Daily reminder to quit porn, start lifting weights, and start learning MMA.
If you don't physically embody the right-wing ideology, your opinions are no different than an old man hoarding rusted junk he will never use.
Daily reminder to quit porn, start lifting weights, and start learning MMA.
If you don't physically embody the right-wing ideology, your opinions are no different than an old man hoarding rusted junk he will never use.
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without purpose in life all those "start lifting weights, and start learning MMA" are meaningless
based golden lion
Learning to shoot and buying an AR-15 is more important. Muscles < bullets.
>start learning MMA.
absolute nigger sport
real white men play cricket
I start to work out but then I'm like fuck this and stop
he cant have an ar15 in sweden
Lifting weights is repilling because you are creating something of great value that can never be redistributed.
You can be right wing without lifting, but lifting helps you understand what it is better.
Physical discipline makes you wiser as a man and helps you be a better father, fatty
A real man is athletic and owns a gun
Going on my first constant nofap tomorrow. What am I in for?
OK but a real man who isn't athletic but has a gun > an athletic man without a gun.
The embodiment of right wing ideology is someone left Stevie Miller too weak to strangle prostitutes or fat fucks like Trump.
Aren’t going to be a lot of “real men” left if you can’t use a gun lmao
Nofap does nothing. You should definitely be fit though.
The more fit you are, the better you can carry and use firearms
delirium tremens
Temptation but realizing the importance of willpower over urges.
You're ignoring my point. Learning to shoot and buying a gun comes before pumping iron. If you don't have and carry a gun you're just a pussy, I don't care how bulked up you are.
It is just easier for me to assume you are a genetic dead end that also posts on Jow Forums than argue the importance of masculine ethic in an increasingly feminine age of civilization.
FUCK YOU there is nothing wrong with some porn. you fucking queers
ive quit porn multiple times for work trips, sometimes going a year or more without porn. absolutely zero fucking difference you retarded faggot OP
Good for you!
It will be fine, just find something to fill your time. Buy a new videogame or book. I use to watch porn in the morning after coffee, had to change that habit to news reading for example.
You won't "feel" anything until a week or week and a half, then you really notice the differences creep in.
What you feel is from an increase in androgen receptors in your brain, basically you feel the effects of your testosterone a lot more. Test does not increase, but it effects you more potently.
Lots to say about the effects which I wont get into. But your perception of girls changes for the better. You look at butts more, talk to them longer, get turned on by the little things like their voices or how they smell ect. It's nice. Makes sex amazing, diamond hard erections, porn worthy cum loads.
Lol, just about every shitlib I see is either a wet noodle or a corpulent pile of estrogen.
Yeah, become slim like Goering, tall like Hitler and muscular like Goebbels.
But who cares what you assume? What guns do you own? I have so many I've lost count but it's close to 50.
Hmm probably low test.
Your lack of real friends in your male circle and your huge stash of weapons will make you a looting target in any real SHTF scenario.
You will gear up and get ready and then get shot from 5 directions by coordinated ex-military/ex-police
How does it feel, lootbox?
>Getting off to someone else banging a hot chick
Yes there is, cuck.
You are aware of the physical aesthetics the nazis wanted to embody as a whole, right?
No one was really organized or buff in terms or real fitness until near the 1970s, but they still aspired up until then.
>But your perception of girls changes for the better. You look at butts more, talk to them longer, get turned on by the little things like their voices or how they smell ect. It's nice
Found the pedo
So like, no guns? One? My buddies at the Masonic lodge mostly own as many guns as I do.
Why would OP post a picture of a roid-using bluepilled SWEDE in connection to his post, hm? Also, MMA is for posers, there was some Asia's strongest man/MMA fag in Australia recently that broke into some 40-year-old boomer's house and was killed by him. Really pathetic.
Thanks. I’m gonna make the most out of the last few moments I have.
>No one was really organized or buff in terms or real fitness until near the 1970s
Why are you lying on the internet?
And the actual point is that obsessing of fitness is gay and indeed a thing since the 70s and Arnold. Who btw sided with antifa at cville and now loves his Muttson more than his white Kennedy child. Because people with organization and guns and with funding and networking can coup and get elected to take over an entire nation. The Golden One on the other hand is an internet meme.
Why are you acting like owning 50 guns is anything other than collecting? You can't get any practical advantage beyond 8-10. A double stack semi auto pistol, a semi auto intermediate round rifle, a semi auto high power rifle, something in 22lr, bolt action rifle with magnified optics in 2 or 3 calibers, shotguns in 12 and 20 gauge, and... I dunno, what other firearms would help you in a SHTF scenario? A couple redundant pistols would be a good idea, I guess. But 50?
>some random muscular guy broke into an old man's house and died
yeah, if you don't know to fight, even if you're big, you'll get whooped.
>Masonic lodge
Holy shit, you're so fucking dumb. Are you a larping right-winger? You do realize that every fascist movement HATES Masons as much as the Jews, right?
Mussolini, Iron Guard, Nazi Germany, Spain, etc.
so pathetic.
Hitler was a fine soldier and long before he was a fat fuck Goering was a fighter ace. Goebbels in those suits though..
Being pent up for about a week and then nothing.
Owen is right about Sodomy. All porn is cuck porn and you turn the well spring of life into something dead and infertile. Follow the )))Logos(((!
Why is there anything wrong with collecting?
>Let me, an incel/MGTOW, tell you how to be a man!
>GUYS, why can't a find a trad woman?!
>very fascist movement HATES Masons
they're retards
monarchy is the natural order, specifically sacral kingship where you sacrifice the king and his whole family if he doesn't do you right
>being so sexually insecure that you view caring about fitness as gay
There's nothing WRONG with it, you just implied that it somehow made you more ready for a bad situation.
Also true. Goebbels embodies the quintessentially totalitarian revolutionary from the nihilistic abyss. Everything modern and revolutionary NS had, it owed to Goebbels. He had actual genius. And afaik only Bohrmann and Hjalmar Schacht had a higher IQ than him.
There's no such thing as a non-fit MGTOW. That fatty has no way he could be going, instead he treads water, and will eventually drown.
>Monarchy is the natural order
>but let me support the retards that helped organize and push the French Revolution that destabilized the monarchy in Europe and created (((democracy)))
I'm a monarchist, you're just a larper.
I've actually been lifting since 20 years. Can Americans do ANYTHING beside getting triggered, missing the point, projecting and having no actual counter-arguments?
The worst part is that you have taken this shitty leftypol meme of incel and use it all the fucking time now. Makes you think who really is insecure here.
>lifting for 20 years
now here is the question that matters. What are your strength stats, or are you just that boomer that plateaued ages ago and does the same range of weight every time?
>My buddies at the Masonic lodge
The eternal (((American)))
>Fitness is gay
>I've been lifting for 20 years
Projecting much, faglord?
Lol, I was just commenting on what a manlet he was. Definitely one of the biggest brains in that operation though. I recall Goering also tested among the highest despite his wartime reputation for incompetence.
So with the whole MMA thing. Does anyone know a ton about it? I honestly don't understand. Most of it looks like it would fail if the guy getting grappled just headbutted the other guy to death. "well that is against the rules!" What? What a rules in a street fight?
Honestly the only time it looks legit is some wrestler double legs some guy and pounds him in the face.
I fought a lot in the backwoods and I just don't understand how MMA is going to translate in a fight with someone trying to hurt you who knows how to use their bodyweight.
I am ignorant on this but it seems like they made headbutting illegal because guys like The Smashing Machine Mark Kerr would literally destroy anyone in the world with no issues.
Shit it seems like learning a decent kick to someone's kneecap would be better time spent since most motherfuckers out there are over 300 pounds.
Again I only know what I know. Why always the focus on MMA?
Grappling is fine in a cage but the last thing you want to do in a street situation is be rolling around on the ground. There are plenty of instances of kickboxers beating the shit out of grapplers in the ring too.
It is very easy to say things like that when you aren't trained. A lot of women will say "pshh I'll just kick you in the balls" but when they are actually in a fight, it is so hard to magically coordinate that when someone is both kicking and punching you and keeping their distance when you try to retaliate.
This might help explain it. This guy is a retired UFC fighter who taught and had students like that saying "pshh I'd just bite your leg if you put me in an armbar"
I guess if an MMA class will teach you how to throw a decent punch (or kick to someone's instep) then it's not a waste of time.
Its good advice for the sub-115 IQ people incapable of discovering deeper meaning.
This guy Sakuraba is famous for owning grapplers.
They're not trying to hurt each other. It's competitive sportsman ship. There's love and respect between them and the shit talking is all for show and to pump up the crows/viewers. You're a piece of shit who's thinking in terms of putting down an enemy attacker and wondering why obviously poor tactics aren't used often especially when you know nothing of the way the sport is conducted.
Anybody trained in MMA or grappling would beat the shit of your average Joe in a streetfight. My only point is grappling in a street fight leaves you vulnerable in a situation were there are likely multiple people involved and that there are plenty of kickboxers who have owned grapplers in the ring kike Sakuraba. Still absolutely worth doing. No doubt about it.
>this elite level fighter, considered one of the best martial artists in history, was able to beat grapplers, so I guess grappling is pointless
you aren't an elite level fighter. BJJ is only popular and well known because
a) when it was derived from Judo in Brazil, they held open prize challenges against other fighters (particularly dance fighting) to prove it worked
b) when the Gracies came to the United States, they did the same thing and filmed it. Some of which are available on Youtube.
c) When the UFC was first invented, there were almost no rules, including no gloves, no weight classes, no time limits, and things such as hair pulling and dick punches were allowed. The gracies would fight only using BJJ against wrestlers, kickboxers, etc. and win a lot.
I recommend you do a trial class at a reputable BJJ place and just spar a bit. You'll win 0 sparring matches because of how complicated ground fighting is.
I can agree to that, but that is the point of mixed martial arts. Any serious training facility will have dedicated grappling coaches, dedicated wrestling coaches, dedicated Muay Thai/Boxing coaches, etc.
If you only learn to box, of course in real life there is no ref to separate you when you guys get too close and hug (which in real life would turn into a wrestling/grappling match). If you only learn to grapple, of course in real life there is no ref to say "HEY, DON'T KNEE OR PUNCH THAT GUY."
Does boxing and other striking arts work? yeah, they work. Does grappling work? Yeah, it really does. Do both have weaknesses? Yes, but they compliment each other.
The point of learning to grapple isn't to try to grapple in every fight you find yourself in. The point of learning to grapple is that, when you find yourself on the ground during a fight (note: this will happen frequently. Frequently), you will know how to effectively control the situation.
Pure strikers get rekt by grapplers because they go to the ground and have no idea what to do beyond that.
>blaming Masons instead of Jews
The leader of Western Freemasonry is the Prince of Wales.
Fap releases prolactin and prolactin inhibits dopamine (motivation/reward).
Of course you will have desire to fap, but it will eat your motivation if you do.
it is both masons and jews
It's also Catholics, Muslims, Daoists, Shinto, Buddhists...
It's universal.
you try to punch me I will shoot you
unless you're at work, or university, in a school, at a beach (hard to CCW), or in any government building
imagine being stupid enough not to carry a gun with you everywhere because of a sign
>use a gun in a forbidden area
>get charges pressed against you regardless of usage
>stop being able to carry a gun
I have gyno and can't afford the surgery, what do?
Sure but a man who is athletic and has a gun > A man who is not athletic and has a gun
you don't understand the laws, jew
I agree, but learning to work shapes should come into play as well or you you will sit in cover and body peek like an idiot.
And a man who has a gun and can work shapes/use cover and concealment beats both of the above
In fact, ide go as far to say that a person with experience in field could demolish the inexperienced one after the other.
Drink bleach immediately, faggot.