Why don’t Mexicans in the USA look like this?
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Those are our white elites
Basically 5% of the population
They do. You probably pass them all the time and don’t even realize they’re Mexican.
Mexico and Latin America in general are apartheid tier. Be white in Latin America and you'll get a very cushy job
Those Mexicans live in the USA.
But most “white” Mexicans have no reason to immigrate here. Only the dirt-poor brown goblins who will do anything for a dollar
yeah, sure
The rich white Mexicans are starting to move to San Antonio and other places in South Texas, especially Stone Oak, a rich, white San Antonio area
This is how the average Mexican looks like
So what you have to be a light white skinned Mexican to be considered a white elite in Mexico? What else other than white skin differentiates these guys from the browns?
What else other than white skin differentiates you from an African-American?
The browns are descended from poor Spaniards who married Indians and these white people are descended from Europeans that came to Mexico, built the country, and didn't mix with a significant amount of Indians, or more recent Europeans that immigrated to Mexico and have kept their money.
And yes, in order to be "a white elite" I would guess you need light skin.
They send the shit ones they hate to us
I understand, the phenotype and bone structure as well, but they just look like white spics I don't see the difference other than skin tone much and their bone cranial structure would be a mix between white and native so it would be morphed differently, more European leaning but still they look like native indian phenotypes if they had brown skin.
Yes I see but they seem to have some Amerindian genes you can see it in them, and what about the Mexicans in Mexico that are light skinned and descendants are the Spaniards and native indian woman? There are some Mexicans with very light skin that originate from Mexico, what would they be considered?
Guys I also have a theory that the caste system of Mexico basically made Mexicans evolve with it environmentally so that each family can have a castizo looking child so they can rise up in the social ladder and survive genetically. Cause I notice that some really brown mexicans can pop out a light skinned child that looks castizo basically and its like a theory I propose that Mexicans had environmentally and genetically altered their genes to adapt to the social caste system
>Yes I see but they seem to have some Amerindian genes you can see it in them
What I said:
>didn't mix with a significant amount of Indians
>and what about the Mexicans in Mexico that are light skinned and descendants are the Spaniards and native indian woman?
Depending on the ratio they are mestizo or castizo, you have to be less than 12% indian to be "criollo"
>There are some Mexicans with very light skin that originate from Mexico, what would they be considered?
Like the people in the op?
Because castizos blend in with the rest of the amerimutts only we're smarter than your average ameritard octaroon.
The white elite in Mexico are Criollos, mostly Spaniard.
Can’t you really see some racial difference or are you fucking blind?
its pretty simple dude, if they look look European then they probably come from a wealthy family if they look like mutts they're poor ans stupid
It could be possible but I doubt it. I've never seen 2 dark/indian mexicans with a light or european looking kid, if that is common where you live it could be the mother cheating with a white man. I do see a dark and a light kid that are siblings but that is just cause one parent is more of a castizo or whitish and the other is darker.
Okay but these people look genetically more castizo than they look criollo, maybe Del toro passes for criollo but not that other guy im pretty sure.
Yeah basically, but they have more amerindian features but look close enough to the people in OP pic to be considered like them.
Yes I know that but there are some Mexicans that look really white and have amerindian hidden features but they arent white elite.
Dude I knoww but what would you say about the people who have light skin like del toro, but black hair like the other person and light brown eyes? What would you consider that? There are significant differences in distinctions in between those people
If anything the guy on the right could be slightly part African. Just cause they are not Anglo doesn't mean they are not white. They do not look 25% indian. They look way whiter than nick fuentes who is 80% European. They look at least crilollo to me. Castizos can have brown skin still
Well I mean that yes I've seen examples where the dad is dark and indio as hell, and the mother has some white genes in the family and basically one kid pops out really light skin and the others more or less develop the amerindian genes to kind of equate the genetic transmission of white and brown genes.
Is this fucking real? Link?
I'm Mexican and I look similar to the guy on the left
Okay I do see del toro looking like a full on criolle but the other guy is pretty much a low tier castizo. His skin isnt really light either. I do understand spaniard have moor genes a bit or washed out moor genes so they can have darker tones of skin as well as the geographical area and that makking them darker, but the guy still has amerindian facial features. Even 10%.
No one makes those differentiations in real life user, don't be idiotic, they're not autistic. It's not like there's racial purity tywsts to belong to the elite. If you look predominantly white, you're good
Most "white" Mexicans are what in the old colonial system were called castizos and have 15% or less amerindian blood. Some have none, but the majority would have about 10% or more.
It's called recessive genes. Also just cause the skin is light doesn't mean much you have to look at facial features. The oddest scenario I ever knew was these two guys I went to middle school with that were twins. They were mexicans like most of the people I went to school with but one has pretty light skin with some african features (which I didn't know at the time) and the other had black skin but european facial features. They probably didn't have many actual indian genes lol. Everybody called the second one black and I always though it was odd that they were brothers. Well in hindsight it isn't that odd. They were both obviously part black but they essentially developed opposite features
Shame, No Country For Old Men is kino AF
No, harnizos. Castizos have european features but are more swarthy. Harnizos have amerindian features but are lighter skinned.
Don't really see it (meds) but that is still a criollo so he would be on the same level as a full blooded European in the Spanish Casta system if he is only 10% European
yes it is real.
Well you would rather see the rightful Castizo on Mexican television. Mexico was built for them that is why the Spanish put them Second in command on the Casa system.
I met and made out with a Mexican girl who was visiting Canada one evening, who had blonde hair and blue eyes, It sounds crazy but it's true.
Stupid fucking imbecile
Eye and hair color have NOTHING to do with race
Go and take your meds retard
He is from Spain
Maybe in the modern world where everybody is descended from 10 generations of mutts but in the Casta days it was based on blood. Castizo is 75% European and 25% Indian regardless of looks. And from my experience they can look like either of those. Or neither.
Not white
You're not white
Because those Mexicans are wealthy and live such a good life that they have no need to. Wanna know the biggest difference between immigrants who came here before the late 90's? They had money! They had to to be able to afford the travel costs. They wanted the American Dream! They wanted to be Americans! Now who are the ones coming here? The exact fucking opposite. Is this conducive for a manageable decent society? Not in the slightest.
It's the same with all Hispanic/Latino countries. The good ones have no reason to leave their countries. We get the ones looking for free shit.
No no no no. I really like that movie, too.
>North-Western Mexican
>Probably castizo, I have brown eyes and hair, but facial South-European features (Spanish) And White pale Skin,
>Im classified as white here in Mexico "Blanco" and a lot of people around me calls me racist because of my racial "Based" ideas.
>Im Blanco, not guero, guero is a white person who is blonde or light eyed as well, more than 90% Blonde white we can tell.
The thing here is: In Mexico the race isnt something legal, we classify people by skin color, and we can see a great economic gap between those with more European descent compared to the more amerindian ones, same with education, just like in the US with whites and blacks, but here whites and pure whites are just around 5-9%
The fact tou North Americans dont usually see white or castizo Mexicans is because of migrations, those who migrate to the US are Low Class mexicans, most of the low class mexicans are the most indian descent or brown we can tell.
Go back, Paco.
You can have brown hair, eyes and be 100% white.. It is rare for Spaniards to have blonde hair unless they mix with something else
How often do you pay off federales?
Brown hair is not contentious. Wavy light to dark brown hair is a Mediterranean trait. The Indios have stick straight jet black hair and black eyes. AOC prime example although she is mixed with jew.
This. Mexico essentially has a caste system. Whites at the top, then castizos, then mestizos that make up the supermajority, then those shit-tier indios at the bottom. And of course the ones who get sent north to America are all the mestizos and indios.
The funniest part about this is that Mexican TV is actually whiter than American TV, even though US is whiter (56% memes aside). Just check out any mexican telenovela and the cast is a bunch of white iberians.
Im not a Drug dealer, but i live around a great bunch of them, because uh... Its Mexico probably?
He seems to think only blondes are 100% white. I'm not talking about black hair
You don't have to pay them off unless you are a tourist or cartel?
you can literally bribe a cop for $20 USD to leave you alone for a high speed infraction.
Based and Red Pilled
>Pic related of a Shitty TV Mexican show that low class watches
The Pale man was chilling in his house and that little spic bitch barged in and starting eating his food.
Okay so we should make a list of what makes a castizo, criollo, and etc.. Dont you guys think? If not we are just picking at it randomly.
>Typical Picture
>White (criollo)- Jorge Ramos/ white by all measures
>Castizo- Selena Gomez/ light skinned but with pretty obvious Amerindian mix
>Mestizo- George Lopez/ Basically half white, half amerindian
>Mulatto- black/white
>Zambo- Black/amerindian
>Pardo- white, Amerindian, black mix
Literally everyone looks like a nigger in this image Lmfao, and they show this picture in our schools when history class tho
This is too vague we need a more fairer trait based graph instead of visually and also the genetics skews the results cause not all children born by a mestizo and criolle will look white or come out with white skin and same for other castes. Not all children come out looking exactly like the graph suggests. Some come out darker and in the mestizo spectrum, others end up in the more castizo type. So it has to be a different type of graph.
Being honest id say Selena is between castizo and mestizo, like 63% white.
or you know... mutts
First off that mayan should be replaced with a pure mexica indian, and also George lopez has 4% black and 41% Amerindian with 52% European. So even with half euro DNA he still looks indio af, and there are mexicans in Mexico with really light skin and more euro looking phenotypes but they still average about 60% euro the most. Whats up with that?
He wanted to be technical
Shit, does that mean that Indian DNA has stronger heritage at mixing?
So could I move to Mexico and became apart of the elite class? Or would some cartel bean nigger just kill me immediately?
Yes I do feel like it does, there are some Mexicans with really light skin and some euro features, but they at most have about 40% Euro blood and 60% Amerindian. And some others have a lot of Euro and less amerindian but still look very amerindian. Its so odd. I dont know why if its because of the stronger genes of different mexica tribes in the regions, or because the bleaching is taking effect and its some sort of bottleneck.
Thats exatcly why Im against race mixing, if i ever breed ill look for a mutt woman with similar mutt DNA as me, identity gets destroyed by race mixing, thats why our nationalism like all Latin America is kinda messed up.
Yeah, national identity is always a hard thing in a blanda-upp'd society like latin america. Same goes for india, and they had to reconcile over thousands of years by setting up the caste system
We never emigrate since we don't really have the need. We just stay in Mexico. The darkest most heavily indigenous Mexicans are the ones who emigrate to the US, and they're mostly poor and ugly.
Anybody else agree this is the line where it start to get more amerindian? This is like the 50/50 line IMO.
Yes true
Based, Im from Sinaloa, Ive been in other States close to that Line, and I saw racial differences.
>mostly those who jump the wall.
Why crazy? It was a European colony and Europeans migrated there from more countries than Spain.
What is Mexicos thought on Indios?
So he's probably salty about Gibraltar.
Never forget, the moor *always* lusts for anglo clay.
Few French came to Mexico too
almost all mexicans look indigenous like mayans, olmecs, toltecs, aztecs
Well, honestly like you americans use the word "Nigger", we have the same racist spam, we call "Prieto" the Dark Brown people, as a sign of racism, yes, we castizos, mestizos and almost white mutt mexicans have indian DNA too, but skin color its what makes the difference here.