Is it bad if girls think I'm "adorable"?

Is it bad if girls think I'm "adorable"?

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Depends, do you want to date them or be their friend?


I have fucked many girls who thought I was adorable, but the amount of girls that thought I was adorable who I did not fuck is even bigger so I think it is bad.

At least for me, I have plenty of girly traits and enjoy art which is a vagina close for most girls. What I do to avoid risk is that I make a move and then if I get a negative reaction I cut all contact immediately and move to the next girl.

Depends how they say it, if you're already in a relationship it's a good thing but if you're just a friend it could mean that's where you're gonna stay.

It's bad. Very bad.

i think its okay.. as long as you can show that you can be alpha also.

being just adorable is bad ofc

Should I just kill myself then?

No, just become less adorable. It'll happen naturally over time, but you can speed it up by working out and generally becoming more rugged.

Yes, with that weak attitude

Ok :(

How cute

Are you a girl?

You're fucked? How young are you? If you're young you can still make a difference. Avoid xenoesteogens like plastic, anti-bacterial soaps and soaps with fragrances, they're giving you tits and making your voice high pitched and your dick small. Do things to boost testosterone. Young guys should have a minimum of 700mg of testosterone. If your doctor says that anything above 300mg is normal, tell him he's full of shit and that you're not an old man yet.

Adorable is fucking fine, you just need some fucking confidence, swagger, cheekiness and banter. That adorableness combined with an extroverted, funny personality will get you between girls legs guaranteed.

Do what mike ma did, he used to be an adorable twink. Now he is like Christian Bale in the american psycho

No it's not bad. Don't fall for the ONLY HIGH TEST MEN GET LAID meme. Girls like cute guys too.

How much does working out boost testosterone?

No, not at all, but it becomes bad if you develop an insecurity complex about it and start trying to overcompensate with a bad impersonation of an "alpha male." Embrace your cuteness and be confident about it, if you view it as a strength it will be one

Yeah, OP, you can always date exclusively ugly weeaboo girls.

Girls /only/ ever describe guys as cute if they see them as non-threatening and /not/ as a potential romantic partner. Being called cute is not a compliment. It is something girls will throw out randomly to avoid pressing the issue and avoid being contentious.