Close friend is going to sleep at my place

This upcoming semester, a friend of mine is going to be staying at my place a few days a week. I only have my twin sized bed, and she's agreed to share it. I'm sort of interested in her, but wouldn't risk any change to our friendship if she didn't agree to it or show any interest in me. How do I handle this without it being super awkward, and should I do anything to see if she is interested?

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If you are “sort of” into her then eh I wouldn’t risk it. But if you are actually really into her then I would see how the night goes, If she seems to cuddle and like you then I would ask her and go from there.

Get an air mattress, neither of you will get any sleep if you are sharing a twin bed.

I mean, odds are pretty good she's into you if she's sharing a bed. Did you offer to sleep on the floor or take the couch?

Seriously, OP? She said she would share your bed... As in sleep with you for a few nights a week for a few months. People don't just share beds. Especially a TWIN sized bed?? C'mon.

If you do basic kino escalation you can easily escalate into sex while keeping some plausible deniability just in case she doesn't wanna bang.

>start out by cuddling up with her
>if she's into it, eventually have lying on her back
>look into her eyes, if she doesn't start acting weird, just start making out.

After this you can easily escalate towards fucking.

She's stayed over once and I insisted I'd sleep on the floor, but she didn't want me to, she slept on the floor with all my spare sheets. But now she is agreeing to bed.

See, I don't know. She's a very religious person, and before maybe last year, she wouldn't even talk about sex. Now she is open, makes jokes about it (not with me, but in general) and sounds like she doesn't care anymore.

>But now she is agreeing to bed.

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Man this isn't fucking difficult. Is she flirty with you? Does she touch you?
Then don't do nothing. If she gets flirty with you, gently escalate.

She probably got laid.

I mean, not really? We talk a lot, and to make things even more complicated, we have gone on a date like, 3 years ago, but we didn't continue because we were in different high schools, neither of us had bad feelings.

Then don't do nothing until you get some sort of signal from her.

You might be in with a shot. My advice is not to take that shot when you're already in bed because that will put her in a weird fucking spot.

If she wants to make that movie and cuddle up to watch netflix on your laptop or something then cool. If you are considering making that move then don't wait until you're forcibly spooning in a bed that's small enough for a toddler. Do it over dinner or straight up ask her out on a date. Either way if she does turn out to be into you it's going to put her in an awkward position where you two are seeing a bit of each other but then sleeping in the same bed when she might not want or be ready for sex.

>she wants to share a bed with you
>”Guys, I don’t know if she’s interested.”
Is this what it’s like to have terminal autism? She is obviously interested in you, and she expects that you are too.

Huh, I never actually thought about that. We planned on doing shit like watch anime together or play some games together since we'll be sharing a room a lot, but never thought of asking like that.

I think she likes you. As has been said repeatedly, it's not a normal level of friendship to share a bed repeatedly.

A girl you are strictly platonic friends with might stand for one or two nights if you guys knew each other well enough, but she wouldn't do it 3 nights a week for an indefinite amount of time unless she was attracted to you. Girls are naive in some ways but they know what getting into a bed with a guy is signalling.

You just need to pick your moment to take the pressure off. If she's religious she might not be okay with fucking right off the bat, or at all, or whatever her beliefs are, so your only real task is to figure out what her expectations are and make sure she doesn't feel pressured into anything she'll regret just because she needs a place to stay.

Only if you're sure she's okay, heat her up and when she's boilling fuck her.
If she doesn't show any interest in your approaches, don't even slip a finger, she might take it very badly.

See my main worry is the moment I try and make a move, I'm very nervous that she'll see my intentions really bad. Like if this whole sleeping over thing wasn't happening, I'd feel a whole lot more comfortable saying something like "Hey, I like you again," but because there's this very heavy action of sleeping together, it worries me. Last thing I want is her thinking I tried playing her just to get her in my bed, and for her to not have a place to stay for her class.

Then don't do it immediately, and don't do it by "confessing" to any sort of feelings for her.

Wait a few weeks and see what you can pick up off of her before you decide whether to leave it or try something, and when you do try something make it taking her out on a date and not just trying to slip a finger in during the night.

Staying at your place complicates the situation somewhat but I think you can still make it work as long as you keep your spaghetti firmly locked in your pockets.

Go into her room and sit in the corner and stare at her all night, if she asks deny deny deny.

Already tried, she called the FBI on me and I'm now mafia boss.

I'd frankly set ground rules. Cut through all the shit and communicate about what is and is not fair game. She could honestly just be trying to find a bed to crash on for a few months and is worried you are going to hit on her. I'd just talk to her openly about it.

I'm a pretty straight forward person. If I was interested in sex, I'd let her know. Straight up. No being coy. Just so we can get past the awkwardness and all that bullshit.