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We need a speaker to the people

He also shouted a lot.

No one wants to be a speaker because everyone in our time is guilty of some sort of degeneracy or fuck up in their past. And with social media and the internet, there is no escape from it being revealed and paraded around until their life is destroyed. Why subject yourself to that? Especially when your own people turn on you. There is no benefit.

He looks like he's having a stroke

Attached: Hitler rehearsing his public speeches in front of the mirror 1.jpg (1436x1600, 139K)

lel yeah he does

Eh, if Mike Enoch can have a Jewish wife and Spencer can beat up his girlfriend *while pretending to be redpilled*, the bar is set pretty low. What someone did in their distant past really doesn't matter to me personally.

Attached: rare hitler 2.png (579x622, 397K)

Not to you, but it does to the masses.
You have to be of real good moral character.

I dunno man. Hitler was poor, unemployed, and spent all his money at the opera. Trump is clearly not of goof moral character but the masses don't care. I can see where you're coming from though but if you're a true orator you can talk-away any discrepancy. You'll have the power to seduce the people, that's the difference between public speaking and oratory.

Attached: hitler rare 2.jpg (1024x688, 159K)

>Hitler actually practiced his body language
This is correct.
>literally trained in front of his mirror.
And it worked

Yeah but hitler being poor and homeless doesnt make him a man of poor moral character. If anything, it makes hime one with the people - and not coming from an aristocracy.

True, but what of Trump?

He got a lot of bad rep for the grab 'em by the pussy shit.
But desu senpai all presidents of recent memory in the u.s are puppets anyway.