The absolute state of women

How do we fix them Jow Forums or is it too late? Should we focus on Artificial Wombs and AI instead?

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You see a whore single mother, but I see 14 men who encouraged a woman to engage in casual sex then ditched both her and their offspring after they got their dick wet.

Weak men = weak society

When they say the state is the one paying for her children, they really mean you the tax payer is paying for your children. Just think if your tax money instead went to your own child rather than this woman's child.

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u dumb cunts. reproduction is the only purpose. she has just won the game.

now there's more subhuman genes in the genepool, horay

Well at least she's not racist. She has at least one kid from each ethnicity.

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>INB4 she gets her own show on TLC

Maybe you could start by not posting links to satirical news sites.

Fake and Gay


Jow Forums the solution is birth control. However, you insist on shilling muh personal responsibility for whores who are incapable of it. The choice is clear. Pay for her birth control or pay for the children's welfare because whore can't hold down a job either. I don't know why you keep expecting women to keep their legs closed.

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Very much this. Too easy to just blame women

Diversity is our strength goyim.

Totally FAKE and GAY, just like OP.

This makes mandatory sterilization for degenerates actually sound good

Surely she's paying for them herself and not some wagecucks earnings going to her yes?

There are still Caucasians inside exclusion zone Delta?!


Just admit that she is a whore who specializes in "raw sex".

>How do we fix them Jow Forums or is it too late? Should we focus on Artificial Wombs and AI instead?
What do I have to do to be number fifteen?

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first and bestpilled

14 times. At least. In all likelihood, she's fucked over 100 men. At some point, it became her fault. But gynocentrism is a hell of a drug, eh?

>the solution is birth control
You mean that shit we can't filter out of our water cycle which is basically an estrogen mimicer, one of the factors feminizing our populations in the west leading to more 'tollerance and openness' to invading foreigners?
So women can take chad's sprog.

Neat opinion.

Imagine being one of her kids EVERY morning a new man is leaving her room as you get up to goto school.

Imaging going to school and having everyone know that your Mamma is the biggest slut in Town.

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This is a travesty.

.t roastie

I think I'd feel bad thinking about my offspring having to be brought up in such an awful situation but I guess you Amerimutts don't mind.

How do you think her offspring will fare? What will they inherit from their parents? Are they just supposed to pray that the gibsmedats system won't crash and they'll be able to continue breeding trash indefinitely?

If 14 guys managed to encourage her to have sex that means she is stupid. She probably tried 14 times to settle up with the most chad guy she found in bar in the worst possible way (catch him with baby), and chads of course are handsome af but they will never... NEVER want to settle up(they have fuckton of pussy to fuck, and not have reason to limit themselves with only 1 woman especially when she is a single mother) and they simply ghost all women who try to catch them into marriage.

And she should learn that lesson after 1st-2nd guy did that to her, but she didn't learned.

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Literal animals and they want to be respected.

maybe it's very pleasurable to have a vagina and being dicked

Why should I pay for you to fuck when you could literally go to the gas station and get a three pack of condoms for $5? Go fuck yourself and take responsibility for your own life.

I'm sure she's an angel and did nothing to chase any of these guys away.

You have a point for the first one, maybe the second, but the rest shouldn't feel obligated to stick around with a whore like that.

It's not though, everyone comes to the defense of women.

>t. licentious jewish slave

More to his original point, the rest shouldn't have felt the need to fuck a ham-beast with 2+ kids

But here we are

These are here kids.

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She exclusively fucks guys that WILL abandon her.
14 in a row.

>pay for birth control or pay for the child
Now say that in front of a mirror

The sick thing is that all of this is paid for by taxpayers.
Feminism is allowing women to have kids with whoever they want and financing it with the money of men who dont even know her! Making all of us cucks!

>Just think if your tax money instead went to your own child rather than this woman's child.
This is the dysgenic effect: productive people cant have kids because they are taxed to pay for her 14 bastards.

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