For some reason I find myself conflicted, I have a hard time getting behind Jesus and Christianity when I see literal Christians being totally fine with giving Israel 30 billion fucking dollars of our tax money every fucking year. How am I suppose to want to support Christianity when you Christians are this cucked? Explain how Christians somehow get on board with giving a fucking foreign nation 30 billion dollars of our children’s money? Also, Jesus was a Jew? Really? Like come the fuck on.. how am I to believe in the Christian religion when it’s literally a disadvantage to me? I’ll wait
I’m having trouble believing in Jesus
Other urls found in this thread:
Shit bait thread, but "charismatic pentecostals" (mostly a televangelists meme) are literally the only denomination that supports the State of Israel at all costs.
It’s not bait I’m legitimately fucking wondering and you’re wrong
It sounds more like you have more of a problem with the vast majority of modern Christians rather than Jesus.
For the most part, Christianity today is very lukewarm, so to speak, and far from the teachings of Christ.
As for Jesus being a Jew; yes Jesus was Jewish, but you need to understand that He was at odds with even the Jewish leaders of His day.
From what I understand those Pharisees were the last real Jews anyway.
Anyone today that claims to be a Jew, but does not accept Christ as their Messiah, is not really a Jew.
If they were really a Jew, then they would recognize Him and would become a Christian.
May I ask you something?
Do you believe in God?
Congratulations, you have more than 2 brain cells. Are you white? That's even better, because white people should not believe in a jewish god, we have our own gods if you want to be religious worship them. Best part? They are almost all gods of war instead of pacifist commies like jewsus.
He is not a Jewish God.
He is the Almighty.
He is God.
He Is The I Am.
He is God over me and God over you.
He is God over all other 'gods'.
He is the Most High.
Praise and Glory be unto Him forever and ever, for He is worthy!
>Jesus says some people will claim to be his followers but won't be
>Some people come along claiming to be his followers but they aren't
>this causes you to doubt Jesus for some reason
But if you believe that then you're saying that God Himself appeared as a jewish man in Judea. That was his form as man he chose over all other races.
That's something I struggle with.
>Hehe good goy don't believe in that jesus guy hehe why do you think we don't celebrate Christmas? Hehe
God to the Jews for 4,000 years:
"You've got a chance to be my people here - don't blow it"
"Hold my beer"
"Because I'm merciful, I'll give you a few more chances"
"Fuck you God"
God...thinking...this isn't working. Imma become a man and go and show them once and for all.
"Fuck you doubly God". Jews kill the Man God, Jesus. Jesus defeats death, defeats Satan and rises. Israel is the church. The church are those that follow Jesus.
The kikes blew it. Like all humainty, they can put their faith in Jesus and repent for salvation, but until that happens, they're under Satan's rule and are isolated from God.
Christians who don't understand this are not Christians and are being deceived by the devil.
Because of your hatred for modern 'Jews'?
They who call themselves such are not what they claim.
They bear no resemblance either physically, spiritually, or otherwise to the Jews of Christ's time.
If you truly believe that the creator of reality itself is a character named Jehova from Jewish scripture who began his covenant with manking by ordering his followers to mutilate the penises lf themselves, their sons, and their slaves, then it shouldn't be too much of a stretch for you to believe that he impregnated a Jew with his corcumcised rabbi son.
Why wouldn't God choose Europeans who are obviously superior to any middle eastern subhumans?
>If you don't worship the God of the Jews, base your religion around the scripture of the Jews, and name your white children after Jews, then you're a Jew
Thats some interesting talmudic reasoning you've got there, spiritual semite.
i grew up in a roman catholic family and always had issue with everything that was taught to us, when the dead sea scrolls were translated and published in English it helped me understand that religions are a control mechanism for stupid people. Years later more people that were researching the legend also came to the conclusion that it was all manufactured over time, the Jesus Christ of Nazareth was just a myth created to replace both Pharisaical and Sadducee judaism during the Levant era. Problem is that it didn't work on people who lack empathy (shitskins) and does on people who do (white people with above average IQ). The fact that the Roman army was tasked with destroying all other places of worship was one red flag, the fact that you were ostracized, excommunicated, or executed for not following the meme is another, but the biggest red flag is that no record of his existence from other historians of that time exists, only those penned by Romans centuries later do.
>Historical Jesus or Jesus Myth: The Jesus Puzzle - The Bible Exposed
>Ten Beautiful Lies About Jesus - Nazareth
by decree of your own bible if you are genitally mutilated you can't get into your heaven.
good game, slave
Become an enlightened agnostic.
Read the Catechis of St Pius X and come back to me.
>No resemblance
The Jews of Yeshu's time practiced genital mutilation; they believed they were the chosen people; they believed that "Salvation is of the Jews"; Yeshu specifically ordered his apostles not to go into non-jewish lands or preach to non-jews; when a non-jewish woman asked Yeshu to help her possessed daughter, he refused until she said that non-jews were dogs begging for scraps of food from the table of their jewish masters; St. Peter refused to even eat a meal in the same room as uncircumcised people.
They don't sound particularly different to me.
Would you ever be able to embrace someone of another race as a brother if they worshiped the same God as you?
More specifically, would you be able to embrace a black or middle eastern man as a brother?
There is no room for hatred in the Christian faith user.
Can you put aside your pride and replace it with compassion and love?
I ask you because that is what Christianity is truly about.
How I try and look at the whole "God" Paradox
we are all eyes in gods head and all living things are a reflection of God experiencing itself.
I forget where this quote is from
I don't have a Bible, but Jehova clearly demands genital mutilation of his followers.
Yeshu was circumcised, all of his apostles were circumcised, St. Peter wouldn't even eat with uncircumcised people. Literally the ONLY person in the history of Christianity to decide that circumcision wasn't required was the jew Saul who never knew Jesus and who got kicked out of the holy land by Peter.
>Believe in some faggot war god instead of Jesus
>Go to hell and suffer for eternity
Oh man what stale and paltry bait, shills aren’t even trying anymore
He is real and He is God user but pretty much most of modern "Christianity" is totally cucked including the fucking "Catholic Church" He only founded 1 church to lead men to salvation which is indeed the Catholic Church but the mainstream version of that church today was destroyed by Vatican Council 2 in the early 60's, everyone can see that, His True Church does live on though, as far as fucking Israel and the Jew's go Catholicism always kept those fucks in check through ghettoes, the inquisition etc... because the Church knew their true destructive nature, these modern day "Christians" are total cucks in their stupid fucking support for "God's chosen people"
They are not my brothers though. I don't hate them or anything, but they cannot live among me. Your civic nationalist bullshit is insolent and is leading to the extinction of my people.
>Go to a place from middle-eastern mythology
Probably not
look into orthodoxy
the modern day "christianity" as you are likely familiar with has been subverted by masonic kikes
the "jews" you speak of are the palestinians, arabs and bedouins of today, you should have already learned this since 2016 when genetic testing proved the ashkenazi were persian in origin and not the middle east.
infant genital mutilation came from the indo-china region as a way to mark slaves as property, the concept was brought to the middle east and taught as a necessity to be part of the tribe
Well to be fair, Jews were fucking based until they rejected Jesus, got their temple destroyed shortly after, and started to drift among the world as merchants and theives
All Jehovanism is completely degenerate. Worshipping man-made mythological characters is unseemly.
19 Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.
16 Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?
17 If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.
1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
Now you are the body of Christ and each one of you is a part of it.
>I don't have a Bible
>defends something he never read
you're the result of trauma based mind control, aka infant genital mutilation, you're nothing but a slave and you act like a proud one too
Try out Islam then
cucked protestants don't represent all Christianity, check out trad Catholics and eastern orthodox
How can your reading comprehension possibly be this bad?
>lets believe in old gods no one really knows anything about today
22 “The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy,your whole body will be full of light.
23 But if your eyes are unhealthy,your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness!
- Matthew 6:22-23
>Worship the God of the Jews
>But Jews reject Christ
>And Christ is God
>So Jews reject God
>so you mean to say that I “worship the God of the people who reject God”
>I can’t into logic
What a fucking brainlet. No wonder there are mostly Catholics on the Supreme Court. The God the modern Jews pray to is a false God.
>This way of worshipping the Jew God is bad, try this better way of worshipping the Jew God
Or maybe just don't follow degenerate sandnigger religions from the middle east?
They were not based. They thought themselves better than the obviously superior Romans who were like 100 years more advanced than their worthless Judea. These cunts made religious laws against coming into a gentile's home because they thought us impure.
They are insolent parasites and always have been. I bear no ill will to Christ, but the jewish race itself is a plague.
Do you worship Jehova? Yes or no?
>The Jews of Yeshu's time practiced genital mutilation
>by decree of your own bible if you are genitally mutilated you can't get into your heaven
Yes, this was practiced by the Jews then and now, but it is not a requirement for salvation.
>he refused until she said that non-jews were dogs begging for scraps of food from the table of their jewish masters
And those were her words, not His.
user, when Christ walked the earth, he was here to establish His kingdom and His Church.
This *had* to have been started with the Jews as they worshiped the true Almighty God, whereas the gentiles of that time worshiped a pantheon of 'gods'.
Yes Jesus refused the woman at first, but once He saw that she had real faith He did as she asked.
sure that's all great and all.
but about the guy that walks on water and burning in hell with jimmy hendrix. This is old and fake
Black Pilled:
I’m a med supremacists and Christ was a med so God chose well
Nords can go fuck themselves under their magic trees for all I care
They don't know that the rabbinic jew was designed by satan, Christian history/practice is more jewish than the modern jews practice/ beliefs. Christ was restoring 1st temple Judaic beliefs which became Christianity, second temple belief became modern Judaism, most Christians are unaware thinking that the jews of today are god chosen because of DNA, they are not.
We are all children of God.
Our flesh may be different, but do you think that our souls are as well?
The cultural traits of Jews were shit then and they are shit now, despite the migration and breeding that has happened in the interim. Now on top of everything else they're incredibly inbred.
id recommend entertaining ideas without believing them as fact. the guy said some pretty alright stuff but you shouldn't suck is kikel for it.
Jews aren't italians or spaniards you retard.
>There is no afterlife
What a Jewish thing to say
It's an allegory of having strong faith.
Mark 4:35-41 King James Version (KJV)
35 And the same day, when the even was come, he saith unto them, Let us pass over unto the other side.
36 And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as he was in the ship. And there were also with him other little ships.
37 And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full.
38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish?
39 And he arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm.
40 And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?
41 And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?
It's your call user but there's countless apparitions and miracles to prove that True Catholicism is the real deal and not "mythological" I suggest fostering devotion to pic related, She's very very real and very very helpful
how many gods are there and do all Japanese people end up in hell? look no further than Scientology to black pill yourself on religion friends
Our moral predisposition comes from our soul or the "heart" of what we are no?
So then the average disposition of people is clearly based on their ontological hierarchy. So yes I think there's a hierarchy based on race. With Aryans at the top on Earth. Although higher beings do exist.
>lets only believe in jewish gods because everyone else does it
ok faggot
Jesus specifically stated that he would begin a new covenant because the Jews rejected him. Christians did not replace Israel as the PHYSICAL covenant, it is a spiritual covenant for all men to be apart of. Replacement theology doesn't make sense from a Biblical standpoint.
But yes, any man who repents of his sin and puts his Faith in Christ with his completed work on the Cross is apart of his flock.
>They are insolent parasites and always have been.
Not true. There is little continuity between modern Jews and the Jews of the Old Testament. Maybe they are ancestrally the same but 2000 years as a diaspora people does change a man
To state otherwise is extremely Jewish.
>I name the sky dirt therefore sky is dirt
Grug, go clean your cave
>Those were her words
To which your circumcised rabbi god-man jew responded: "Woman, you have great faith". He refused to help a young girl possesses by demons until her mother compares goyim to dogs and Jews to their masters.
>circumcision is not a requirement for salvation
According to one single person who never knew Jesus and who got kicked out of the holy land by St. Peter. Yeshu was circumcised- accorsing to your Jewish scripture it was literally THE covenant between Jehova and mankind, the beginning of the communion with God himself, and Yeshu never uttered a single word against it, while the man he declared as the Rock of His Church refused to eat near uncircumcised people.
sucking that kike dick hard user
But his lineage consisted of gentiles too, not just jews. So he wasn't fully Jew.
Not believing in jewish afterlife =/= not believing in an afterlife
I'd rather live forever battling and feasting in Valhalla with my white brothers and sisters instead of sitting in Jewish heaven bowing to the Jewish messiah for a trillion years.
Don't quote things I didn't say, Jew worshipper. The details of your degenerate desert semite mythology have nothing to do with truth.
How is the rule that a gentile cannot enter into the same house as a jew not insolent? What is wrong with you, you are literally deifying a race of people who call you dogs and hate you.
I bear no ill will for Christian teaching per se, but to bend your knee to jewish theology is just silly to me. Why would salvation be of the jews? A disgusting primitive and ugly race?
you got any proof he actually existed? lmfao
Why are you scared to answer the question? Do you worship the God of the Old Testament or not?
Hardly, there were like maybe a few cases. In any case, why would the highest expression of humanity made divinity be mixed? Doesn't that just give credence to the theory that this religion encouraged racial bastardization?
John 2:15 And when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money, and overthrew the tables
John 8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
John 7:1 After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.
John 2:17 And his disciples remembered that it was written, The zeal of thine house hath eaten me up
John 7:24 Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
Because they have been drinking too much fluoride I'm pretty sure we don't like the "jews"
No, you worship a character from Jewish mythology named Jehova. It has no more connection to actual Godhood than Zeus or Ra.
The problem is this, would lets say a Greek be aware of the prophecy written? He as born into a jewish lineage because they would be the first to know and he could use them to spread the word, and he did. Those that disagree became the jews we know today.
I bet you kikes get off on this.
It’d be like a bunch of white guys raiding a black nationalist board claiming their Egyptian God Ra was a “pasty-ass white cracka”. Bet you similarly have lots of fun calling Jesus a “kike”.
Thankfully theological reality isn’t determined by your pathetic predilections
But traditional theology holds that the jewish people are honored in New Jerusalem FOREVER as the pillars of the 12 tribes are made in that new city. And that Jesus retains his man/God form for eternity. That means in this theology God is eternally jewish lol. How does that not utterly cuck Europeans?
I'm sure you don't like Jews. I'm also sure that Sunnis don't like Shiities.
Christianity is a messianic sect of Judaism. Competing sects worshipping the same God always have conflict. There's nothing surprising about that.
You still worship the Jewish God, you still pray to a circumcised semitic Rabbi, and you still name your white sons after Jews. You may very well have a Jewish name yourself.
typical christcuck you're responding to, user. note:
He claims modern jews are not the jews of the bible when it suits his argument, yet he will quote Jesus on how to deal with jews when it suits his argument as well, he is full of contradictions, he will call you a jew when you point out he worships a jew, he will fight tooth and nail to convince you that Jewsus is your Savior, and that non-jews like us can now be Jews and go to Jew Heaven because of Jewsus' "new covenant", he will do mental gymnastics beyond the capability of intellectual honesty. His cognitive dissonance is extreme. He worships a jew yet claims to be the #1 enemy of jews, whether they be modern khazars or the ancient pharisees, he is a fucking moron in all ways.
I don’t worship a Jew. I worship God. Jesus was a Jew, and Jesus is God, but God is NOT Jesus. Get your basic Christian theology down, you’re embarrassing yourself brainlet.
>you are literally deifying a race of people
No, only one man was God
Drop your meme flag kike
>Jesus is God, but God is NOT Jesus
>we were kingz
How did this mutation get its start? Possibly when humans migrated from Africa to Europe. This would explain why only people of European descent have blue eyes. It would also suggest that all blue-eyed people share a single European ancestor.
Now, that's an impressive family tree!
29. Eyes deep Blue
22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!
I saw you used the KJV translation a little later on, I would highly recommend NOT using any other translation to convey a message. Even this translation changes one phrase, it can change the entire meaning. "If therefore thine eye be SINGLE" Clearly states that their eye only needs to be on Christ, not "Healthy"
I'm a leaf. I am just questioning the position of Christian anti kike types.
Yes one man was God and will eternally be God in your view. And that man was genetically jewish correct?
you know less about "theological reality" than you do your own mother's nipple
Real Christians believe in turning Judea back into a Christian state. Not a secular, Jewish or Muslim state but strictly Christian.
The 30 billion happened because 12% of the Senate has Israeli citizenship. Not to mention that money will go to help American companies ean by (you guessed it) the Jews. And that this was never mentioned by any of the Jewish owned news stations by Jewish anchors or on jewtube. Any resistance was also censored by Jewish tech companies. Supporting the 30 billion is for morons, people are against it and more would if they knew about it in the first place.
>I worship Jesus and Jesus was a Jew
>I worship God
Yes, and your God is named Jehova, ths God of the Jews, who began his covenant with mankijd by appearing to the Jewish people and prdering the Jew Abraham to mutilate the genitals of himself, his sons, and his slaves. You read Jewish scripture, honor Jewish prophets, name your children after Jews, and likely have a Jewish name yourself.
Fucking nailed it in the head, Christcucks always change their stance in an argument whenever it’s convenient, which end up contradicting themselves.
Listen to this man OP he knows the answer
You know when people don’t answer you’re Yes or No question, especially when the answer is already known, it is because they know that you are going to use false logic to reach a false conclusion using my response. You can go fuck yourself, I do not worship the God of Ben Shapiro you actual retard.
Christianity is completely true, there's no way around this and no way around the fact that our sins will condemn us if we don't repent. The reason we exist in a world of death and suffering is because of original sin, none of this can be logically explained by any man made religions or philosophical speculatation. You are a finite being, this world is passing yet Christ is eternal
the kike worshipper calls you a kike when you point out he worships a kike
it's so funny, it's like a faggot calling you a homophobe as he sucks you off
>He refused to help a young girl possesses by demons until her mother compares goyim to dogs and Jews to their masters.
That was not the requirement for Him helping, user.
You just quoted exactly what is was that caused Christ to help her.
She had faith in Him.
You look at this scripture and say that Jesus only helped her because she was showing fealty to the Jewish race, but that is not at all what I see here.
I see that a woman came to Christ from a background that did not believe in His Father, yet she still recognized Him as God Incarnate.
Neither you or I can know what she was thinking, but to me, what she said shows that she knew that she had never worshiped the true God all her life and she realized this.
There is nothing wrong with humility and humbling yourself before God.
>According to one single person who never knew Jesus and who got kicked out of the holy land by St. Peter.
I've read the epistles and to me they're very clearly divinely inspired.
In my belief, Paul is as much an apostle as any of the others.
>the man he declared as the Rock of His Church refused to eat near uncircumcised people
And Paul openly rebuked Peter for doing this.
Don't forget that it was Peter that had the vision that truly brought gentiles into the faith.
Try reading Acts 10 if you really care.
Christ is God. It's literally the basis of Christianity. Christ was born of the Jews, but his Salvation was for ALL men.
"For God so loved the WORLD, that he gave his only begotten Son. That WHOSOEVER shall believeth shall not parish, but have ever lasting life."
Yes it is, and no I'm not
I actually do Yeshua as it were i have a strange hypothesis and things are not the way "they" say they are and we've been around alot longer than thought just who are the "jews"
This article is to try to make sense of a puzzling statement of Aristotle (384-322 BCE) that links Jews with India. This statement is recalled in a fragment by Aristotle’s pupil Clearchus who traveled widely and whose inscription on a tomb of a friend is preserved in the Afghan city of Ai-Khanoum
Fingerprint Of A Global Cataclysm 12,800 Years Ago
So you admit you believe that divinity Himself came down as a jewish man? Why?
Why not come to Europeans? And what exactly are "men"? Are there sub men? Are negroes men? Are pygmies with 50 IQ's? Abbos?
>Saying which God you worship is a trick question
lol semitic reasoning will never not be hilarious
>I don't worship the God of Ben Shapiro
Presumably that jew worships YHWH, who appeared to Abraham. The God of Moses, Jonah, David, Solomon, Samson, Job, Isaac, Etc. Do you?
I understand that you believe you worship him DIFFERENTLY, and CORRECTLY, but Sunni and Shiites feel the same way- they're still both worshipping Allah, and you and Shapiro are still both worshipping YHWH, even if you each believe the other is a heretic.
You worship a Jew. Deal with it.
>So you admit you believe that divinity Himself came down as a jewish man?
Perhaps because Euorpeans of that time did not worship the Almighty.
That would be my guess.
You just can’t help but reveal your Jewish sexual perversions
I feel so bad for christ cucks. did you guys all have abusive parents that made you memorize entire tracts of verse for hours each day or something? do you look up to this fantasy kike like he's your dead father you never had? I can't put myself in your shoes, I see the world so much more clearly than your little jewish fantasy land. it's so unreal. do you believe in ghosts and shit too? Just so childish.
Biblical Christians do ONE thing: God's Will. God's will is stated plainly by Christ "Go ye into all the world, preaching the word and baptizing in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Judea was never a Christian state. It belonged to the Jews. Bible Believing Christians only know to preach the word to people that they may know their Sin and Repent. That's it. Christians are merely Pilgrims on Earth, knowing that our time is fleeting and that the Day of the Lord is approaching ever near.