How many people like pic-related do you know in real life, outside of seeing the internet pictures and videos of their behaviors? What are their political views like, in any meaningful detail that they have told you or indicated? Do they really act weird so much, with the jaw-dropping Söylent grins? Are they even obsessed with Söylent as the memes imply? What kind of jobs do they have? How do they dress, eat, and what kinds of activities do they pursue? What can be done to help reform as many söyboys/cucks/numales that we can?
Generation Estrogen
Toronto is absolutely overloaded with these basedfaced losers
What kind of hope could these people have? How would you go about trying to convince them to change their ways?
>How would you go about trying to convince them to change their ways?
If you are any more than an acquaintance with them, you ridicule them non-stop about their behavior. They know what they are doing is wrong, they just don't get enough feedback about it.
Of course, to do this you require at least a shred of masculinity and that is a scarce commodity on Jow Forums, home of incels, anime and trap porn.
I live in a rural area, there's only a few. They work in the weed stores and tattoo shops mostly.
Good points. They seem to be sensitive to feedback, but I get the impression that it will still be an uphill battle to convince many, or even most of them to abandon their nu ways.
That seems to typify a couple of stereotypical occupations.
Around the time this picture was taken, I don't think anybody was calling them cucks, numales, or söyboys, all three terms of which came into usage around the 2015-2016 election, and then söyboy in 2017, if I'm getting the story right. So, what did people call those types of guys before, wimps, wussies, sissies? How have the newer terms managed to become so much more popular, because of the memes of the mid-late 2010s?
i cant stand these faggots.
I don't associate with fags like this
Take the politics out and they are basically like the past hippies.
Kek, they all wear flannel shirts
They all think they're lumberjacks
When will this meme end? These fuckers give me the creeps.
Honestly, I often wonder how many of the people that claim these types are the ultimate basedboys look exactly like these guys -- except with the added inability to grow a beard (i.e., even less testosterone, even more estrogen), laying bare their chinlessness. Those types are the only ones I see in real life who I immediately think are drenched in onions.
They used to be called hipsters
Know a guy who looks exactly like that, except he’s a frothing at the mouth Antifa-fellating psychopath with terminal TDS. Can confirm they unfortunately do exist.
its took this obamacare ad to pull together the perfect avatar for the entitled left-leaning normies.
>mama's boy
>hipster chic
it literaly became all wrapped up into one archtype by 2015,
the numale, soiboi, cuck lifestyle
they're like the yuppies of old, they exist to be mocked, and when they become to much to deal with, they literaly become ostracized from culture, becuz nobody want to put up with their shit
The funny thing is these guys don't have anywhere near the clout or interest in them that Jow Forums affords them. They're basically try hard hipsters from 5 years ago, nobody gives a shit about this stuff apart from them.
You post numale like you don't understand that the alt-right is just as full of numales as the far left.
plenty, they're all 400 pounds too
fucking disgusting
its pure overcompensation, like when homos dressed up like bikers becuz they thought it gave a manly image.
they know they're effeminate and lacking so they use "rugged man" costumes to overcompensate their low-t
>NEET is bad
Fuck off kikesucker, working is for retards and I'l drain the freebux for all it's worth.
>alt-right is just as full of numales as the far left.
they copied what was a successful marketing image from 2009, to 2016. All ideologies need to market their "youth" demographic. If your side dont look hip, then it looks irrelevent
These people should legit kill themselves.
Were gonna pretend like that taco doesn’t sound good or what
Strongbad would fuck this pussy up.
Also, what is he holding, is that a green testicle?
Anyway, light switch rave time. The system. Is down.
When I worked in the city it was the majority of men. In my hometown very rarely
Tfw I have a beard and wear flanno around town since its the best attire for hunting and fishing, and some cunts probably think I'm a low test basedboy
>uses the word flanno
Going skiing with my wife.
>park truck and start getting out gear
>Subaru with three guys parks next to us
>none are gay yet they all speak like flaming faggots
Nothing is more confusing than hearing dudes talking about pounding some beers and shredding the mountain while speaking in the most absolutely effeminate voice possible.
Then one says
>wowzers bro did you really just do that bro?
One of them looked like a Jew had curcly hair and thick problem glasses.
Why do so many straight men talk like massive faggots. I don’t understand why people adopted the gay accent.
Me and wifey lock eyes and have a telepathic moment of “what the fuck is this”
I hate that I looked like this before it became the poster child look for basedboys.
At least I don't wear glasses.
it's a brussels sprout
go take a dick in your ass, faggot.
they are the liberal version of the the 30yo boomer
I look like one... I'm blind and balding. Please stop making shit worse for losers like me. I just 2ant ti watch my animu in peace. Plz no bully.
I have scrawny arms because I'm weak and I wear dress shirts because they are buisness casual.
lift nigger
>Bacon Taco
No, Bacon doesn't go with everything. It's good freshly cooked and goes with Burgers, Liver, Toast, and Eggs. Damn the asshole who discovered "bacon flavored spice" and then put it into everything.
these are pastas