‘We are defending our borders and freedom’: Maduro

Trump must feel threatened that someone in the world is defending their own borders, while neocon Don allows his wall-less country to get invaded non stop.


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Other urls found in this thread:


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Israel is the only country the US will allow to defend its borders. The US will go so far as to send Israel billions in US tax payer funded aid. If a country, including the US, dares to defend its own borders the US goy army will begin to beat the war drums.

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Ok now this is funny

>OH shit socialism fucked up another country
>better spin this into an orange man bad story before the left has to reflect on the effects of its policies!

You are the best goy

>Trump breaking his promise to put America first
>Somehow Trump is BASED for breaking his own promises

magapedes are no different to neocons and should be considered as such

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democrats must be fucking PISSED defending your borders is LITERALLY HITLER

>Foreign country is a shithole
>And it is our duty to go there and spread Freedom&Democracyâ„¢

>unironic sustained shilling under a memeflag
Now this has to be paid

You know, in any other democratic country when there is a huge economical crisis with riots the president just resigns. It happened here in 1989 and 2001. But Maduro won't resign because he is not a democratic leader. He has become a tyrant

Trump could be the better man in this situation..
But this goes above his head. The powers that be will not excuse this. Maybe being a business tycoon he wants it also..

Either way even Trump bows to them ultimately.
They'll press for the subjugation/exploitation of venezuela.

They want to invade just cut a deal with Russia and guarantee Venezuela pays back China 60billion loan and Maduro is out tomorrow. There obviously a greed within the US Government which doesn't want them too...Koch lobbying? Drain The Swamp!

why hasnt macron resigned then?

Same could be said about the UK too
>Leaders ignore the will of the people
>International community SILENT

>defending central banker petrodollar war
>calls others goy

The absolute state.


Marxism really is satanic because it relies on absolute inversion.

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The USA is where the NWO is based and that's why trotskyites like Bolton and Abrams and Pompeo wish to steamroll every nation that does not fall under the boot of the NWO. The end goal is a one world government.

If you are a nationalist you should not support regime change wars, if you respect the nation state as an entity, like Ron Paul does for example which is why he has been calling out neocon Don all the time lately.

Venezuela is none of our business. Notice how many Kikes from Redddit and /ptg/ are trying to shill war now. I swear to God we've been subverted by a Kike President and his Kike fanatics

Cuckservatives are going to get the bullet too

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Oy vey

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The only thing that's getting built these days is Trumps fat wall-et.

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>billioniare boomer cum dump
imagine being such a happy buttfucked peasant

is that commie fucker using our meme????

But Americans are special, surely the won't fuck us over.

Already an estimated 3.5 million Venez refugees.

>defending their borders
they're not allowing their own citizens to leave to get the food aid that is at the other side of the border...

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>Florida needs more brown people apparently

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Isnt it funny that niggas dont want our banks after we war with them?

I don't understand how so many people on here can be this bluepilled all of a sudden.
If this was 2003 there'd be the same anons unironically shilling for invading Iraq and posting 'don't mess with Texas' memes supporting Dubya.



>Trump must feel threatened that someone in the world is defending their own borders
Preventing his citizens to leave

daily reminder that if this fails venezuelans will become "legal" immigrants aka they win more if the coup fails.

We're going to war, boys

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By "defending our borders" he means they are shooting anyone who tries to leave. Just like Stalin.

jesus could you shill any harder? Another fucking trannie on here who's trying to push the false narrative that the right has abandoned Trump. He's a fucking stepping stone. People need to get used to a cult of personality and the concepts of nationalism. Opens the door for more.

So fuck off with your gay shit or provide a real alternative you fag.

Why did America get impatient with Venezuela? All you had to do was wait a few more decades for it to fall to ground on its own. By tampering with them, you just validate their "muh evil imperialism" talking point and suddenly an awful corrupt populist regime is being defended even here on Jow Forums
Why does America even care about Venezuela anyway? What problem is it causing you? Is all the say-say that if you have oil and you are not a total cuck for America you will eventually get invaded true? Also, by destabilizing Venezuela you will create more waves of "refugees" going North

Venezuela is already as unstable as it can be. Massive protests have been going on for years, the recent ones aren't anything new.


another kike fail

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VZ must be taken out for the sake of Saudi Aramco (oil company). When the US declares war on Iran it needs an additional non ME source because the first thing Iran would do is block the strait of hormuz.

So after VZ is gone prepare for war with Iran. That is why Bolton and co are so for this war.

you are retarded, it is the USA's best intrest for Venezuela to pay back china, and to try to kick Russia out. Basically, that venezula is gone we nu-venezula, and we are protected by the usa, old venezula debts means nothing

because china and russia where eat it up, by the time it fails russia and china will own it, thus leaving them a base in the Americas, and a perfect place to place missiles, and a navy. china already owns the panama channel, a base in venezula is perfect. for Atlantic coverage.



The right has abandoned Trump? You sound like a fag who still thinks he elected a president

Inaccurate, Trump abandoned the right:

>Literal communist cares more about demographic replacement than Amnesty Don

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Why dont muricans just nuke them?

holey shit. makes sense
smart anons

So I guess war with Iran might really be happening in our lifetime... I wish somehow they could get their nukes. That would finally stabilize that whole region

Show us your flag tranny shill.
Or better yet fuck off to venezuela
If you live it so much

bolton wants your cum and their oil. not their toasty remains.

>your brain on communism

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The world of democracy is fighting the world of communism for more than a hundred years now. No matter how many tiles we cut thier head off the communist cancer keeps poping up elsewhere. If we dont deel with them quik they will infect our oun countries

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Also, factor in one other thing with the Saudis. Their oil reserves are also running low now, no one knows exactly how low but according to their own numbers, they've now exceeded their maximum amount (predicted in 70s) by a lot. So, it's unknown how much they have left but according to this, all the information is a state secret.

> Available information is predominantly historical (pre-nationalization), from incidental technical publications, or anecdotal. As Ali Al-Naimi states the highly restricted information "...isn't even known within the Kingdom outside of the oil ministry and Saudi Aramco...we continue to consider many details of our oil and gas reservoir characteristics the equivalent of state secrets."



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>wants venezuela for himself
>tells people to go to venezuela in a derogatory way
At last I truly see

>external policy of the most powerfull country on earth is more important than the feefees of some neckbeard nazi
Mindblown. You fags amways talk about israel but never japan, eastern europe or south korea. Japan alone gets more military aid than us

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>user its me your buddy Donald Trump. My friends in the fbi gave me your internet history. Now i see here you insulted our strategic ally in the middle east on mumtiple occasions. Why would you do that? You hate america or something? Want to undermine our influence in the world?
I thought we were to keep america great together. I am very disapointed user, you are no better than those hillary bluewave npcs. Here i thought you were redpilled. Such a shame"

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Hungary? Who is the retarded who made this meme?