what did trump see in her?
What did trump see in her?
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probably her uterus and rectum
grab her by the pussy
Probably his cock for a couple minutes
A wet hole. And he didn't have to bribe her with jobs or money or threats
his big dick
His dick.
I'm sure she looked great before she hit the wall, that and before she took miles of dick.
Boomers like porn starring barbie-like women with balloon plastic tits and fat j*ws like Ron Jeremy. Go figure.
Someone offering sex (in return for an advance in their own career/income/fame/publicity).
What people don’t realize about this so-called “scandal” is that she gave Trump the sex but Trump didn’t give her the job opportunity. She was mad that she got ripped off. She took the hush money because it was all she could get out of it but she did her best to provoke Trump into spilling the beans so she could sell the story for more. She outright said on one of the many talk shows she got invited into something to the effect of “yeah I’m profiting from this, who wouldn’t seize this opportunity to advance their career?”.
big titties and a tight pussy
>gross feet
orange man btfo
I'll never understand that look. It's so gross. Fake tits are an abomination
>tight pussy
HA HA HA! that bitch is a porn star dude.
This is what men looked at pre internet before they looked at traps and skinny emo girls that look like children
He got reimbursed nigger.
Are you retarded? This is obviously shopped
post her nudes (hahahaha)
Bro. Ive seen shit like this that wasn't shopped. It's not just a meme. 80's and 90's pornstars were all.like this
ask marla, all pussies are tight for trump
No it's shopped, heres the original
Trump is the god emperor even a whore can't stand the trump mandingo.
His dick
daddy meathook likes his little girl
wow. that's one botched titjob
Big tits.
A catacomb full of shriveled, reptilian embryos.
lol, it's fake news. Michael Cohen was the one that banged her out.
Meh, I probably still would.
>Are you retarded? This is obviously shopped
Nice try, ((((((Stormy)))))) Internet Defense Force, here's the full set, go ahead claim all images are shooped you lying anti-American, anti-white far-leftist piece of shit:
Jenna Jameson was a godsend.
did stormy do interracial though?
All those are shopped too.
AHAHAHAHAHA the absolute state of the far-left neocon shills. Is the video shooped too?
I was going to say this, his daughter. Trump is truly an enlightened man. If only abe-kun was like this.
Ass 'n' Titties