keep watching romances starring Matthew McConacuck you seated pissing fuck.

Female detected

Exactly. This film is a very good lesson in genuine male leadership. How a cohesive team of different races, backgrounds, educations and classes, can be unified by a strong structure and shared ideology (and culture). Contrast captain Aubrey to blue haired admiral in the latest Star Wars and you’ll see the difference in leadership qualities.

fewer jews I guess


Yeah I'm on year 5. Once I realized that Hollywood was controlled by Jews that hated me I didn't want to give them any more money.

First Reformed sucked


I'm not very knowledgeable about Star Wars. I've seen all of the classic ones. You're dead on accurate about M&C:FSOTW as it pertains to the real world.

Blade runner ofc

>What was your favorite movie in 2018
The one about how evil white cis males are.

best picture and director went to 'Return of the King'

To be fair, it was going up against the juggernaut that is Return of the King

Sisters Brothers. The ending was absolute fucking bliss.