Post jews letting their mask slip regarding inserting non-whites into white nations

Post jews letting their mask slip regarding inserting non-whites into white nations.

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Other urls found in this thread:

"What will bind the group together is a sense of an enemy. The enemy unites and the enemy are basically basically white Christian society that is to whatever extent it remains a white Christian society. Now even these people are redeemable because if you invite in enough of the rest of the world (integration) then you dilute the poison right. So you know if these people coming in from Asia, Africa, or especially from Latin
America, well for some reason they are not
viewed by Americans as Christians. The more you emphasize the the role of victims the less America will look like the country that might you know turn against the Jews.

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Was he just molesting his own daughter in public? In front of a camera? Jesus Christ mate.

Kek, is that Aquaman?

remember that "jews" aren't Yehudans

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When I first saw this clip a few months back I was left speechless. This shit is out there forever. Aquafag groping his daughter on camera, this reality is fucked.

Yup. Aquafag feeling up his daughter on camera.

his adrenaline is racing so hard you can barely breath

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good attempt at derailing

Imagine being so chad you can grope women openly in public and they don’t mind.

I wonder how many women he’s impregnated so far. Its gotta be in the hundreds at least.

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That's his daughter you disgusting degenerate. And this kind of "shitposting" is not funny anymore at all.

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Doubtful claim, too.

Oh Germany how far you’ve fallen.

So what if they’re his children? What else are Lolis good for? Women only care about looks. His dad is literally ultra Chad. They obviously take his dick and enjoy every minute of it. We’re living in pre-collapse Weimar, not Nazi germany.

Stop being such a prude.

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>mutt girl
Don't care.

You stupid fucking bong thats not a "woman" its a little girl.

You wreak with Virginity

I got lots user but I'm tired...

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He looks all mkultrad out too.


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Save us

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This has been an informative thread bros.

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Dude I made an industrial strength version of this.

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Great watch, thanks user. Everyone should read "The American Conservative" for a somewhat decent Paleo-conservative perspective. Gottfrieds articles are usually okay, but you can tell his views skew liberal when it comes to immigration and social integration.

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lads how do we whites cope with the fact that chinese are taking over? higher average IQ, higher standards of living, white girls starting to see asian power, asian men are supposedly better at sex and dick size meme is not real in the end since chinese are even bigger than english people. how do we fight this? more and more 10/10 white girls are settling for asian dragon cock, more and more high position places in white countries is run by chinese, they get to our schools and increasing our living standards, we have to stop this?

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you glow, kike.

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lol you don't. You will learn to enjoy.

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what the fuck did i just watch?

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OK wait, another Hollywood pedo confirmed? Why is there no op to bombard twitter etc with this?

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wtf are you even basing your post on retard