This is Irene Zisblatt. She ate diamonds out of her shit to hide them from the Nazis.
Irene Zisblatt is a Diamond
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>Zisblatt. She ate diamonds out of her shit
((( Zisblatt )))
Seems legit.
Jews used to shove gold pouches up their ass when traveling in case raiders beat up happy merchant. That way they could get aid at the next inn as a sort of insurance. Primitive but accurate. Picture cartman and manbearpig.
Ah, makes sense.
>She ate diamonds out of her shit to hide them from the Nazis
what a hero.. lol
i wonder if she kept the habit
I think she made it up. Spielberg sued her or something.
In the story Count of Monte Cristo one of the characters, Charterusse, I think, had his wife ambush and murder a Jew that had purchased a gem from them.
Imagine being the nazi tasked to shift shit to find gold and gems
but now that i think about it hanz would probably just build some efficient machine to do all the work for him
Diamonds are valueless, you can't resell them for any worth, only buy them at hiked up monopoly prices. Hiding them for value is pointless meaning the story is probably fake.
JewTube took off Schindler's Laugh so Schindler's Spongebob will have to do.
It was actually just a penny that she found on the floor.
It most definitely is. I believe she claims they are in a chandelier now.
Post bigger proof that Jews would do anything to protect their shekles.
The old crime show on MSNBC American Greed had an episode called The Black Widows. It was about two Hungarian Jewesses who would lure homeless men into their lives, take our life insurance policies on them, then kill them. These bitches finally got busted because their car that ran a man over was traced to the murder by a piece of broken fuel line clamp. Then, when in the holding tank, they were recorded arguing with each other on how to get their stories straight.
Of course Jews complained and the episode was scrubbed from the internet.
>She ate diamonds out of her shit
o rly?
wouldn't eating diamonds absolutely devastate your digestive tract?
It has been concluded she made the story up.