I'm a jewish musician in california and I don't understand why this community is so oppressive towards my people. We literally do nothing other than live our lives.
why is pol so racist?
>pic related
Why is pol so anti-semetic?
Other urls found in this thread:
My #metoo music does nothing to harm society, so why does everyone attack me for my religion/ancestry?
There are just as many actual white people saying that though!
Jews living against logo's, therefore you can never trust them, they have no Honor just exploitation of every society they live in.
And when they live for 3 generation's in a hostcountry the undermine every aspect of the native population and take over.
as soon as jews migrated en masse to the US it started to collapse. your kind has been kicked out of every country it has ever latched onto for a reason. jews are a parasite that can't help but kill their hosts.
literally you're a shapeshifting demon
These memes are stupid. Israeli girls are HOT. I mean look at me I'm beautiful
3 posts?
That's all you've got?
Kill yourself, kike.
Fuck you! Say that to my face, bigot!
No, Abos literally do nothing but live their lives. Their sad, fucked up, child abusing lives. But they don't get involved in other people's affairs.
The US was collapsing long before my people migrated en masse. Literally cite one source
Nice sources nazi
>believing Jow Forums doesn't realize Trump is a kike-lover.
Listen to my music and you'll understand the pain that my people experience every day in this country
that filename though
you know the drill TITS or GTFO
10/10 Larp.
Almost had me.
Bc they gay lol
That picture is literally so hateful I can't believe you nazis!
I knew a fella that got jumped while taking out the rubbish by an abo hiding in the bushes. Pretty funny shit really, but the only reason abos aren't more of a menace is because they're not smart enough to be.
If I show my tits on here I'll get banned I'm not an idiot. Besides, I'm married
because u think ur the only ones that died in ww2 noob
20 miljoen russians died!
stfu about how u feel and grow a pair.
every race has its ups and downs
I just saw a video of a dude cumming in a big titts Asian girl but I cant see your tits? I was here for freedom DA fuck?
Now I has bonner
Hahahaha just search it. No matter what you think you are screwed, i think you don't even understand why they civilwar is coming to your country.
It's a war between logo's and anti-logos, between European mindset and Semitic mindset. Have fun with it and enjoy the show and in the end you will understand what really happened in Germany and why the Germans want to get rid of Jews.
Nobody asked why, I wonder why?
Fuck off Rabbi. Read a fuckin book for once.
Funny LARP, not gonna lie.
and hitler was a jew to. so why would the world die for a jew killing jews. and now a musical jew is crying because his dick is to small.
also u fabricate the bible. to get power
Hehe. Fine here's my butt
show your tits larper
Ide shoot your family.
>research it
Sounds like nazi propaganda, you German nazi!
Starting with the kids.
maybe you should fuck a black beast. go get some power house genes. and stop crying about ur little dick
reality has an anti-semitic bias
Kill all Jewish and israeli children.
Not anti-semitic, counter-semitic. Tell your people to stop attacking their host nations.
This isn't a larp!
I'm reporting you to the FBI
awww you can no doubt listen to Bill Maher hate on half the world but a Picture gets you down. FUCK YOU
> Why must they persecute me so?
Umm I don't have a dick I'm happily married to a Canadian man
Report this cunt.
She looks like a furry...
I literally just did. You're fucked!
Seriously! You too? We should start a discord and discuss our oppression
Damn, jew women are fucking hideous
good for you. u happy? good for you. now stop this hate rising shit ur posting
In 14 years of posting I have never received a visit from the FBI.
let me enlighten you a bit then before your thread get deleted
Now I'm seriously scared for my life. How could you be so cruel?
The only good Jew is a dead jew
sounds like a lovely people
It's fine.
Just breathe in the gas...
Ok brainlet I'm the evil one because someone told you so.
This level of pure ignorance and stupidity just amazing XD enjoy the ride Buddy
are you jewish or are you american?
if you are jewish, then go to Israel you disgusting kike.
I don't see united states on there. Last I checked, we had a constitutional right to be here.
>This isn't a larp!
>This statement is a lie.
Hence the importance of tits+timestamp or gtfo.
Else you're just a LARP user like every other shill on the boards.
If you want to be treated as an individual instead of an user, you're going to have to sacrifice some of your precious anonymity.
We have proof that nazis like you literally killed my people
Here is the angle of deflection for an efp.
I'm a beautiful Jewish American who supports Israel
I have proof that he didn't kill anywhere near enough to make a difference.
Sure is he Jewish or maybe halfjewish just read his"entartete" Argumentation, it's always the same pattern.
And here's another for a different size
Then why are you still here?
what the fuck?
And your life will come to an end in a camp or up against a wall.
Lol. Yeah. user has smashed a black fetus for lulz.
I hope I don't get a party van down my street
the question should be: why isn't the rest of the world?
Although that one wasn't me, I don't have nigger hands.
It's not like you or I did it.
It was black on black violence lol
Yeah we did, and your people killed and raped whole eastern Europe, that's why we need to take you out, you guys are full of hate against anyone who is not like you or obey you.
Sick race
Haha so edgy! You're a scared little man, sweetie youre not fooling anyone with your tough guy images
? I'm a soldier actually.
Just left fort Bliss.
Jewish people have never killed or raped anyone! For a magapede, you really like fake news!
why does he have no hair?
Oh so a baby killer? Cool
Have you seen his beard? He's harrier than you honey
no one is going to take you seriously unless you timestamp titties. Sorry kike I don't make the rules.
yeah back in the day when pirates where still a hot thing. and they had to travel and the food was rotten. they eaten the dead to survive. the world has bin true alot of shit but its not all a bout the fucking jews... plz cut ur internet cable now
when wars break out shit gets sabotaged. maybe you all staved because the us blowed up the train tracks..
Dead nigger best nigger
Pic related, I'm a s.s. soldier hiding amongst the ranks of u.s. soldiers in the name of Hitler
I am responsible for "friendly fire" on israelis.
do like the canadian and leaf.
it was a rhetorical question.
jews are jewish and nothing else.
for some reason all they have in mind is their jewishness.
>why is pol so anti-semetic
>you killed my ancestors
>white people can't experience racism
they are never white. they are never german. they are never american.
all they are is jewish.
1965 immigration act.
Possibly. Which would mean that jewish contribution is vastly overrepresented in comparison to their numbers in society. Now just extrapolate it to other bad things happening and you've got the picture.
based larper
I think you forget from where i came from, im German in Germany, friends of mine from Russia told me everything about you, the old people in my town know how this shit really was, enjoy your next shoah in America.
I have this strong feeling that Americans waking faster up then you expected.
Okay PFC Incel
That was a white catholic president and a white Christian president responsible for that
Watched the video. Great visual presentation but the song was meh...
why are semites so anti white?
The best part is, im in charge of an entire division.
I'm an officer, and I'm in your base converting your dudes.
Currently in fort Bragg if you want to say hi.
criticizing a government isn't "anti-semitism"