Just do It!!!!
Vote for Bernie Sanders in 2020!!!!
>oh you're serious
No time to old for the geezer, the yang gang is in town. He is better than Bernie, and Bernie is establishment and owned by ((Them)).
Fuck you.
Just did
>we're going to destroy the establishment
>oops, looks like i lost. all your donations go to the establishment
>votes for establishment
how many times are you going to let this old man fool you?
no way shill
I'm a #Tomahawkmissile
Fuck off. I ain't voting for a dirty goddamn commie kike.
Match me bro, I just maxed out my cards, sold my car, and took out a mortgage on my parent's house to donate.
just gonna leave this here
>cut your own nuts off with rusty shears and give all of your money to the first homeless fuck you see
the post
Tomahawk Chop!
fuck bernie...... right in his stupid mouth:)
fuck bernie fucking impotent shitbag liberal
no thanks i like tulsi
I’ve never voted. Too lazy
>one ghost bi this ID
Obviously so important ewe
>on one hand
will crash the economy so bad beaners will leave
>on the other hand
is a leftist.
nope cant do it, sorry. fuck you scum.
Tulsi is a dumb cunt headed nowhere.
I unironically will vote for him. I want this civil war kicked off already, Im tired of waiting