This man literally has always looked corrupt and evil to me. Does anyone else get the same feeling from him...

This man literally has always looked corrupt and evil to me. Does anyone else get the same feeling from him? I’m a Christian myself and maybe im jumping to conclusions, but look at him.

Attached: 8E944272-7172-4915-9756-AF5BFE9B868C.jpg (640x480, 48K)

He is not corrupt, he simply lives without logo's

Like every Jesuit, that's the reason why Jesuits where never allowed to became Pope's.

He is the Antichrist.

Attached: 1537833926710.jpg (487x453, 100K)

He is a criminal, a shame of a Pope.

I think hes a Jew. His family fled to Argentina when Mussolini took over. Why would an Italian flee a fascist regime?

He’s a retard

>using two different languages
Are you retarded user?

>Post unflattering picture
>Doesn't he look evil you guys?

He's a commie, homosexual and pedofile enabler.

Exactly this.

I'm sure it's just a coincidence. Sure are a lot of those these days.

Knew an individual who was kicked out of Catholic seminary in Malaysia. The “official reason” was that he “wouldn’t fit in” the unofficial reason, was that he found out about the underage boys. You can’t trust what the church leadership has become.

Naw man it's cool. He played that pokemon game once so kissing muzzies feet and saying trannies are cool.

>protty trying to slander the pope again

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He's an actor. They also have him playing the Pope in Game of Thrones to rub it into your stupid faces

Attached: PopePryce.jpg (698x958, 383K)

Catholics aren't Christians. They're pagan idolaters. Catholicism is a pagan governance system just like islam.

both vicar and anti are english words with latin and greek roots respectively

low tier b8

mathew 23:9
Call no man on the earth your "father", for one is your Father, he who is in heaven.
pope means father

2nd commandment
what else do you need?
priests are alled father

He's a fake pope, but he did expel all freemasons from the knights of Malta, which is good

good thing pope is not one of the Pontiff's official titles

Pope Francis is the antichrist, not Kushner.
don't ask me how I know. but I've been to the Vatican. there are many subtle and not-so-subtle signs there...

it is what he is called

youev seen all the mason shit huh

Not sure, but he’s not a good guy.