He isn't running for. Re election in 2020 so I'm OK with this, he announced a crisis at the southern boarder, so now the next left president gets to announce a crises over global warming. Love it!
Israel needs that money more than you. Sorry, but we all must make sacrifices for greatest ally.
Moronic pig*
We want Moshiach !
Epic yasss slayyyyy kweeeeeen
but if you're for real I can't wait for the crushing realisation, it's going to be 2016 all over again
Every. Fucking. Time.
(((Judy Gold)))
>so now the next left president gets to announce a crises over global warming. Love it!
obviously female thinking.
do it declare it do whatever you want i wont stop or the people who try to kill you for it.
Just let these people kill their babies, the world is better without them. Any woman willing to have an abortion doesn't deserve children.
Yes, petty bitch behavior
Meanwhile israel gets billions more every year because of kike trump
ok cool we are going to end all government-funded abortions, feel free to murder your baby on your own dime...
"....WAIT WUT"
>keep government out of my bedroom
>make government pay for my condoms and abortion
frankly im fine w/ planned parenthood aborting like 50% of all nigers conceived in the US
Gud. Plan parenthood be racist and shit. Killin lil black babies .
But Bruce, that only takes care of ONE of their kids. If we force them to go with shady back-alley abortions, it ups the odds of sterilizing them and getting rid of all their future kids too.
>He isn't running for. Re election in 2020
Yes he is
>he announced a crisis at the southern boarder, so now the next left president gets to announce a crises over global warming.
That's not how declaring national emergencies works.
Id rather the money were thrown in a bonfire than given to Planned Parenthood
why are lefty shill faggots such enormously naive and gullible retards?
Gutting PP is a sure way to re-invigorate the religious right that elected him in the first place, though.
>30 lefty millionaires step up to donate $2mil each
Problem fucking solved, and the taxpayer wins too!
If global warming was a threat we would be building massive flood gates at our port cities like in areas in norther Europe.
Pig is not kosher, eh?
>NATIONAL emergency
>GLOBAL warming
das righ
>Trumps a Jew goys
>Don't you want to vote for open borders now?
>jews donate money
If they donate to anything it would be in the name of dead babies, and good goy points
Can you even imagine the liberal reaction to the 2020 reelection? Some suicides for sure
>he is willfully lying to himself
Typical lefty.
I had that exact same red striped shirt
>imagine being mad that you can't murder unborn babies at will
The state of "progressive" women
Huh, I guess one of those 13 national emergencies Obama declared should have been for climate change.