The Oscars finally got it right.
The Oscars finally got it right
Nobody watched it though
Who cares about Mr. Famous?
yay for niggers! they finally won! white man defeated.
Half of the presenters were from Marvel capeshit, and half of the movies and people involved had to do with some race thing. Either KKK, Nazis, or 50 year old racism.
I’m just waiting for the salt from lefties who will be pissed that Green Book won because of the “white savior” thing.
White man bad
that’s just what the corporate media is saying
twitter is still mad even after all that nigger pandering kek
The Oscar's finally look (and sound) like America. Love the inclusion of Spanish!
>pander to the poor 30% of the population
this seems like a good idea for a bunch of financial geniuses (TM)
> this is hilarious. I got an Oscar
There are other minorities in this country besides lack people, do they know this? So why does diversity and inclusiveness always end up meaning lots of black people?
No1 gives fuck about beaners. The pet niggers are more important.
Black is most minoritiest.
Another minorites don't give a shit about diversity. Remember this #oscarssowhite got started by a black actress, Will Smith's bitch.
Over HALF of the presenters were Black.
>This is true diversity Goyim
>Will Smith's beard
i corrected you
How does it feel to have actual privilege and be given awards just for being a nigger even though your work is mediocre at best? You probably think it's some kind of accomplishment. You make me sick.
good. we want the degeneracy to be non-white. we want it to be whites versus everybody else.
The fuck is green book? There are literally people who are old enough to post on Jow Forums that weren't born yet when I stopped paying attention to (((movies))).
I just love how the entire film industry is in an extreme nosedive due to the lack of things that white people can relate to so they double down and chase away the remaining white people from watching their agitprop. I can't wait till the numbers come in next year that shows that even less people give a fuck than the year before.
The problem with this argument lies in the fact that well-to-do normies will spend money on the racebait pandering to prove how progressive and not racist they are. It'll only go away when middle America reaches a fatigue point of not giving a fuck whether they're called racist or sexist.
how do nonwhites not find this shit patronizing as fuck?
>How does it feel to have actual privilege and be given awards just for being a nigger
imagine the smell
>how do nonwhites not find this shit patronizing as fuck?
They don't care. They're really stupid so they like getting honorary nigger awards because they are vapid and superficial.
85 IQ helps
>how do nonwhites not find this shit patronizing as fuck?
ask a non-sjw asian, poo, arab, hispanic, what they think
they ALL hate niggers
Holy shit. I didn’t realize this ever, but now thanks to this award show, I finally realize that racism is butt. That’s what they were saying, right? Racism is butt. Racism is coming out of Hollywood’s butts and it must be shut down.
Racism is butt!!!
Shut the Hollywood racist butthole!!
Which is why it will be the lowest ratings ever
>caring about hollywood movie awards in current year
don't pay attention to the cultural marxist social engineers, it just encourages them
I'm late to the parties guy.
Give me the quick rundown of the Oscars.
How much butthurt this time?
They are mad that Black Panther didn't win Best Picture. This is why you never give niggers an inch, they'll take a mile. The Academy gave Black Panther a participation-trophy nomination for best picture, now they're upset it didn't actually win
That capeshit was pure trash. It makes me sick that people think it should be even considered a good movie because it has Detroit levels of niggers.
LOL this
No, they'll EXPECT a mile.
All the nominees were shit (are there even good movies anymore?). Noone watches award shows anymore. I'm wondering if there'll even be a broadcast of it in 5 years.
It's really funny watching the forced diversity crash and burn. Hollywood can be very "diverse", just be a good actor and you'll get in. Shit has been diverse for decades.
In 2019, it's "dangerous" to give an award to a movie about white people in a majority white country.
"Silence is violence" and awards are "dangerous". God, I hope these people never have to defend their country.
>The Sambos
Blackkklansman is advertised as being based on a true story but the bombing and terror attack that the Klan supposedly did literally never happened and was made up for the film and the Jewish officer in the movie was not a Jew in real life and didn't have guns pointed at him.
The movie is more fake than Jussie Smollet yet it wins awards.
This woman seriously has been manipulated hard.
I keep telling people this.
What does every minority (even blacks) and whites have in common?
>giving all the shit to 13% of the population is inclusive
What is it?
Imagine being in the same room with Spike Lee.
Everyone hates niggers.
>Less white
>Dress code/general presentation immediately starts degenerating
we give them everything and they only give us 50% of the murders back?
this is unfair
Yeah I guess.. I guess
Jews are fucking obsessed with niggers. It's not an accident the most jew-run professional sport is basketball..
So they were just like welfare this year? Given something they don't really deserve but would shut them up and keep them placated.
Well, they were quite fond of owning black slaves, so maybe it has to do with that.
>being 90% of one race is considered diversity
KEK. These people live in a fantasy world.
The stars are out tonight
Spoke complained for years and so..
> Oscars have gone full-nigger
I didn't need another reason not to watch it
It's always been rife with jewish pedophiles, the entire industry needs to be burned to ashes