
Am I the only one who finds SNL ridiculously unfunny? I even consider myself mostly liberal, but this show. It's just a bunch of forced performances specifically catered towards the extremely liberal New York crowd. You can only laugh at most of the skits if you have strict left viewpoints, and I don't even want to bring up how much time they spend on HAR DEE HAR TRUMPS AN IDIOT.

Am I just missing something?

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Nothing is really funny anymore. It all has to be politically correct which just kind of ruins it

it's hilarious

cry more snowflake

I always thought MadTV was funnier than SNL. Not even shit like Cowbell was that amusing.

anyone who would laugh at that shit would suck w/o blinking a shit covered donkey cock. and shall.

I'm fairly left leaning and I find it super unfunny and retarded. It stopped being funny yeara ago and panders to thr fringes of liberalism now. I wouldnt even call the people it panders to liberals. Its just very very low iq socialists and shitskins.

stop watching their garbage. stop talking about it. stop giving them your attention. why is this so hard for you retards?

It’s major league shit, you are not wrong

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Few people watch it. Look at the ratings. Its like CNN or any other extremely far left jewish subversive crap. They will run it anyway because they need that sweet sweet propaganda for low iq far left retards even if its a financial negative. Its not about ratings or money. There will always be some jew with public money them embezzled funding this propaganda.

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Nah it’s funny sometimes

>only one
You and the rest of the millions of butthurt republitard magaboomers

i'm ultra right wing and i find it super fucking hilarious

You can't be far-leftist and funny.

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It was funny when there was variety.
Yeah, we get it Trump is bad orange man

Hasn't been funny since the 90's

>Am I the only one who finds SNL ridiculously unfunny?
OP is gay and retarded. Pic related. SNL has been unfunny.

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>>conservatives call lefties snowflakes for getting offended by everything
>>conservatives call their jokes unfunny
Okay yeah that makes sense
Calling something unfunny doesn’t mean your feelings are hurt retard

NO it's garbage. In the last decade they actually produced one almost funny skit (you can tell they were not happy to do this either):

You realize boundary pushing comedy came from leftists and liberalism in general when they’d be making fun or challenging of the status quo of the time aka Christcuck moralfags. Leftists have always been the funny ones, name one right wing “comedian” that’s funny.
>inb4 sam hyde
>inb4 that change my mind faggot
Just skip over those cause they’re both unfunny as fuck

No, it is not funny. It was funny during Clinton's presidency where you had the genius Chris Parnell as Billy and Norm Macdonald as Bob Dole. Everyone i've asked who watches it almost every week as admitted to me that it is not really funny.

i mean Daryl Hammond not chris parnell that dude is a cuck

The skit with Keenan Thompson as OJ out on a date was hilarious

Just make your own SNL skits, like Blasey Ford forgetting all her lines except for having one beer, Obama wanting to drone strike everyone, Hillary deleting everyone else's emails, Occasio Cortez selling all of the DNC's stuff for magic beans that will "save the environment" etc.


>name one right wing “comedian” that’s funny.
Lists are for low iq pederasts who read buzzfeed.

You should write one.

will farrel carried the entire show when he was on, the second he left the show really tanked and only the most brainwashed and devoted remained as its audience.

I was watching some old SNL clips with Phil Hartman and Chris Farley and rob Schneider. Shit was hilarious. And 100% not political.

>name one right wing “comedian” that’s funny.

Mad TV was more brazen and they did things even SNL wouldn’t. But don’t get carried away with nostalgia. I bought a mad tv dvd once and most of it is in fact pretty shit with some gems sprinkled in. Not as good as you might remember.

Name one political comedian who is funny. Closest is George Carlin and he wasn’t anything like the modern lefty

I don't really enjoy SNL that much, they've had some funny skits over the past years but none of the ones that I found funny were politcally related. Although, I think that it is absolutely hilarious how deep into trumps head they are. Even if the skits themselves aren't really that funny, the sitting president of the united states getting extremely angry at 1am about how they made fun of him in a 5 minute skit will always be purist form of comedy.

brainwashing only works if people tune in moron

it's not comedy, it's therapy.

Its as funny as Pravda was in the is your patriotic duty as a SJW/Onions Boy to watch and you will like it.

Attached: SNL Audience.jpg (216x150, 6K)

SNL hasn't been funny since Norm left. Like he said
>I haven't gotten funnier, the show has gotten really bad.


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It's shit. Theres no risk in any of their comedy. It's all "safe" bullshit; attacks in skits are against designated people ((they)) tell us to hate.

I regularly see better comedy here.

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They need to stop playing dress up with the zoo animals

It helps reinforce the left vs right dichotomy though. It's a character of a character.

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Bit surprised Schneider would say that.
